满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Could you go and ________ the new books ...

Could you go and ________ the new books for me?

A. take     B. catch     C. get      D. put


C 【解析】句意:你能帮我去拿那些新书吗?take带走;catch抓住;get取到,拿到;put放。根据句意可知,这里是去取那些新书,故应选C。  

She always __________ a green dress.

A. dresses    B. wears

C. is        D. puts on



______ 8: 00 now. Let’s ______ our Chinese.

A. He’s; do     B. He’s; have

C. It’s; have    D. It; have



Doctors say we need more fruit and vegetables to be ________ because _______ is very important.

A. healthy; health     B. healthy; healthy

C. health; health       D. health; healthy



--- __________your twin sister’s name Sandy?

--- Yes, _______ is.

A. Are; she       B. Are; it

C. Is; she        D. Is; it




1.A. many    B. lazy       C. radio     D. taste

2.A. Geography B. question   C. tennis     D. dress

3.A. learn     B. uncle     C. different D. present

4.A. mangoes  B. notes     C. lives     D. stories

5.A. sweater   B. really     C. bread    D. ready

6.A. football B. goodbye   C. book       D. pool

7.A. salt     B. always     C. walking    D. also

8.A. think     B. thin      C. there     D. month

9.A. hope    B. shop       C. over      D. hero

10.A. cute     B. study    C. club     D. fun



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