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任务型阅读。阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。 Eating habi...


Eating habits are different in different countries. The Chinese have a saying “Eat good things for breakfast, eat a big meal for lunch, but eat less at dinner.” Many people in the USA agree that one starts a day with a good breakfast, but their ideas about lunch and dinner are different.

Most people in America only give themselves a short time to have their lunch, so they eat a small lunch. After work, they can have more time to eat a big dinner. Also a quiet dinner at home with all the family talking about their day is a way to take a good rest after a long, hard day of work.

Eating at restaurants is also different. In China, very often you can hear people talking and laughing loudly, and they are just having a good time. In America it is not like this. They usually eat a good meal far away from the noisy places. If they are making some noise, other people in the restaurants will look at them angrily, even the manager (经理) of the restaurants will ask them to be quiet.

1. eating habits in different countries


Having three 2. at home

3. at restaurants


They have a good breakfast.

They eat a big lunch.

They don’t eat4. at supper.

They often talk and laugh 5. when they are eating.

They will show 6. happy they are if they do like this.


They start the day with a good breakfast, too.

They never have their lunch for a 8. time.

They like a big dinner at home, talking about their day after work.

They enjoy their dinner in a 9. place and talk softly at dinner.

If someone10. some noise, others in the restaurants will feel unhappy.


1.Different 2.meals 3.eating 4.much 5.loudly 6.how 7.Americans 8.long 9.quiet 10.makes 【解析】 1.根据短文第一句话Eating habits are different in different countries.可知不同国家的饮食习惯是不同的。所以填写形容词Different,不同的。 2.根据本列下文内容可知是在介绍在家中吃三餐的习惯,所以填写meals。 3.根据本列下文内容可知是在介绍在饭馆吃饭的习惯,所以填写eating。 4.根据第一段中“Eat good things for breakfast, eat a big meal for lunch, but eat less at dinner. 可知中国人在晚餐不吃得太多,所以填写much。 5.根据第三段中In China, very often you can hear people talking and laughing loudly, and they are just having a good time.可知中国人在餐馆吃饭时,你经常能听到人们在大声说话和大笑,所以所以填写loudly。 6.根据第三段中In China, very often you can hear people talking and laughing loudly, and they are just having a good time.可知中国人在餐馆吃饭时,你经常能听到人们在大声说话和大笑,这表明他们很开心,所以填写how。 7.根据上一行邻居中国人吃饭时的习惯可知该行是在介绍美国人吃饭时的习惯,所以填写Americans。 8.根据第二段中Most people in America only give themselves a short time to have their lunch可知美国的大多数人只给自己很短的时间吃午饭,所以填写long。 9.根据最后一段中In America it is not like this. They usually eat a good meal far away from the noisy places.可知美国人在餐馆吃饭时通常在远离喧闹的地方保持安静,所以填写quiet。 10.根据短文最后If they are making some noise, other people in the restaurants will look at them angrily, even the manager (经理) of the restaurants will ask them to be quiet.可知如果他们发出噪音,在饭店里的其他人会生气地看着他们,连餐馆的经理也会让他们安静下来。所以填写makes。

Once there is a boy in London. His name is Jimmy. He starts painting when he is three years old, and when he is five years old, he is already very good at it. He paints many beautiful and interesting pictures, and a lot of people buy his pictures. They say, “This boy is going to be famous when he’s a little older, and then we’re going to sell these pictures for a lot of money.”

Jimmy’s pictures are different from others’ because he never paints on the whole of the paper. He only paints on half of it, and the other half is always empty.

“That’s very clever,” people say. “No other painters have ever done that!”

One day someone asks Jimmy, “Please tell me, Jimmy, why do you only paint on the bottom (底) half of the paper, but not on the top half?”

“Because I’m small,” Jimmy says, “and my brushes can’t reach very high.”

1.How are Jimmy’s pictures?

A. Beautiful.

B. Interesting.

C. Bad

D. Beautiful and interesting.

2.Which part of paper did Jimmy paint?

A. The whole of the paper

B. The top half.

C. The bottom half

D. The middle part.

3.Jimmy only paints half of the paper because ____________.

A. he was very clever.      B. he was very short.

C. he was very tall.        D. he was very big.



People eat different things in different countries.

In some countries, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it twice or three times a day for breakfast, lunch and supper. Some people do not eat some kinds of meat. Muslims, for example, do not eat pork.

Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the sea. So it is easy for them to get fish

In the West, such as England and the USA, the most important food is potatoes. People there can cook potatoes in many different ways.

Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything else from animals. They eat food only from plants(植物). They say the food from plants is better for us than meat. These people are called vegetarians.

1.In some countries, people eat _______every day.

A. fish     B. vegetables    C. fruit     D. rice

2.Why do Japanese eat lots of fish?

A. Because they like fish better than the other food.

B. Because it is easy for them to get fish

C. Because fish can give them lots of calories.

D. Because there is no other food.

3.What is the most important food in some Western countries?

A. Fish         B. Potatoes

C. Vegetables.  D. Fruit and vegetables.

4.The underlined word "vegetarians" means "_______" in Chinese.

A.只吃素食的人  B. 只吃荤食的人

C.研究素食的人  D.种植蔬菜的人




In the United States, every year, Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November. Because Canada is to the north of the United States and is colder, the harvest comes earlier in a year. In Canada, people have Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday in October.

The harvest brings a lot of food to people. On Thanksgiving Day, people in Canada and America like to have a big meal with their friends and family just like Chinese people do at the Mid-Autumn Festival. Many Canadians and Americans put flowers, vegetables and fruits around their houses to say "Thank you" for the harvest. At a Thanksgiving Day dinner, many Canadians and Americans eat turkey, potatoes and pumpkin pies. These food are like the food of many years ago. They say "Thank you" for the harvest that comes every year.

1.In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of_______.

A. January      B. May     C. November     D. December

2.Canada has Thanksgiving Day earlier in a year because

A. they like flowers         B. the harvest comes earlier

C. they have a big meal      D. they want to be different

3.What do people usually say on Thanksgiving Day for the harvest?

A. Good morning.           B. I'm hungry.

C. Hello.                  D. Thank you.




Everyone in China   Mid-Autumn Day . It usually comes    September or October .      that day everyone eats moon cakes . A moon cake is a delicious , round cake . It       like the moon . There are many different kinds of moon cakes . Some     nuts(坚果) in them , and some have meat and eggs . My friend Li Lei likes the moon cakes      meat . But I think the      with nuts in them are nicer . Han Meimei      the nicest come from Guangdong.

night , families often stay in the open air near their houses . There they look at the moon and eat the moon cakes .How delicious       are !

1.A. like     B. is like     C. likes      D. looks like

2.A. in       B. on          C. at         D. of

3.A. in       B. At          C. By       D. On

4.A. look     B. looks       C. be       D. is looking

5.A. has      B. haves       C. have       D. with

6.A. have     B. has         C. with       D. in

7.A. one      B. cake        C. meat       D. ones

8.A. say      B. says        C. to say     D. is saying

9.A. In      B. On        C. At         D. After

10.A. It      B. Its         C. Them       D. They



- Happy Halloween, Kitty!


A. Yes, I'm very happy

B. Thanks. The same to you

C. OK, you're right

D. Not at all



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