满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

新概念课文默写。 1.This is a photograph ________...


1.This is a photograph ___________our village.

2.Our village is in a valley.

3.It is between _________hills.

4.The village is on a _________.

5.Here is another photograph of the _________.

6.My wife and I ________ walking along the banks of the river.

7.We are on the left.

8.There is a boy in the water.

9.He is ________ across the river.

10.Here is _________ photograph.

11.This is the school building.

12.It is beside__________park.

13.The park is on the right.

14.Some ________ are coming out of the building.

15.Some of them are _________ into the park.


1.of 2.two 3.river 4.village 5.are 6.swimming 7.another 8.a 9.children 10.going 【解析】 试题分析:本文是介绍三张相片的小诗。一张相片是作者村庄的,村庄在两山之间的山谷里;另一张也是这座村庄,作者与妻子在河岸上散步,一个小男孩正在河里游泳;第三张是教学楼的图片,教学楼在公园旁边。 1.of 句意:这是一张我们村子的相片。一张……的相片:a photograph of,故填:of。 2.two句意:它在两山之间。Between指介于两者之间,故填:two。 3.river句意:村子在河的上面。根据下文可知村庄在河上,故填:river。 4.village句意:这是这个村庄的另一幅图。定冠词the特指上文提到过的事物,上文介绍了一张相片,本空还指该相片中谈论的事物“村庄”,故填:river。 5.are句意:我和妻子正沿河岸散步,and连接两个人作主语,谓语用复数形式,故填:are。 6.swimming句意:他在横渡这条河。小男孩正在河里游泳,故填:swimming。 7.another句意:这是另一张相片。指不确定数目中的另一个,用anther。 8.a句意:它在一个公园的旁边。表示“一……”,是不定冠词的用法,故填:a。 9.children句意:一些小孩正从楼房从来。Some后跟可数名词的复数形式,故填:children。 10.句意:一些人要进公园去。进入:go into;由前面的“are”可知,本句是进行时态表将来,故填:going。 考点:考查词汇运用。


1.Jacks things are e_________—on the bed, on the sofa and under the chair.

2.Mary found a schoolbag in the school l_________.

3.I have a sister. She is my mothers d____________.

4.My name is Jack Smith. Smith is my l_________ name.

5.I lost a set of keys. Can you help m_________ find it?

6.There is a p_________ of my family on the wall.

7.The old TV in the room is black and w_________.

8.I like computer games. How a_________ you?

9.—Do you _k________what it is? —Sorry.

10.You can look up a new word in an English-Chinese d_____________.





in,  English , always ,  we,  cousin,  but,  thank ,  number,  teacher,  friend


Hello! My name is Mary. Frank is my _1._______. He is my uncles son. He is an  _2._______ boy. He is 14 years old now. He is a student__3.______ a middle school in Beijing.We are deskmates (同桌) at school. Franks telephone_4.______ is 256-5689. We are good _5.________.

Franks room is very tidy because he likes cleaning(清洁)it. Franks father is a _6.______ in our school. He teaches (教) __7._______ Chinese. And Franks mother is also a Chinese teacher, 8._____ she isnt in our school. Frank has a brother. His name is Mike. They are both students. My English is not good, and Frank 9._______ helps me with it. I 10.______ him a lot for his help. And I hope I can help him Chinese.




1.     I am Millie. My last name is White. I’m an English girl. I’m in Hill Middle School. My telephone number is 522-8936.

2.     Dave is a boy. He is my friend. His family name is Lee. He is from China. He is in Beijing No.1 Middle School. His phone number is 13690839875.

3.     --- Good morning!   --- Good morning!  --- I’m Andy. Whats your name?       --- I’m Bob.

4.     --- Hi!     --- Hi! Is he Eric?    --- No, he is Jack.

5.     --- Hi, Bob.  --- Hi, Ms Green.   ---Whats this in English?  --- Its a notebook.

--- Spell it, please.     ---I’m sorry, I cant.

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Children’s clubs


English club

Computer club

Time:  Monday, Thursday & Friday

9:00 am—11:00 am

Room:  201

Teacher: Miss Liu

Tel:    023—8209643         13698371652

Time:  Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

9:00 am—11:00 am    3:00 pm—5:00 pm

Room:  503

Teacher: Mr. Hu

Tel:    023—68206162/13708356472

Drawing club

Music club

Time:  Monday, Thursday & Sunday

9:00 am—11:00 am

Room:  307

Teacher: Miss Yang

Tel:    023—68206569     13783147258

Time:  Thursday, Saturday & Sunday

9:00 am—11:00 am   3:00 pm—5:00 pm

Place:  Music Classroom

Teacher: Miss Wang & Mr. Zhang

Tel:    023—68202280     13057382119

1.Xiao Ming wants to learn computer, so he can call the number ____________.

A. 023—68206162 or 13783147258

B. 023—68206162 or 13708356472

C. 023—68206569 or 13708356472

D. 023—68202280 or 13057382119

2.You want to learn drawing, so you can go to ____________.

A. Room 201  B. the Music Classroom

C. Room 503  D. Room 307

3.You are free(空闲的)on Thursday afternoon, so you can go to learn ____________.

A. English   B. drawing     C. music    D. computer

4.What time are all the clubs open ?

A. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.    B. 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

C. 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.     D. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

5.Which is right(正确的)?

A. Miss Wang and Mr. Zhang can teach you music.

B. Miss Liu and Mr. Hu can teach you drawing.

C. Miss Yang and Mr. Zhang can teach you English.

D. Miss Wang and Miss Liu don’t know music.



Hello, My name is Dale. Im 13 years old. This is a photo of my family. Look! This is my father. His name is Tim Brown. He is 45 years old. This is my mother Alice. She is 43 years old. I have a sister and her name is Gina. She is 11 years old. I look like (长得像)my mother and Gina looks like my father. All my family are in the same school. My parents are teachers. They are friendly (友好的) to the students, so the students love them very much. My sister and I are students and we love our school.

1.There are ___ people in Dales family.

A. Three         B. Four         C. Five        D. Six

2.Whats Dales family name?

A. Tim           B. Brown        C. Alice        D. Green

3.Dale and Gina are _________.

A. friends         B. brothers

C. cousins         D. brother and sister

4.From the passage , we know _______.

A. Dales father is not a teacher

B. Dale looks like his father

C. Alice is 45 years old

D. Alice is friendly to her students

5.Whats the best title for this passage(这篇文章的最佳标题是什么)?

A. My parents     B. My sister

C. My family      D. My photo



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