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Reading for pleasure(消遣) is the easiest ...

Reading for pleasure(消遣) is the easiest way to become a better reader in English. It is also the most important way.

Some students say they don’t want to read for pleasure. They say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new words. They say that pleasure reading is too busy.

Many experts(专家)say pleasure reading is very important for learning English. Dr Stephen Krashen, a famous expert on learning languages, says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about English. Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure. They also learn more about good writing.

Dr Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different way. Each student needs to learn something different. Pleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs.

Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying. When you read for pleasure, you choose your own books, and you don’t have to remember everything. There are no tests on your pleasure reading books. Pleasure reading will help you:

·learn how English speakers use English

·read faster in English

·find examples of good writing in English

·learn new words

·learn about the culture of English speakers

1. Many experts say students learn more ___________when they read for pleasure.

A. grammar and listening

B. listening and spelling

C. listening and speaking

D. grammar and words

2.Each student needs to learn ___________by pleasure reading.

A. something difficult

B. something different

C. something easy

D. something important

3.From the passage, we know pleasure reading makes it the most impossible for each student to___________________.

A. find examples of good writing in English

B. learn new words

C. learn how English writers use English

D. read faster in English

4.The passage is mainly about _____________.

A. pleasure reading in a different way

B. pleasure reading in the same way

C. pleasure reading in an easy way

D. pleasure reading in an important way


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文告诉我们:对于学英语来说,快乐阅读很重要。成为一个更好的读者快乐阅读是更容易的方式。快乐阅读将在5个方面帮助你:用英语读得更快,学习新单词,了解讲英语人们的文化等。 1.D细节理解题。根据文中第三自然段描述Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure.可知此题答案是D。 2.B细节理解题。根据第四自然段描述 Each student needs to learn something different. 可知此题选B。 3.C细节理解题。根据文中描述在快乐阅读中学生们学习英语作家怎样用英语,故选C。 4. 考点:教育类短文阅读

I am my mother’s third girl. When I was born, the doctor gently explained to my mother that my left arm was missing, below the elbow(胳膊,肘). Then he gave her some advice, “Don’t treat her any differently from other girls.” And she did!

There were five girls in our family and we all had to help out. Once when I was about seven, I came out of the kitchen, “Mum, I can’t peel potatoes. I only have one hand.” “You get back to peel potatoes, and don’t ever use that as an excuse for anything again!”

Of course I could peel potatoes—with­­ my good hand and my other arm. “Jenny, if you try hard enough,” she said, “you can do anything.”

Once in the second grade, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bar(攀爬架). When it was my turn, I said no. some kids laughed. I went home crying.

The next afternoon Mum took me back to the school playground. “Now, pull up with your right arm,” she advised. She praised (表扬)me when I made progress. I’ll never forget when I was crossing the bar, the kids were standing there with their mouths open.

It was the way with everything. Mum had the courage (勇气)to face anything. and she taught me I could, too.

1. How many younger sisters do I have?

A. Two.         B. Three.        C. Four.       D. Five.

2.What does the doctor’s advice mean?

A. My arm could be all right soon.

B. The other girls had the same arms as me.

C. My mom should look after me differently.

D. My mum could treat me the same as others.

3.Who peeled the potatoes at last?

A. Jenny.              B. Jenny’s mum.

C. Jenny’s sister.    D. Nobody.

4.Why did Mum take me back to the school playground the next day?

A. She wanted to tell me I could do anything.

B. She wanted the teacher to let me try again.

C. She would punish the kids who laugh at me.

D. She would like to praise me before the other kids.

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. My bad-tempered (坏脾气) mother

B. Different mother love

C. A doctor’s advice

D. My childhood



Tom brought a box of biscuits(饼干) to a summer camp. He ate a few and placed the rest under his bed. After lunch, he found the box was gone. He went to tell his camp coach(教练) about it.

The next day, the coach saw a boy eating Tom’s biscuits behind a tree. He came up with an idea to solve the problem. He found Tom and said to him, “I know who took away your biscuits. Will you help me to teach him a lesson?”

“Well, yes… are you going to punish him, sir?” Tom asked. “No, I’m not,” the coach explained patiently. “That would only make him hate you. I want you to write to your mother and ask for more gifts.”

Tom received another box of biscuits by mailing from his mother a few days later. “Now,” said the coach, “go and share them with the boy who stole your biscuits.” Tom didn’t understand the coach’s intention(意图), but he still followed his suggestion.

