满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完型填空。 A French student went to London fo...


A  French student went to London for his holiday. He thought, “I know a little English. I think people can       me.”

One day he went to a restaurant and sat down at the table. He wanted to ________a cup of tea and some eggs. Soon the waiter came up to him, and asked, “Can I help you?” “A cup of tea and…” he could not remember the  ________ word for eggs. He looked ________ him, but nobody was eating eggs. Then he________a picture-book on the table next to him. There was a picture of a cock on  ________ cover(封面). He  ________the picture to the waiter. “What’s the English ________  this?” he asked. “A cock,” answered the waiter. “What do you call a cock’s wife?” he asked again. “A hen.” “And what do you call a hen’s children?” Chicks.” “And what do you call chicks ________ they’re born?” “Eggs.”

“Very well,” said the French student happily. “Bring me two eggs and a cup of tea, please.” And he sat down________  a smile on his face.

1.A. understand    B. know        C. help      D. speak

2.A. drink         B. take       C. have     D. eat

3.A. French        B. Chinese    C. new       D. English

4.A. at            B. for        C. after     D. around

5.A. saw         B. had        C. bought   D. drew

6.A. it            B. it’s       C. its      D. his

7.A. drew          B. put        C. gave      D. showed

8.A. for          B. of          C. in       D. about

9.A. when        B. before     C. after    D. if

10.A. of          B. with        C. in       D. about


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.B 【解析】 试点分析:一个法国学生去英国度假,但他只会一点英语。在餐厅吃饭时,他不知道鸡蛋怎么说,但他想到一个办法。他环顾四周,发现了封面上有只公鸡的图画书。于是他问服务员公鸡出生时叫什么。最终成功的吃上了鸡蛋。 1.A考查动词辨析及语境的理解。句意:我想人们能够理解我。A. understand理解、明白;B. know知道;C. help帮助;D. speak说。前文写到一个法国学生到伦敦度假,但他只会说一点儿英文,但是他认为人们能够理解他。故选A。 2.C考查动词辨析及语境的理解。句意:他想喝杯茶和吃一些鸡蛋。A. drink喝;B. take拿;C. have有;D. eat吃。have后加食物表示“吃、喝”。故选C。 3.D考查形容词辨析及语境的理解。句意:他没记住鸡蛋的英语。A. French法国的;B. Chinese中国的;C. new新的;D. English英语。根据前文写到他只会一点儿英语可知,他不知道鸡蛋的英语是什么。故选D。 4.D考查介词辨析及语境的理解。句意:他看了看周围。A. at在;B. for 为了;C. after在……之后;D. around在周围。look around环顾四周。故选D。 5.A考查动词辨析及语境的理解。句意:然后他看见邻桌有一本图画书。A. saw看见;B. had有;C. bought买;D. drew画画。前文写到他环顾四周,因此是看到了图画书。故选A。 6.C考查代词辨析及语境的理解。句意:在它的封面上有一个公鸡的图片。A. it它;B. it’s它是;C. its它的;D. his他的。根据上下文可知公鸡是在图画书的封面,its指“图画书的”。故选C。 7.D考查动词辨析及语境的理解。句意:他把图片展示给服务员。A. drew画画;B. put 放;C. gave给;D. showed展示。根据前后文可知,这个法国学生为了知道鸡蛋的英文是什么而把图画书展示给服务员。show sth. to sb.表示“把某物展示给某人”。故选D。 8.A考查介词辨析及语境的理解。句意:这个用英语怎么说?A. for为了;B. of ……的;C. in在……里、采用(某种方式);D. about关于。in English表示“用英语”。故选A。 9.B考查连词辨析及语境的理解。句意:那么你们叫刚出生的公鸡叫什么?A. when当……时;B. before在……之前;C. after在……之后;D. if如果。法国学生要问鸡蛋的英文,他用公鸡出生之前来表达。故选B。 10.B考查介词辨析及语境的理解。句意:然后他脸上带着微笑坐下了。A. of……的;B. with随着;C. in在……里;D. about关于。with表示伴随。故选B。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

A: How____ is it from your school to the bus stop?

B: It’s not far, about five kilometers____.

A. far; far        B. away; far

C. far; away       D. away; away



Ruth should get the job because she is _____ than Rose.

A. outgoing       B. more outgoing

C. much outgoing   D. as outgoing as



-Is Mr. Brown living here?

-No, he moved _________ last week.

A. to somewhere else   B. somewhere else

C. to else somewhere   D. else somewhere



—Where is your brother?

—He __________ in the next room.

A. cooks   B. cooking  C. is cooking  D. are cooking



______ readers said they were going to learn a new language.

A. A little  B. Little  C. A  lot  D. A few



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