满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

You should be punished if you to your te...

You should be punished if you       to your teacher.

A. will talk back        B. talked back

C. will talk about       D. talk back


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果你和老师顶嘴的话,你应该被惩罚。此题考查固定短语talk back to sb和某人顶嘴。根据句意,应选D。 考点:考查动词时态。  

Dad, you have worked for so long time. Stop       and have a rest.

A. to work    B. working   C. work    D. works



Whom would you       for the job?

Tom, I think. He’s always careful and serious.

A. suggest    B. remind    C. remember   D. explain



—There’re a few new words in the article?

—What about       in your dictionary?

A. looking it up        B. looking up it

C. looking them up      D. looking up them



—Look, what have you done?

—Sorry. If I       another chance, I’ll do it better.

A. give               B. will be given

C. will give          D. am given



China has many special forms of traditional art, ______ sky lanterns, paper cutting and Chinese clay art.

A. such as          B. instead of

C. except for       D. because of



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