满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

翻译句子 1.你是时候该改变一下你的饮食习惯了。 _______________...













1.It’s time for you to change your diet and lifestyle. 2.I want to eat healthy food because they are important to my health. 3.Thank you for coming to see our fashion show. 4.These beautiful hair clips match her pink dress well. 5.We can use our pocket money to buy the children in poor areas some books and pens. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.It’s time to do sth,到做……的时间了,根据句型,故填It’s time for you to change your diet and lifestyle. 2.want to do sth,想要做某事,health健康,名词;healthy健康的,形容词,结合句意,故填I want to eat healthy food because they are important to my health. 3.thank you for doing sth,感谢做某事,故填Thank you for coming to see our fashion show. 4.match…well和……很配。故填These beautiful hair clips match her pink dress well. 5. 考点:句子翻译。


A young man goes to the supermarket and buys a p  1.  of socks. When he comes back home, he goes to his room and tries t 2.   on. He finds they are in different colours. One is blue but the other is g   3.   .

His mother and sister are cooking d 4.  in the kitchen. He tells them: “My new socks are in different colours. I should make them in the same c 5.  . Would you please h   6. me?” His mother and sister are b  7.  and they don’t say anything. When his mother finishes cooking, she g8.  to her son’s room and makes the green sock blue. She comes back without saying a 9.   . After her supper, the man’s s 10.  goes to her brother’s room and makes one blue sock green without telling her brother.

How will the young man feel the next morning?




Do you often travel? Travelling by plane is very fast. With a modern airliner(航线)you can travel in one day to many places in the world.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but you can see the country when you are travelling by train. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining cars. You feel good about your trip.

Some people like to travel by sea. There are large liners(邮轮)and river boats. You can visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but travelling by sea is a very great way to go on holiday.

Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable(时刻表). You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles in a day, just as you like. You can stop anywhere (任何地方)you wish---a beautiful place to see, a good restaurant to enjoy a meal, or at a hotel to spend the night. So travelling by car is very popular.

1.    of travelling

What you can do

Travelling by plane

·go to many 2.      in one day

Travelling by train

·see the country when you are travelling

·have comfortable seats and enjoy3._____ in dining cars

·feel 4.       about the trip

5._____ by sea

·enjoy large liners and river boats

·visit many countries and different6.    of your country

·a great way to7.______a holiday

Travelling by


·make your own timetable

·travel as 9.     as you like

·stop at 10.    place you wish




1.I think the pink T-shirt __________ (相配) the blue jeans very well.

2.It’s bad for your ______________(牙齿) to eat so many candies.

3.Thank you for _____________(借) me your red blouse for the fashion show.

4.__________ (计划)  a trip to Yangzhou is one of our dreams.

5.You’d better finish the job with fewer people and  _____________ (少) money.

6.Why not ____________(collect) some stamps for your friend as birthday presents?

7.The new jackets are all ________ (make) of cotton.

8.This car is one of the _____________.(sing)

9.I hate __________ (potato) because they have too many Calories.

10.We should spend some time on sports and eat _____________.(health)



Life in the future(将来) is different from now. There are not any paper money in the future. People use their credit cards when they go shopping. There are not so many stores. At weekends, people needn’t go out. They usually do some shopping at home on the Internet.

Children don’t get up early to go to school. They have lessons at home on the Internet, too. Teachers teach their students and give them homework on the Internet. Children give the homework to their teachers on the Internet, too.

People don’t need to do much work. There are more robots(机器人). Robots do hard work for people. Parents don’t cook or wash clothes. A cooking robot cooks breakfast. In fact, robots do all the housework for us.

There are more holidays. Parents spend much time with their children. They spend a lot of time travelling around the world.

I think life in the future is very interesting. Do you think so?

1.What is the Chinese for the underlined phrase “credit cards”?

A. 身份证    B. 户口本   C. 信用卡  D. 优惠卡

2.Teachers teach their students __________ in the future.

A. in the classroom B. over the radio

C. on TV            D. on the Internet

3.In the future, robots can __________ for us.

A. eat dinner    B. cook meals

C. watch films   D. talk with friends

4.How does the writer like the life in the future? He thinks it is__________.

A. hard      B. easy      C. interesting  D. healthy

5.Which is the best title(标题) for the passage?

A. Life in the future B. Studying at home

C. Working at home    D. A hard life



People like to give gifts to others on big days. Do you know how to choose(挑选) gifts? You should choose gifts that your family or friends like. Different gifts are for different people. For example, boys often like to play with robots(机器人),toy guns(枪)and balls. And girls may like something lovely, like flowers, dolls and beautiful clothes. Of course, you don’t need to choose something expensive. Your feeling is much more important than money. There is a Chinese saying, A small gift means far much.

1.The word “big” in the first sentence means “       ”.

A. beautiful B. interesting C. important D. funny

2.When you buy your friend a gift, you should choose something that        .

A. you like    B. he or she enjoys

C. is expensive D. is very big

3.Michael wants to buy a birthday gift for his sister, he may choose a        .

A. teddy bear B. basketball

C. water gun D. robot

4.What does the underlined sentence mean in Chinese?

A. 礼多人不怪 B. 心有灵犀一点通

C. 礼轻情义重 D. 来而不往非礼也

5.Which is the best title (标题) for the passage?

A. Everyone needs gifts B. Where to buy expensive gifts

C. The meanings of gifts D. How to choose a gift



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