满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完型填空 Here is a picture. It is a picture ...


Here is a picture. It is a picture of my   ________  . This is my ________ . My quilt is on it. Two baseballs are under it. They are white ________ . Look at my desk. A ________  is on it. I like computer games. A ________   is on it, too. It’s 9:00. My ________ is in my schoolbag and two ________ are in it. My books are ________the floor. My keys are in the desk. ________ is my ID card? Do you ________  ? Oh, it’s in my English book. I like my room. It’s nice.

1.A. room     B. school      C. family      D. tape

2.A. watch    B. pen         C. bed         D. schoolbag

3.A. keys     B. baseballs C. bags        D. chairs

4.A. photo   B. sofa        C. computer    D. CD

5.A. picture  B. clock       C. dictionary  D. jacket


6.A. books   B. number      C. pencil box D. color

7.A. erasers  B. tables     C. desks        D. bookcase

8.A. in      B. on          C. under        D. at

9.A. What    B. How         C. Where        D. Why

10.A. spell  B. take       C. ask          D. know


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇介绍作者房间的短文。文中描述了作者的东西在房间中所处的位置。 1.A 考查名词及语境理解。句意:这是一幅我的房间的图片。A. room房间;B. school学校;C. family家、家庭;D. tape磁带。下文介绍的是房间中事物的摆放位置,故选A。 2.2】C考查名词及语境理解。句意:这是我的床。A. watch手表;B. pen钢笔;C. bed床;D. schoolbag书包。由后句:My quilt is on it.(我的被子在上面)可以推测出这是床。故选C。 3.3】B考查名词及语境理解。句意:它们是白色的棒球。A. keys 钥匙;B. baseballs 棒球;C. bags书包;D. chairs椅子。由前句:Two baseballs are under it(两个棒球在下面)可知本句是对棒球进行描述,太选B。 4.4】C考查名词及语境理解。句意:一台电脑在它上面。A. photo相片;B. sofa沙发;C. computer电脑;D. CD唱片。由后句:I like computer games.(我喜欢电脑游戏)可知,本句描述一台电脑在上面。故选C。 5.5】B考查名词及语境理解。句意:一只钟也在上面。A. picture 图片;B. clock钟;C. dictionary字典;D. jacket夹克。后句描述的是时间,因此本句介绍的是书桌上有一只钟。故选B。 6.6】C考查名词及语境理解。句意:我的文具盒在书包里,两块橡皮在文具盒里。A. books书;B. number号码;C. pencil box文具盒;D. color颜色。根据句子结构可知,这里指的是可以装在书包里的单数事物,故选C。 7.7】A考查名词及语境理解。句意:我的文具盒在书包里,两块橡皮在文具盒里。A. erasers 橡皮;B. tables桌子;C. desks书桌;D. bookcase书架。能装在文具盒里的东西,故选C。 8.8】B考查介词及语境理解。句意:我的书在地上。A. in在……里面;B. on在……上面;C. under在……下面;D. at在某一个地点。书放在地板上了,故选B。 9.9】C考查疑问词及语境理解。句意:我的学生证在哪儿?你知道吗?A. What什么;B. How怎样;C. Where 在哪儿;D. Why为什么。后面说明了它的位置,用where提问,故选C。 10.0】D考查动词及语境理解。句意:我的学生证在哪儿?你知道吗?A. spell 拼写;B. take拿走;C. ask询问;D. know知道。这是一组自问自答式的表述方式,故选D。 考点:考查生活类短文阅读。

--- Is that woman Ms. Zhang?

--- ________. She’s my aunt.

A. Yes, it is.     B. Yes, she is.

C. No, it isn’t.  D. No, she isn’t.



--- Are these your books?  --- ________.

A. No, they aren’t.  B. They’re my books

C. Yes, they’re      D. Here you are



--- ________?

--- S-U-E, Sue.

A. Do you know Sue     B. Can you spell your name

C. Is it your name     D. How do you spell your name



---Hi, Lily. ______.

---Hi! I’m very well, and you?

A. How do you do?   B. How are you?

C. What’s that    D. Are you OK?



Kim is my ______ name and Miller is my ______ name.

A. family, last      B. last, first

C. first, last         D. full, first



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