满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

People eat different things in different...

People eat different things in different countries.

In some countries, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it twice or three times a day for breakfast, lunch and supper. Some people do not eat some kinds of meat. Muslims, for example, do not eat pork.

Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the sea. So it is easy for them to get fish

In the West, such as England and the USA, the most important food is potatoes. People there can cook potatoes in many different ways.

Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything else from animals. They eat food only from plants(植物). They say the food from plants is better for us than meat. These people are called vegetarians.

1.In some countries, people eat _______every day.

A. fish     B. vegetables    C. fruit     D. rice

2.Why do Japanese eat lots of fish?

A. Because they like fish better than the other food.

B. Because it is easy for them to get fish

C. Because fish can give them lots of calories.

D. Because there is no other food.

3.What is the most important food in some Western countries?

A. Fish         B. Potatoes

C. Vegetables.  D. Fruit and vegetables.

4.The underlined word "vegetarians" means "_______" in Chinese.

A.只吃素食的人  B. 只吃荤食的人

C.研究素食的人  D.种植蔬菜的人


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 【解析】 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中In some countries, people eat rice every day.可知在一些国家,人们每天都吃米饭。所以该选D。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the sea. So it is easy for them to get fish可知日本人吃很多鱼。他们在海边。所以他们很容易得到鱼,因此该选B。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段中In the West, such as England and the USA, the most important food is potatoes.可知在一些西方国家最重要的食物是土豆。所以该选B。 4.词义猜测题。根据Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything else from animals. They eat food only from plants(植物). They say the food from plants is better for us than meat.的描述可知可知"vegetarians"指的是只吃素食的人,所以该选A。


In the United States, every year, Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November. Because Canada is to the north of the United States and is colder, the harvest comes earlier in a year. In Canada, people have Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday in October.

The harvest brings a lot of food to people. On Thanksgiving Day, people in Canada and America like to have a big meal with their friends and family just like Chinese people do at the Mid-Autumn Festival. Many Canadians and Americans put flowers, vegetables and fruits around their houses to say "Thank you" for the harvest. At a Thanksgiving Day dinner, many Canadians and Americans eat turkey, potatoes and pumpkin pies. These food are like the food of many years ago. They say "Thank you" for the harvest that comes every year.

1.In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of_______.

A. January      B. May     C. November     D. December

2.Canada has Thanksgiving Day earlier in a year because

A. they like flowers         B. the harvest comes earlier

C. they have a big meal      D. they want to be different

3.What do people usually say on Thanksgiving Day for the harvest?

A. Good morning.           B. I'm hungry.

C. Hello.                  D. Thank you.




Everyone in China   Mid-Autumn Day . It usually comes    September or October .      that day everyone eats moon cakes . A moon cake is a delicious , round cake . It       like the moon . There are many different kinds of moon cakes . Some     nuts(坚果) in them , and some have meat and eggs . My friend Li Lei likes the moon cakes      meat . But I think the      with nuts in them are nicer . Han Meimei      the nicest come from Guangdong.

night , families often stay in the open air near their houses . There they look at the moon and eat the moon cakes .How delicious       are !

1.A. like     B. is like     C. likes      D. looks like

2.A. in       B. on          C. at         D. of

3.A. in       B. At          C. By       D. On

4.A. look     B. looks       C. be       D. is looking

5.A. has      B. haves       C. have       D. with

6.A. have     B. has         C. with       D. in

7.A. one      B. cake        C. meat       D. ones

8.A. say      B. says        C. to say     D. is saying

9.A. In      B. On        C. At         D. After

10.A. It      B. Its         C. Them       D. They



- Happy Halloween, Kitty!


A. Yes, I'm very happy

B. Thanks. The same to you

C. OK, you're right

D. Not at all



My father often gets up ________7:30________the morning, ________Sunday.

A. in; at; on   B. at; on; in

C. in; on; at   D. at; in; on



How many _______do you want?

A. glass of apple juice

B. glass of apple juices

C. glasses of apple juice

D. glasses of apples juice



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