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On the way back from work every evening,...

On the way back from work every evening, more often than not there would be a homeless man standing at the exit of the freeway (快车道). He looked to be in his late 40s but was probably a lot younger. He had shoulder length straight black hair and a short beard.

Every day after work I would remember to gather any spare change, and put it aside to give to him if I saw him. A feeling of joy would come over me every time I saw him, while coming off the ramp (坡道). So did he. Sometimes the red light would be on for a minute and we would ask each other about our day. His answer would always be the same, “I’m blessed!”

Then one day I was called into my boss’s office and was told that I was being laid off. For the rest of that day all I could think of was “how am I going to provide for my kids as a mother, how am I going to pay rent?”

Needless to say that on my way home that day I was very sad and upset. I didn’t remember to look for my spare change and keep it ready like I usually did. Yet there he was as always, as I turned the ramp. He set his eyes on me, while still smiling and waving at others as usual.

While I was waiting for the red light to turn, he strolled (闲逛) over to my car. He had a big smile. He looked at me straight in the eyes and said, “Today I will give you a dollar.” He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill.

You see that day he taught me a valuable lesson more than a dollar bill. No matter what material things are taken from you, no one can take away your choice to be joyful. Every time I’m faced with challenges, I think of the homeless man’s valuable lesson and remember that I am blessed.

1. The writer would have a short conversation with the homeless man when                 .

A. she waited for the red light to turn

B. she gave spare change to him

C. she had a good time that day

D. she wanted to know how he lived

2. Why did the writer feel sad and upset after out of the boss’s office?

A. Because she was criticized by the boss.

B. Because a new job was offered to her.

C. Because she was laid off by the boss.

D. Because there was something wrong with her job.

3.What is NOT true about the homeless man from the passage?

A. He would be seen at the exit of the freeway.

B. He usually smiled and waved at others.

C. He had a deep impression on the writer.

D. He felt joyful only when money was offered to him.

4.The homeless man gave the writer a dollar because                     .

A. he had collected a lot of money B. he wanted to pay back her

C. he knew what she experienced D. he wanted her to be happy

5. The writer learned from the story that                        .

A. a dollar bill will be enough to make you happy

B. each of us has been blessed all the time

C. whenever it is, we should choose to help others

D. it is more than money that brings us happiness


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文作者通过和一个无家可归的人之间的经历明白了一个道理:不管从你身边拿走什么样的物质的东西,没有人能拿走你选择快乐的权利,要始终记住自己是幸运的。 16.1. 2.C细节理解题。根据文中原句Then one day I was called into my boss’s office and was told that I was being laid off.(然后有一天我被叫进了老板的办公室并被告知我被解雇了)可知作者感到伤心和不安是因为被老板解雇了,故选C。 3.D细节理解题。根据全文所提供的信息,这位无家可归的人始终有一种乐观,积极的生活态度,并不是只有别人给他钱时他才感到快乐,所以D的描述是错误的。 4.D推理判断题。作者被辞退后心情不好,这位无家可归的人看到后给她一美元是为了让她高兴起来,故选D。 5. 考点:人生哲理类短文阅读。


Joy是“Heart To  Heart”电台的主持人,是同学们的“知心姐姐”。昨天,她收到一名九年级学生Simon的信,向她诉说了很多苦恼。假如你是Joy,请你回复他的来信。

Simon’s problems

Joy’s suggestions










Dear Simon,

Thanks for telling me about your problems!




Wish you good luck!

Yours sincerely,






What we need:two plastic cups,a ball of thin string(绳子),scissors(剪刀),a pencil.

How to make a string phone:

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A. Tie a knot(打结) in each end to keep the string in place .

B. Cut a string . About ten to twenty meters is OK .

C. Give your friend one of the cups while you take the other . Move away from each other so that the string is straight . Take turns to talk into a cup while the other listens through their cup at the other end .

D. Use the pencil to make a small hole in the bottom of each cup .

E. Put one end of the string through the holes so that the ends are inside the cups .




In my _1. __ (看法),helping others is helping ourselves. This story tells us the truth .

One day, a __2.__  (口渴的)bee went to a river to drink. As he was drinking, suddenly the bee was carried away by the running water in the __3._(小溪). He tried his best to swim towards the bank of the river, but __4.__(失败). His life hung by a single thread . Just at that time , a kind bird flew over. Seeing that the bee was in great _5. __(困境), the bird picked a leaf off the tree and threw it into the river. The bee climbed onto the leaf and it was _6.__ (带来)safely to the land. He was so thankful to the bird for saving his life.

Not long after that , the bird was sitting on the branch of a tree . He didn`t know that not far from him, a man raised his gun and was about to shoot at _7. __(他). However, it happened that the bee saw that. He_ 8.__(意识到) what the situation was like . As quickly as he could, he flew into the man`s _9.__(眼睛)and stung him. The pain in his eyes was so great that the man had to give up shooting at the bird.

In this way , the bee, whose life had been saved by the bird, was_10._(能) to save the life of the bird.




dig  fast   traditional   nine   sky

1.We hope Tony will run __________than any other runner in the sports meeting .

2.Jane’s _______ birthday is coming and I’m planning a surprise party for her.

3.There are a few bird kites flying high in the    .

4.I was teaching Chinese __________ things—kung fu and paper cut in a school.

5.In a park ,some volunteers _____holes to plant trees , some are carrying water to water the trees.



Many people have great difficulty in saying goodbye. But from goodbye moments, we can always learn something.

Once, I overheard (无意中听到) a father and daughter in their goodbye moment. The father said, “I love you, I wish you enough.” The daughter answered, “Daddy, our life together has been more than enough. Your lover is all that I need. I wish you enough, too, Daddy.”

They kissed and she left

The father walked over towards me. I could see he wanted and needed a cry. He came over to me and asked, “Did you ever say a forever goodbye to someone?” Before I could answer, he went on, I am old and she lives much too far away. I know her next trip back would be for my funeral (葬礼).”

“When you were saying goodbye I heard you say, ‘I wish you enough.’ May I ask what that means?”

He began to smile , “It’s a wish that has come down from my great-great-grandparents. And my parents used to say it to me.”

He stopped for a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it. He smiled even more.

“When we said‘I wish you enough,’ we were wanting the other person to have a life full of enough good things.”

Then, turning towards me, he shared (分享) the following “wish” from his heart.

I wish you enough sun to keep you bright .

I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.

I wish you enough happiness to keep you alive.

I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.

I wish enough hellos to get you through the final goodbye.

My friends, I wish you enough.

1.Many people would find it difficult ___________.

A. to say goodbye                    B. to overhear others

C. to share their wishes            D. to live too far away

2. How did the father get the “wish”?

A. The writer wrote it for him.

B. His parents passed it down to him.

C. The teacher taught him at school.

D. His daughter told him about it.

3.From the passage, we may learn _______.

A. the daughter didn’t understand his father

B. the old man didn’t want to see his daughter

C. the writer knew the old man very well

D. the father and daughter loved each other so much

4.The best title of the passage may be “________.”

A. Father and Daughter            B. A Difficult Moment

C. Wish You Enough                 D. A Trip Back Home



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