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Children’s clubs English club Computer c...

Children’s clubs


English club

Computer club

Time:  Monday, Thursday & Friday

9:00 am—11:00 am

Room:  201

Teacher: Miss Liu

Tel:    023—8209643         13698371652

Time:  Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

9:00 am—11:00 am    3:00 pm—5:00 pm

Room:  503

Teacher: Mr. Hu

Tel:    023—68206162/13708356472

Drawing club

Music club

Time:  Monday, Thursday & Sunday

9:00 am—11:00 am

Room:  307

Teacher: Miss Yang

Tel:    023—68206569     13783147258

Time:  Thursday, Saturday & Sunday

9:00 am—11:00 am   3:00 pm—5:00 pm

Place:  Music Classroom

Teacher: Miss Wang & Mr. Zhang

Tel:    023—68202280     13057382119

1.Xiao Ming wants to learn computer, so he can call the number ____________.

A. 023—68206162 or 13783147258

B. 023—68206162 or 13708356472

C. 023—68206569 or 13708356472

D. 023—68202280 or 13057382119

2.You want to learn drawing, so you can go to ____________.

A. Room 201  B. the Music Classroom

C. Room 503  D. Room 307

3.You are free(空闲的)on Thursday afternoon, so you can go to learn ____________.

A. English   B. drawing     C. music    D. computer

4.What time are all the clubs open ?

A. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.    B. 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

C. 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.     D. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

5.Which is right(正确的)?

A. Miss Wang and Mr. Zhang can teach you music.

B. Miss Liu and Mr. Hu can teach you drawing.

C. Miss Yang and Mr. Zhang can teach you English.

D. Miss Wang and Miss Liu don’t know music.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文是几则儿童俱乐部的广告,有英语俱乐部、电脑俱乐部、画画俱乐部及音乐俱乐部,介绍了各俱乐部开放时间、地点、老师及联系电话等等。 1.B 细节理解题。题意:小明想要学电脑,因此他可以打哪个电话号码?A. 023—68206162 or 13783147258;B. 023—68206162 or 13708356472;C. 023—68206569 or 13708356472;D. 023—68202280 or 13057382119根据表格内容,电脑俱乐部的联系电话是023—68206162 or 13708356472,故选B。 2.2】D 细节理解题。题意:如果你想要学画画,你可以去哪儿?A. Room 201;B. the Music Classroom;C. Room 503;D. Room 307。根据表格,画画俱乐部在307房间,故选D。 3.3】C推理判断题。题意:你在星期四下午有空,因此你可以去学什么? A. English英语; B. drawing画画;C. music音乐;D. computer电脑。根据表格内容,星期四下午开放的是music club。故选C。 4.4】A 细节理解题。题意:什么时间所有的俱乐部开放?A. 9:00 a.m.— 11:00 a.m.;B. 3:00 p.m.— 5:00 p.m.;C. 9:00 a.m.— 6:00 p.m.;D. 9:00 a.m.— 5:00 p.m.。根据表格内容,所有俱乐部都在上午九点到十一点开放。故选A。 5.5】A 推理判断题。题意:哪一个是正确的?A. Miss Wang and Mr. Zhang can teach you music.王老师和张老师会教音乐;B. Miss Liu and Mr. Hu can teach you drawing.刘老师和胡老师教画画;C. Miss Yang and Mr. Zhang can teach you English.杨老师和张老师教英语;D. Miss Wang and Miss Liu don’t know music.杨老师和刘老师不懂音乐。根据短语,教音乐的是王老师和张老师,因此A是正确的,故选A。 考点:考查广告类短文阅读。

Hello, My name is Dale. Im 13 years old. This is a photo of my family. Look! This is my father. His name is Tim Brown. He is 45 years old. This is my mother Alice. She is 43 years old. I have a sister and her name is Gina. She is 11 years old. I look like (长得像)my mother and Gina looks like my father. All my family are in the same school. My parents are teachers. They are friendly (友好的) to the students, so the students love them very much. My sister and I are students and we love our school.

1.There are ___ people in Dales family.

A. Three         B. Four         C. Five        D. Six

2.Whats Dales family name?

A. Tim           B. Brown        C. Alice        D. Green

3.Dale and Gina are _________.

A. friends         B. brothers

C. cousins         D. brother and sister

4.From the passage , we know _______.

A. Dales father is not a teacher

B. Dale looks like his father

C. Alice is 45 years old

D. Alice is friendly to her students

5.Whats the best title for this passage(这篇文章的最佳标题是什么)?

A. My parents     B. My sister

C. My family      D. My photo



I m Eric. Welcome to our classroom. You can see a nice classroom. A blackboard(黑板) is on the wall. A map of China and a map of the world are on the wall, too. The map of China is old. But the map of the world is new. There is a teachers desk. An eraser and a ruler are on it.

There are two doors in the wall. Some brooms(扫帚) and a football are behind the door. Fifty desks and chairs are in our classroom. They are our desks and chairs. That is a bookcase. And some books are in it. The students can read them after class but cant take any of them out.

Some flowers are near the window. They are red. We like our classroom. We like our class, too.

1.This passage(文章)is about(关于) ________.

A. our room      B. our classroom

C. my bedroom    D. our school

2.________ are on the wall.

A. A blackboard             B. A blackboard and a map

C. A map of China           D. A blackboard and two maps

3.Where is the eraser?

A. In Erics schoolbag.     B. On Erics desk.

C. On the teachers desk.    D. Under the teachers desk.

4.The underlined(下划线的)word take means(意思是)___ in Chinese.

A. 带走.       B.买              C. 读          D.卖

5.Which is NOT true (正确)?

A. A bookcase is in classroom.

B. Some flowers are red.

C. Eric likes his classroom

D. Erics notebooks are in the schoolbag.




Hey, friends! I’m Alice. I’m an English________ , but I’m in China now. My    ________  is Xu Ruike. These are two    ________   of my family. My father Xu Yajun and I are in the   ________ photo. Xu Yajun is my    ________ Chinese name.    ________   English name is Mike. In the second(第二) photo, you can    ________  three people. They are my mother and my ________ sisters. Their names are Dee, Elly    ________ Lily. Dee is my mother. Elly and Lily   ________ my sisters. They are nice.

1.A. name         B. school      C. girl        D. book

2.A. first name    B. last name    C. family name D. Chinese name

3.A. photos      B. numbers      C. dogs        D. friends

4.A. first         B. last         C. second      D. one

5.A. mother’s     B. father’s    C. sister’s   D. brother’s

6.A. Her          B. Your         C. His         D. My

7.A. say          B. have        C. meet       D. see

8.A. one           B. two          C. three      D. four

9.A. too           B. and          C. well        D. but

10.A. is           B. am          C. are         D. be



_____. Is this your ruler?     Oh, yes. Thank you.

A. Hi         B. Sorry             C. Excuse me       D. OK



My brother Mike is not a (an) ____ boy. His things are always everywhere.

A. nice      B. good       C. tidy           D. English



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