满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

单词辨音。从每小题四个选项中找出画线部分读音不同的单词。 1.A. cute B...


1.A. cute     B. club      C. fun       D. luck

2.A.change  B.snack    C.plan      D. carrot

3.A. mango     B. orange    C. pencil    D. paint

4.A. ground    B. around    C. country   D. about

5.A. salt      B. always    C. also      D. tall

6.A. minute   B. music     C. menu      D. supermarket

7.A. away      B. says      C. player    D. stay

8.A. chocolate B. match     C. school   D. change

9.A. down     B. brown     C. how       D. Window

10.A. kilos    B. beans     C. sweets    D. pears


1.A 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 【解析】 1.A. cute/ ju:/ B. club/ ʌ / C. fun/ ʌ / D. luck/ ʌ /故选A。 2.A.change/ eɪ / B .snack / æ / C .plan / æ / D. carrot/ æ / 故选A。 3.A. mango / ŋ / B. orange / n / C. pencil / n / D. paint/ n / 故选A。 4.A.ground/ aʊ / B. around / aʊ / C. country/ ʌ / D. about/ aʊ /故选C。 5.A.salt / ɔ:l / B. always / ɔ:l / C. also / ɔ:l /D. talk / ɔ:/故选D。 6.A.minute/ I / B. music / ju:/C. menu / ju:/D. supermarket/ ju:/故选A。 7.A.away / eɪ /B. says / e / C. player / eɪ /D. stay / eɪ /故选B。 8.A.chocolate / ʧ / B. match / ʧ /C. school/ k / D. change / ʧ /故选C。 9.A.down / aʊ /B. brown/ aʊ / C. how/ aʊ / D. window / əʊ /故选D。 10.A.kilos /z / B. beans /z /C. sweets /s /D. pears/z /故选C。

Jack was a pumpkin farmer. He lived in a big house on the edge of a town and grew the largest

Pumpkin farm around the town. Jack’s pumpkins were famous , for they always had the perfect shape and never rotted ( 腐烂  ) until well after Halloween . Every year around Halloween , people came from all over the town to buy his pumpkins to make their jack-o-lanterns ( 南瓜灯)

One year, Jack was thinking about his pumpkin harvest ( 收获  ) of the year when his good friend Pete came to visit him.

I have some bad news , Jack ,” Pete said.

“What is it ? Jack asked . a little worried.

The town decided not to have Halloween this year! They said there was simply no reason for it and they didn’t have time to celebrate it because many other holidays were coming up soon . Peter told him. He knew this was very bad news for jack.

Jack became very sad and lowered (低垂 ) his head  . “What can I do now , Peter?” I have all these beautiful pumpkins and I can’t keep them until next Halloween .”

Peter replied, Well , there are always pumpkin pies and pumpkin bread for other holidays.”

Jack was worried and said, “I sell most of my pumpkins for the Halloween . I can only sell a few pumpkins during the rest of the year. And Pete, it’s not so much about the money . I live a simple life out here in the country and I don’t need much money . But I feel happy every year when thousands of people get my pumpkins and take them and make them into beautiful jack-o-lanterns.

Now all these pumpkins will be useless because people won’t make jack-o-lanterns this year. oh, this is very bad news .” Jack began to weep . large tears ran down his face.

1. Jack’s pumpkins were famous because they have the perfect ______________.

A. colour    B. size   C. shape   D. taste

2.What was the bad news that Peter told Jack?

A. Bad weather would come and it was bad for Jack.

B. Too many pumpkins rotted away’

C. The town decided not to have Halloween this year.

D. There was a bad pumpkin harvest this year.

3.I live a simple life out here in the country. Here “simple” Chinese meaning is _______

A.  富有的   B. 苦难的   C. 简单的   D. 复杂的

4.Which sentence is right?

A. Jack keep the pumpkins until next Halloween.

B. This year he will sell most of his pumpkins for the Halloween.

C. He feels happy when people get his pumpkins

D. Jack needs a lot of money every year.

5.The best title for this passage is __________.

A. Who is Jack ?         B. What is Halloween?

C. When is Halloween?   D. Bad news came.



Animals do many different, amazing things to get through the winter. Some of them migrate(迁徙).Many birds migrate in autumn. Because the trip can be dangerous, some travel in large groups. For example, geese (鹅) fly in noisy, “V”-shaped groups. Other kinds of birds fly alone.

Some animals stay active in winter. They must change themselves as weather changes. For example, a kind of rabbits grow white fur (毛) to help them hide in the snow.

It’s hard to find food in winter for animals. Some animals, like mice, collect lots of food in autumn. Some animals eat different kinds of food as the seasons change. The red fox eats fruit and insects

in spring, summer and autumn. In winter, it cannot find these things, so it eats small animals instead.  Some animals hibernate(冬眠) for part or all of the winter. This is a special, very deep sleep. The animal uses very little energy. In autumn, these animals get ready for winter by eating much more food than in summer and storing it as body fat. Squirrels store food like nuts to eat later in winter. Bears and some bats hibernate.  Cold-blooded animals like fish, frogs and snakes have no way to keep warm during the winter.  Snakes find protection in holes, and spend the winter without moving during the whole season.

1.Many birds travel in large groups because _______.

A. they can easily find food this way

B. there is danger everywhere

C. they can get warm at night

D. they will not feel lonely

2.Rabbits spend the cold winter by _______.

A. eating a lot     B. storing a lot of food

C. running often    D. growing white fur

3.In winter, snakes _______.

A. move slowly     B. eat a lot

C. hide in holes   D. eat frogs

4.Some animals like squirrels _______.

A. eat nothing in winter

B. collect nuts in autumn

C. get fat after winter

D. change their food in winter

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. How Do Animals Spend the Winter?

B. Why Do Animals Spend the Winter?

C. How Do Living Things Get Food in Winter?

D. Where Do Living Things Move in Winter?



书面表达请根据以下提示,以“Tom's lifestyle”为题,写一篇不少于50词的短文。






Tom's lifestyle











______________________at 9.00 tomorrow morning. I __________________________.


It’s ___________________________learn____________________________________.


Don’t ________________________________________________________.

4.That boy with glasses often _________________ (捉弄)his sister.

5.感谢你帮我准备晚饭。  Thank you for _______ me ______ ________ ________ supper




On weekdays Mary gets up at 5:30. She d1.herself, washes her face and does morning e2.. She has breakfast at 6:30 and then she goes to school. She goes there b3. bike. She gets to school at about 7:15 every day. She doesn’t like to be late. Classes b4. at 8:00. In class she l5. to the teachers carefully, and she works hard at her lessons. She usually has bread and a glass of milk in the middle of the day. Classes are o 6. at 4:30. After class she likes dancing and s7.. Sometimes she throws a Frisbee (飞碟) w8.her classmates. She gets home at 5:30. In the evening, her parents come back from w 9.. They have supper at 7:00.

In the evening she does her homework. S10. she watches TV or reads storybooks. She goes to bed at ten. This is Mary’s school day.



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