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书面表达 假如你是Han Mei, 下面是一封你的笔友Alice 给你发来的e-...


假如你是Han Mei, 下面是一封你的笔友Alice 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。

提示词语:listen to, mother's love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile



Dear Han Mei,

I'm afraid I've got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me, Be careful while crossing the street. Put on more clothes. Did you do a good job at school? and so on. I'm annoyed(烦恼). What shall I do?



Dear Alice, As a teenager, I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you. Your mother talks much, because she cares about you. Maybe it's not a good way, but it shows your mother's love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mother's, you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking about. If your mother doesn't take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile. I hope what I say here can help you a lot. Han Mei 【解析】 试题分析:本文必须先弄懂所给的英语短文的大概意思,所写的电子邮件要符合邮件的格式,要给爱丽丝交流自己的观点,并帮她排忧解难。所写的句子要符合句子的语法。 写作亮点:短文用了一些短语和句式,如:But now I can get along better with my mother.So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mother's, you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking about.用了连词if,that,what引导的从句,增加了文章的亮点。 考点:话题作文。  



The history of Talk Like a Pirate Day

John Baur and Mark Summers started the holiday in 1995. The idea came to them when one of them got hurt (受伤) in a game and cried out “Arrrr!”. They thought it would be fun if people talked like pirates (海盗) in a whole day. They chose  September 19th because it was Mark’s wife’s birthday and he thought it would be easy for him to remember. At first it was just something they did for fun. In 2002, the columnist (专栏作家) Dave Berry wrote something about it and the day became famous. Now a lot of people celebrate the day because it’s fun.

How to talk like a pirate

You need to speak a lot of words loudly with a scowl (怒容) on your face. Say “Arrrrr!” every now and then. Here are some pirate words you can use on that day:

Ahoy! Hello    ◆Aye! Yes

◆Colors Flag     ◆Matey Friends

◆Avast! Stop

◆Savvy? Do you understand?

◆Yo-ho-ho Feel good

◆Ye Use this instead of “you”

◆Aft The back of the ship

◆Bilge Bottom of the ship

◆Fore Front of the ship

◆Port Left side of the ship


1.John and Mark started the holiday    years ago.

A. 7    B. 10   C. 15   D. 17

2.To celebrate the holiday, people need to    .

A. learn some pirate words  B. learn to sail on the sea

C. dress up like pirates    D. have their own ships

3.The holiday became famous because of    .

A. a game  B. a pirate   C. a song      D. an article

4.If a pirate shouts “Yo-ho-ho”, it means he is         .

A. angry   B. happy      C. surprised    D. sad

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Mark’s wife was born on September 19th.

B. John and Mark started the holiday because it was fun.

C. “Bilge is broken” means there’s something wrong with the front of the ship.

D. If you want to say hello to your friends on the day, you can say “Ahoy, matey!



Most children don’t enjoy doing housework. They like playing computer games rather than cleaning the rooms. But in Australia, Jim and Robert’s mother, Mrs Black, has good and proper methods to get their children to do housework.

Here is an example.

“Mum, have you worked out next week’s housework? Let Jim and me choose the cards I can’t wait. It’s fun!”

When Robert shouted out, his mother had already put all the cards on their big table. On the cards, there are some words like these, “sweep the floor, clean your bedroom, help mum cook, wash vegetables, make beds, feed the fish, cut the wood, clean the bathroom” and many others, Jim and Robert chose two cards for each day from Monday to Friday. Then they would hang them on the week day task board. Jim likes to clean the bathroom, so he picked up the card “clean the bathroom”. Robert loves to make the bed so he picked up his favorite card. Jim again picked up “wash vegetables” and Robert chose “feed the fish”. Soon the two boys were happy to take away all the cards

To help the children do housework, their mother thought hard and came up with this idea. Of course, the parents did the housework on the weekends and left Jim and Robert two days free.

1.From the passage we know that most children like       .

A. doing housework  B. playing computer games

C. playing cards   D. doing housework

2.Jim and Robert chose        card for the weekdays from Monday to Friday.

A. two      B. four      C. eight     D. ten

3.Jim likes to           .

A. clean the bathroom  B. make the bed

C. feel the fish      D. sweep the floor

4.The underlined phrase “came up with” probably means “         ”.

A. looked at     B. gave up

C. thought of    D. believed in

5.Who did the housework on the weekends?

A. Jim          B. Robert

C. The parents  D. The whole family




Children know that summer is probably the most fun of all seasons. 1.____, especially, for children aged 14 and under. In the first study of children’s safety in the US, the National Safe Kids Campaign(运动) (NSKC) found that nearly half of the injury-related (与受伤相关的) deaths among children happen in summer.

2.______. They always know summer is a dangerous season for children. During the summer, children are out of school and spend more time outdoors. 3.____. “While we encourage children to be active and spend time outdoors, they need to understand the importance of safety.” Said Everett Koop, an expert of the NSKC.

4._____, the NSKC started a “Make it a Safe Kids Summer” Campaign during National Safe Kids Week, from May 5 through May 12. Here are some important summer safety tips from the NSKC:

Always wear your seat belt.

Make sure there is an adult around when you decide to go swimming.


Obey all traffic laws.

A. They are more likely to get into an accident or be injured.

B. To help children stay safe.

C. Experts are not surprised by the study’s results.

D. However, experts say it is also the most dangerous.

E. Wear a life jacket (救生衣) when on a boat or doing water sports.

F. Children can’t go outside in summer.





Almost every child in cities has the chance to go to school, but not all children in the countryside are so lucky.

There is a girl called Xiao Juan. She is ten years old and lives in a small village. When she was seven, she wanted to go to school. But she could not, because her family was too poor to afford the 2school fees for her, so her parents had to keep her at home. Instead of studying, Xiao Juan looked after her brother and worked in the fields every day. Then Hope Project heard about Xiao Juan. It agreed to help Xiao Juan to go to school. Her wish of study came true, and now she is studying in a school.

Unluckily, there are many thousands of children who can not go to school. You can join in Hope Project and help these children. You know all the good work needs money. Hope Project needs your help.

If you give Hope Project ¥300 each year, it can pay for one child to go school for a whole year. With more money, Hope Project can build new schools; buy good desks, chairs, blackboards and books. Let’s help the children together and give them a chance to have a good start in life.

Information Card

1.Where does Xiao Juan live?


2.What’s the Chinese meaning of “school fees”?


3.What did Xiao Juan do before she goes to school?




5.What is the purpose of Hope Project?





It is Saturday tomorrow, but I am going to school. I am not 1.g_________ for lessons, but to play football. I am in our school team and we are going to play 2.a_________ another school next week. The practice starts at 10 am. We all arrive as 3.e_________ as we can so that we have time to4.w_________ up. We are training 5.h_________ than usual because the other team beat us last year. This year we want to do 6.b________.

It is more7.d_________ to practice in winter because the days are short and the weather is cold too. It gets dark 8. e_________ , so it is important not to be late for after-school practice.

Our coach is pleased because we are playing better9.a_________ a team now. Last year we were sometimes 10.c_________ when we passed the ball and we lost to the other team in the final match. What a pity! This year we practise more carefully . That means we have a better chance of 11. w_________.

The fan club has12.f_________ people this year. We hope to play well so that we have more fans to watch the matches . It is good to have our fans around. They cheer us on 13.l_________ and we feel more confident to win the game.



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