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Four Posters 1.Herbie Davis is the name ...

Four Posters

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1.Herbie Davis is the name of        .

A. the Jazz club

B. American jazz

C. a famous trumpet player

2.My friend Marcia wants to watch Scottish dancing. She can call         .

A. 8618876               B. 8642771              C. 8638699

3.If one teacher with four students goes to visit Shandong Museum, they will pay        .

A. ¥100                B. ¥125                 C. ¥150

4.Sun Hotel and Rose Hotel are open for       months of the year.

A.  9                  B. 10                    C. 11

5.You have ¥128 and you can       in March.

A.listen to American jazz

B.watch Scottish dancing

C. stay in Sun Hotel for a night


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文以图表的形式对四个地方进行的介绍,它们分别是:深夜爵士音乐,苏格兰舞蹈和旅馆及山东博物馆。同时介绍了四处的活动中心内容,活动的时间、票价、举行的地址和联系电话,也对活动相关信息进行了介绍。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:广告宣传类短文阅读

Our sun is a star. Like all stars, it is a mass of 一大团)very hot gases. The sun’s energy doesn’t come from burning fuels( 燃料 ). The sun’s energy comes from its nuclear fusion.( 核聚变 )

How big is the sun? Its diameter, the distance across its center, is quiet huge. That’s more than 100 times the diameter of Earth. The sun’s volume is more than a million times the volume of the Earth. Another way to say this is that the sun could hold one million Earths inside it.

The sun has different layers of gases. Each layer mixes into the next, like the layers of Earth’s atmosphere.( 大气 Most of the sun’s mass is in its center. It is also very hot. Almost all fusion takes place in the center.

The sun creates energy in the form of heat and light. Even though the sun is a ball of gases, it is made up of several layers. The main layers are the center. There are also other layers. The sun produces hug energy. Its energy mainly comes from its center. The sun is the source of most of the energy on Earth. Without the sun, there will be no living things on earth, including human beings.

1.What are the gases of the sun like?

A. Very hot

B. Very bright

C. All of the above

2.The sun’s energy comes from        .

A. X—rays

B. nuclear fusion

C. layers of gases

3.The diameter of the earth is about 6300 km. How about that of the sun?

A. About 6300km

B. About 63000km

C. About 630000km

4.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “ volume” according to the passage?

A. 形状                B. 面积                C. 体积

5.What’s the last two paragraphs about?

A. The sun has many layer.

B. Where the sun energy is from.

C. How the sun energy is made.



My daughter Emma is in Grade 7. In her class, there is a boy called Jack. He is quite overweight, so he is always made fun of.

For several nights Emma came home from school, feeling upset about that. She also said that Jack had no school things because his family couldn’t afford them. She said she wanted to help him. So the next day Emma asked Jack to make a list for her. She would bring the school things that she had at home for him. Jack was very thankful( 感激 and made a small list : erasers, pens and pencils.

That evening Emma and I went to the shop and we bought everything on his list. Emma also said that Jack needed a new pencil- box. When we got home, we put all the supplies into a new backpack(背包) because Jack didn’t have one. Emma wrote a little note saying “Hope you have everything you need and enjoy the supplies” and put it in the backpack.

The next day, I asked the school headmaster to give the backpack to Jack. After Jack read the little note, he thanked Emma many times and said he loved everything. Later that day when I picked up ( 接 ) Emma after school, she was all smiles. As for Jack, I saw him walking home with his new backpack. It was a good feeling to know we had made a difference in his life.

1.Emma was very upset for several nights because       .

A.Jack always made fun of her

B. Jack was always made fun of

CJack had no school things

2.Why didn’t Jack have school things?

A.He lost them one day.

B.He had no money to buy them.

C.He gave them to someone in need.

3.What were in the new backpack that Jack got?

erasers  a ruler        a book

pencils  a pencil-box   pens

A. ①④


C. ①② ⑤ ⑥

4.Who gave the backpack to Jack the next day?

A. Emma

B. Emma’s mother

C. The headmaster

5. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?

A.Be proud of who you are.

B.Don’t make fun of others.

C.Be kind to others and help those in need.





When learning new vocabulary, don’t just memorize a list of words. ________ , try to make five sentences using each new word. Then use the new word as often as you can the first day you learn it. This way you will remember new words   ________  longer.

Practising sounds, you know, is difficult-the“th”sound for example. Choose words that________  “th” and repeat (重复) them over and over until you are comfortable with them. Let’s try! This, that, those,them, think, thought, through, thin….

Read, read, read-in English, of course! Reading is one of   ________ ways to increase your vocabulary and  ________ your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be sure to choose topics or books you are interested in.

When someone   ________  in English, listen to the main point. If you________a word you don’t understand, ignore (忽略)  ________ and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will miss   ________ the person is saying.

Always remember--practice ________ perfect.

1.A.In stead of   B.Instead    C.Rather than

2.A.much B.many C.more

3.A.end up with   B.begin C.begin with

4.A.best B.the best C.better

5.A.encourage     B.change C.improve

6.A.is talking B.talk C.are talking

7.A.listen B.hear C.listen to

8.A.one B.them C.it

9.A. everything elseB.everything otherC.else everything

10.A.makes B.makingC.make



—I am going to take part in an English speech competition(比赛) tomorrow.


A.Have a good trip.

B.I wish you success.

C. Good idea!



If you want to learn English well, it’s useful to _____ before class and _____ after class.

A.review, preview

B.preview, review

C.review, to preview



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