满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Many people like travelling to some places. They go to hills, seaside or forests. Some people like h1., so they like to visit some o 2. interesting places. In many countries, the travel agency (旅行社) can help you to p3. your holiday. You can tell the travel agency what k4. of holiday you like, how much m5. you want to spend, and the travel agency will give you a lot of information about w 6. to go, how to get there, where to stay, and what kind of activities you can do there. O7.of the holidays is called “Package” holiday. That is, you j8. give them the money for it, and the travel agency will plan e9. for you, including (包括) the ticket for the train or the p10., the hotel, the activities, and so on.


1.history 2.old 3.plan 4.kind 5.money 6.where 7.One 8.just 9.everything 10.plane 【解析】 1. 2. 3. 4.……。kind种类,是一个名词。根据文意可知,当你去旅行社,让它为你计划假期的时候,你应该告诉他们你喜欢什么种类的假期,故应填kind。 5.……。money 钱,名词。根据句中you want to spend可知,旅行时需要花费钱,故填money。 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


It is June 15th, and in two days I will be thirty. I am afraid that my best years will be behind me.

I usually go to the Sports Club to exercise before going to work. Every morning I see my friend Nicholas at the Sports Club. He is seventy-nine years old. I asked him, “ What was the best time of your life ?”

“ When I was a child in Australia and was looked after by my parents , that was the best time of my life. When I was going to school and learning the things I know today, that was the best time of my life. When I got my first job and got paid for my work, that was the best time of my life. When I was a young father, watching my children grow up, that was the best time of my life. And now, Jack, I am seventy-nine years old . I have my health and feel good, this is the best time of my life .


The Best 1. of My Life


At the 2. Club


3._ 4. years old

Nicholas 79 years old


Nicholas’ opinion(观点)

As a child being looked after by his 5.

At school 6. the things

After 7. getting first job and paid for the work

As a young 8. watching 9. grow up

As an old man   being 10. and feel good.




1. The tall and slim man hates _________ in black clothes at the party. (穿着)

2.Lucy ________ goes roller skating on weekends. She doesn’t like it very much. (很少)

3.We should do morning exercises every day to keep _________ (健康) .

4.If you want to know _________, please read the book. (更多)

5.It ________ that children hate listening to the radio.(似乎)

6.Don’t forget to bring your __________ basket. (shop)

7.This pair of trousers looks nice. I want to try _________ on .(it)

8.Teachers tell us snacks are bad for our ________ .(tooth)

9.The students of Class Two go on a picnic _________ a year.(one)

10. We are happy the lion dance at “Festival Week” is ___________. (interest)



This year I am very busy doing my Christmas shopping. I really never find what I want, and many things my daughter wants are not in shops or their price is too high. You know children don’t think about the price much. So I have to buy some online (在网上). I never think about online shopping before now. I have a few friends and they do online present shopping every year. So I ask them for help. First, they tell me to start shopping early. And then you need to be careful (小心) with the delivery charge (运费) because they can be very different. My friends also tell me that online shopping is easy, but I should get into good sites. And last but important, they tell me that if I feel good about a site, there may be a good reason. So they say I need find the reason before I buy things on it.

1.Why does the writer (作者) do online shopping?

A. Because the writer likes it.

B. Because the writer’s friends all do that.

C. Because the price of the things is high in shops.

D. Because it is easy to buy things online.

2.We can learn _______ from the passage.

A. the writer feels free for buying presents

B. the writer’s daughter likes things online

C. the writer is good at buying things online

D. people should start Christmas online shopping early

3.What’s the best title (最好的题目) for the passage?

A. My Daughter.  B. Online Shopping.

C. My Friends. D. Great Christmas.



October 31st is Halloween.Where does Halloween come from? The Celts think October

31st is the last day of their year and they think ghosts come back to Earth on this day.So people treat the ghosts and then lead(带领)them away by wearing strange costumes.Today a lot of people around the world celebrate this old festival.They usually have parties, dress up and tell stories about ghosts.Children play games at Halloween parties.

Here are some games for children:

1.Ask your friends to bring a pumpkin lantern to the party. Give a present for the best one.

2.Hide some small pumpkins in the garden and play “Find the pumpkin”.

3.Get apples out.Put lots of apples in the water and then try to get them out! But no hands !

4.Tell ghost stories.Sit around on the floor and share exciting ghost stories with your


1.What do children do at Halloween parties?

A. They eat a lot of apples.

B. They tell stories about ghosts.

C. They look for their friends.

D. They play with ghosts.

2.Which is RIGHT according to(根据) the passage?

A. All people around the world like Halloween.

B. October 31st is the 1ast day of a year.

C. “Find the pumpkin” is one of the games for children at Halloween parties.

D. Children sit around on the floor and tell stories to ghosts.

3.What does the word“hide”mean in Chinese?

A. 寻找           B. 选择

C. 种植           D.隐藏

4.This passage is about____________.

A. when Halloween is and ghost stories

B. when Halloween is and Halloween games

C. where Halloween is from and ghost stories

D. where Halloween is from and Halloween games



People eat different things in different countries.

    In some countries, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it twice or three times a day for breakfast, lunch and supper. Some people do not eat some kinds of meat. Muslims, for example, do not eat pork.

    Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the sea. So it is easy for them to get fish.

    In the West, such as England and the USA, the most important food is potatoes. People there can cook potatoes in many different ways.

    Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything else from animals. They eat food only from plants(植物). They say the food from plants is better for us than meat. These people are called vegetarians.

1.In some countries, people eat _______every day.

A. fish          B. Vegetables

C. fruit         D. rice

2.Why do Japanese eat lots of fish?

A. Because they like fish better than the other food.

B. Because it is easy for them to get fish.

C. Because fish can give them lots of calories(热量).

D. Because there is no other food.

3.What is the most important food in some Western countries?

A. Fish.          B. Potatoes.

C. Vegetables.    D. Fruit and vegetables.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. People in different countries eat different food.

B. Food from plants is better for us than meat.

C. Muslims are vegetarians.

D. People in some Western countries can cook tomatoes in many ways.



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