Half an hour later the coach saw the two boys come up the hill, arm in arm. The boy was trying to ask Tom to accept his toy robot in payment for(赔偿) the stolen biscuits. And Tom was refusing the gift from his new friend. He said that a few biscuits were not so important.

In some situations, forgiveness(原谅) is better than punishment.

1. Why did the coach ask Tom to ask for more gifts?

A. The coach wanted to teach the boy a lesson.

B. Tom wanted to get more biscuits.

C. The coach wanted to make friends with Tom.

D. The coach wanted to make Tom hate the boy.

2. In which order did these things happen?

①Tom brought a box of biscuits to a summer camp, but soon it was stolen.

②Tom refused the gift from his new friend.

③Tom received another box of biscuits and shared them with his partner.

④Tom forgave the boy.

A. ①②③④      B. ①③④②

C. ②①③④     D. ④①②③

3.From the story, we learn __________________.

A. the coach punished the boy at last

B. the coach wrote to Tom’s mother and asked for more gifts.

C. Tom accepted the boy’s robot in payment for the stolen biscuits.

D. forgiveness is sometimes better than punishment



David was a successful young man who worked in a large company in a big city in America. His favorite hobby was fishing. But it was several years since he had last gone fishing. He was too busy to get a chance to practice.

Then one summer he decided to go on vacation to a village where there were a lot of streams(河流). “I ought to be able to have some good fishing there,” he said to himself confidently (自信地) and made good preparations for fishing.

The next morning after he arrived there, he walked to the nearest stream with his fishing rod (杆). To his surprise, he saw an old man standing beside the water, doing nothing. So he asked him whether it was a private stream. The old man answered that it was not a private stream and everyone could fish there, so David said to him, Well, then it won’t be fined(罚款)if I catch some fish here, will it?”

“Oh, no,” answered the old man. “It won’t be, but it will be a miracle(奇迹).”

1.David hadn’t gone fishing for a long time because_____________________.

A. he didn’t like fishing

B. he was not good at it

C. he was too busy

D. he couldn’t find a place for fishing

2. What did David expect when he decided to go on vacation?

A. He wanted to visit some beautiful villages.

B. He planned to go swimming in some streams.

C. He decided to meet some old friends.

D. He wanted to enjoy fishing there.

3.What did the old man mean by the word “miracle”?

A. He didn’t think David would catch any fish in that stream.

B. It was wonderful to catch some fish there.

C. David was not allowed to fish there.

D. The fish in the stream were very smart.




Once there lived a farmer called Henry. He had a brother Mike, who was ________  excellent gardener. His skill and his beautiful trees were________  everywhere.

One day, Henry went to town to visit Mike. “Look, my brother,” said Mike, “here is the best ________ tree from my garden. Take it home and plant it   ________  you, and your children, and your children’s children can enjoy it.” Henry was   ________ with the apple tree and went back home. The next morning, he began to wonder  ________  he should plant it.

“If I plant it on the hill,” he said to himself, “the wind might catch it and    ________  down the fruit. If I plant it close to the road, people who pass by will ________  some of them. But if I plant it…”   ________   he planted the tree in the corner behind his house, where no one else could notice it.

________   the tree bore(结出) no fruit the first year,   ________  the second. Then Henry sent for his brother and said to him ________   , “you have cheated me. This is the third year and it brings me ________   but leaves(叶子).”

When Mike saw where the tree was planted, he laughed and said, “You have planted the tree in such a cold corner  ________ sun-light or warmth. How could you expect flowers and ________   ?”

1.A. a             B. an          C. the           D. /

2.A. simple        B. famous      C. similar       D. common

3.A. pear          B. grape       C. apple         D. banana

4.A. although      B. instead of C. even if       D. so that

5.A. tired       B. patient      C. pleased       D. popular

6.A. where        B. how          C. when          D. why

7.A. put         B. cut          C. push        D. shake

8.A. see          B. hear        C. touch       D. pick

9.A. Finally     B. Firstly      C. Luckily      D. Certainly

10.A. And        B. So           C. But          D. As

11.A. or           B. nor          C. both          D. so

12.A. happily      B. angrily     C. kindly        D. carelessly

13.A. nothing     B. something    C. everything    D. anything

14.A. with         B. without     C. for           D. of

15.A. leaves       B. juice       C. tree         D. Fruit





其实,时间就在我们的掌握之中,关键是能否合理利用。请根据提示,以“How to spend our time properly”为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的看法。








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How to spend our time properly

Where has our time gone? How should we spend our time properly?




If so, I’m sure we will live a happier school life.



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