满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

句型转换 1. I go to the volleyball club once...


1. I go to the volleyball club once a week.(划线部分提问)

________  ________ do you go to the volleyball club?

2. The bread tastes delicious. (划线部分提问)

____________  ____________  the bread  ____________?

3.The man plays computer games very well. (同义表达)

The man is ____________  ____________  ____________ computer games.

4.What other places do you want to go to ? (同义表达)

____________  ____________ do you want to go?


1.How often 2.How does taste 3.good at playing 4.Where else 【解析】 试题分析: 1.对once a week提问,是对频率提问,故用疑问词How often。 2.对delicious提问,是提问那个面包品尝起来如何,故用疑问词How,谓语tastes是第三人称单数,故此处用助动词does,后面谓语用动词原形taste。故此处为How does taste。 3.be good at doing sth=do sth very well“擅长做某事”,故此处为good at playing。 4. 考点:句型转换。

口语运用   从下面七个选项中选择合适的句子,将下面的对话补充完整(其中有两项是多余的)

A. Would you like some water?

B. I don’t think eating too much meat is healthy.

C. Their fish is nice.

D. Let’s order some drinks now.

E. How can we order drinks?

F. Then I’ll have some water.

G. Ah, I want some cola first.

Andy: Joan, here is a table for two. Let’s sit here.

Joan: OK. ______1._________ What would you like?

Andy: I will see what they have on the menu first.

Joan: OK. Let’s have a look. ______2._____

Andy: Cola? Do you think it is good for you ?

Joan: No. ___3.___  What about food?

Andy: How about fish? _______4.______

Joan: I don’t want to eat meat. I’d like some cabbages only.

Andy: How often do you eat meat?

Joan: Only twice a week. ____5._______

Andy: Yes, I agree with you. Any soup?

Joan: Can I have fruit soup?

Andy: That’s good. It’s really healthy.



动词填空  用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。

1.It’s time for you _____________(change) your lifestyle.

2.Art Festival is coming. We practice _____________ (dance) every weekend.

3.I need you ______________(help) me with the Maths project.

4.Mary with her brother        (fly) kites in the park every weekend.

5.David, _____________(not shout) in the reading room.

6.Each of the students ____________(wear)school uniforms every day.

7.He thinks_______________ (study)French after class is great fun.

8.There ______________(not be) any new kinds of football cards in the shop now.




1.Should we eat ________ (little) meat and eat more fruit and vegetables?

2.Mum, could you help me cut the apple into two ___________(half)?

3.At weekends, I often go to my __________ (grandparent) home to visit them.

4.My father always goes running in the park __________(two) a week.




1.He is tired because he spends the ________ (整个的) day doing the work.

2.They have a        ( 特殊的 ) party on the evening of December 24.

3.Thank you for          (点)some chicken for me.

4.Is it __________(重要的) for us to do an hour of sunshine sports every day?



Mr Black goes into his usual teashop one morning, and sits in one of the seats at the counter(柜台). Many other people also come in, but none of them stays long.

About fifteen minutes later, a young man and a young woman come in. There are only two empty seats at the counter, one on Mr Black’s left, and the other on his right. The woman sits on one seat, and the young man sits on the other, but Mr Black immediately(立即) asks to change seats with the young man so that he and the young woman can be together.

“Oh, that isn’t necessary,” the young man says, but Mr Black insists(坚持). When the young man and the young woman are side by side, he says to her, “Well, this old man is very kind. He wants us to sit together. May I introduce myself? My name is John. What’s your name?”

1. Mr Black sits ________ of the teashop one morning.

A. in the middle      B. in the centre

C. at the counter     D. in the front

2. There are ________ at the counter.

A. two tables       B. none

C. some waiters      D. two empty seats

3.Why does Mr Black immediately ask to change places?

A. Because the young man asks him to

B. Because the young woman asks him to

C. Because Mr Black wants the young man and the young woman to sit together

D. Because there is something wrong with the seat

4.At last the young man _________.

A. changes seats with Mr Black

B. doesn’t change seats with Mr Black

C. goes away

D. goes away with the young woman

5.The young man and the young woman are _______.

A. friends              B. a couple(一对)

C. brother and sister   D. strangers(陌生人)



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