满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was brave of the policemen to get ove...

It was brave of the policemen to get over all the difficulties in that case .Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A. [keis]          B. [ka:s]        C. [kəs]         D. [kæs]


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---在那种情况下,警察解决了所有的困难是非常勇敢的。此题考查发音,因为是开音节,故发/ei/。根据句意,应选A 。 考点:考查单词的读音。  



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任务型阅读  阅读短文,按要求完成各题。

Everyone has their own way to help the people in the quake-hit area. Pop star Allen Su has done more than just donate(捐献)money.

He has made a song called Were Together to make the earthquake victims(地震灾民)happy . I hope my singing will give them the confidence to stay alive and rebuild their homes, he said .He took part in charity events to raise money for the Sichuan people.

Everybody talks about the score(成绩)of 8.5 Su got in his IELTS(雅思)exam .But he doesnt like to speak of it. High test scores dont mean anything, he told teens. The important thing to us is to be able to put our talents to good use.

He spent seven years studying in Australia .He said the experience of finding yourself in a strange place and of having to speak in a foreign language was a challenge. I had no choice but to speak English, he said . But the effect(影响,结果)was that my language skills are really improved.

Su has always gone after what he wants .Now he hopes he can encourage the earthquake victims to face the future bravely. Young people are just at the beginning of life's journey, he said . They have the time and strength to put the past behind them and make something of their lives.

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He has made a song called were Together to                  the earthquake victims.


He spent seven years studying in Australia

It _________him seven years to __________in Australia.


What does Allen Su think is the important thing?




5. 根据短文内容回答问题。(10个词左右)

What can you learn from Allen Su ?




完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。


The cartoon Pleasant Goat and Grey Wolf usually __________ __________ with I’m sure to come back!


I met one of my old friends____________ ____________on a crowded bus.


To achieve our Chinese Dream, we should             theory            practice.


Do you think we must              teenagers              from the Internet?


Some students dont have good studying habits and, their homework                     until Sunday evenings.



改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。

1.I used to be afraid of the dark.(改为否定)

I                   to be afraid of the dark.

2.Tea plants are planted on the sides of mountains.(就句子划线部分提问)

_________  _________tea plants planted?

3. What do you sell online? I asked the young boy. (改写,句意不变)

I ask ed the young boy           he          online.

4.Nowadays, we can communicate with friends anytime and anywhere more easily and cheaply by using the WeChat(微信).改写,句意不变)

Nowadays, it is more          for us to communicate with friends with the          of the Wechat.

5.When we see people dropping rubbish about, we should stop them politely. (改写,句意不变)

People should be stopped politely when they _________  _________ dropping rubbish about.




belong      pick      come      guard       choose



There is a garden in front of a church(教堂) gate . Every day a number of children pass by the garden to go to school , so the flowers  1. from time to time .

One early morning, the pastor ( 牧师  ) stood in the garden 2.  the flowers. Soon , some children came along . A little boy asked the pastor , Can I pick a flower ?”

Which one do you want ?” the pastor asked kindly. The boy   3.  a beautiful one .Then the pastor said ,“Very good . It  4.  to you now .However ,if you leave the flower here ,it can still bloom(花开) for several days ; if you pick it now , you can only play for a while . You are a smart kid , so you choose by yourself .

The little boy thought for a while and said , Then I leave it here, I   5.  back to see it after school.” On that day , more than 29 children agreed to leave the flowers in the garden, but none of them picked the flowers.



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