满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下面的短文,根据短文完成下面表格 Now students’ English...


Now students’ English handwriting gets worse and worse. Their teachers worry about that. Is your English handwriting beautiful? If not, here are four steps that really work.

Use paper with lines

Using paper with lines can keep you writing straight instead of up or down when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size. Be sure to fill the lined space completely. And remember to write those capital(大写) letters properly.

Slow down

If your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little. For some kids, going a little slowly makes the handwriting clear. If you write too fast, it’s hard for you to stop where you should, and even worse, you may make more mistakes.

Hold your pencil correctly

When you hold your pencil correctly, writing is much easier. Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting not nice. Try to relax(放松) and don’t hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good habit.

Draw more pictures

Drawing can improve your handwriting. You need to use the skills to control your pencil better when you are drawing pictures. Even though(即使) you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice on your own at home.

Handwriting is very important. Imagine(想象) you are a world-famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your fans run up to you? Give them your autographs(亲笔签名), of course!

Steps to Improve Your English 1.


Students’ English handwriting gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel2.  .







Use paper with


It can keep your writing 3.   . Those lines help you to write in the right   4.  . Make sure that you fill the lined space completely. Capital letters are written properly.

Slow down

If some kids write a little slowly, their handwriting will be    5.   . You may make more 6.   if you write too fast.

Hold your pencil 7.

Don’t press down too hard when writing. Don’t hold the pen so hard. Make your writing nice and clean. If you do so, people will know you             8.   a good habit.

Draw more pictures

Drawing can make your handwriting better. If you can’t draw at school, you can practise by   9.   at home.

Handwriting is very 10.   to every person.


1.Handwriting 2.worried 3.straight 4.size 5.clear 6.mistakes 7.correctly 8.have 9.yourself/yourselves 10.important 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了写好书法的四个步骤。一是,使用带网格线的纸;二是,降低书写速度;三是,握笔姿势正确;四是,多画画。 1.根据文中If not, here are four steps that really work! steps及下文描述,可知本文主要讲述了写好英语书法的四个步骤。故答案填名词Handwriting,书法。 2.根据短文开头Now students’ English handwriting gets worse and worse. Their teachers worry about that 可知现在学生的英语书法越来越糟。他们的老师很担心。所以填写worried,担心的,担忧的。 3.依据短文句子Using paper with lines can keep you writing straight instead of up or down when you write English words or sentences. 可知使用带线的纸可以帮助你写直而不是向上或向下,所以填写straight。 4..根据文中Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size可知纸上的那些线可以帮助你写出正确的大小写。所以填写size。 5.根据文中For some kids, going a little slowly makes the handwriting clear.可知对于一些孩子来说,慢慢写就能写清晰,所以填写clear,清晰的。 6.根据文中If you write too fast, it’s hard for you to stop where you should, and even worse, you may make more mistakes.可知如果你写的太快,就可能会犯更多的错误。所以填写mistakes,错误。 7.根据文中Hold your pencil correctly可知握笔的姿势要正确,所以填写correctly ,正确地。 8.根据文中If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good habit.可知,如果你这样做了,人们会认为你有一个好的习惯。故填写have。 9.根据文中Even though(即使) you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice on your own at home.可知,在校如果没有时间画画,可以在家里自己联系画。故答案填yourself/yourselves。 10.根据最后一段中Handwriting is very important.可知书法很重要,所以填写important,重要的。 考点:任务型阅读。

If you had the chance to leave the life you have now, what would you do?

Students from Fair-grounds Middle School, New Hampshire, US, chose to lead a special life for a week. They left the city and lived a different life by working on a farm. They handed over their cell phones and lived like any farmer’s children. And they enjoyed it!

“I didn’t know what would happen when we got there,” said Tyler Swift, 14, “but there were so many fun things. So much hard work, too. It was a challenge.”

“Getting up at 6 every morning, the students milked cows, spread hay(放置草料), and washed hundreds of sticky buckets(黏黏的桶). The hardest part was cleaning up piles of poop(成堆的排泄物) in the animal houses. It smelled bad, but it was lots of fun!

None of the students said no to the work. “With the farmers’ help, they did the work better and better. And they learned a lot more than just farming work.” said Rick Brown, a science teacher at Fair-grounds.

“You get to know who can do what and learn to work with different people. The children all showed great team work.” said Nick Quadros.

1.How long did the children work on the farm?

A. For a week.       B. For about half a month.

C. For a month.     D. For ten days.

2. What dose the underlined word “challenge” mean in Chinese?

A. 比赛         B. 厌烦   C. 怀疑        D. 挑战

3.The children did lots of things EXCEPT(除了) ___________.

A. feeding cows

B. milking cows

C. cleaning the animal houses

D. looking after sick cows

4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. All of the students were willing to do the work.

B. The children got some help from the farmses.

C. The children learnt just about farming work.

D. The children worked well in teams.

5. What is the best title of the article?

A. Middle school students “sent down” to the farm.

B. All the children hated the farm.

C. Life without happiness.

D. How to make your school life colorful?



Robert is sixteen now. He’ll finish middle school in two years. His father has a shop and makes much money. He hopes his son can go to college and makes him study hard. But the young man likes to play cards. He often goes out when his parents fall asleep.

One night, when Robert came back home, his father happened to see him. The old man was very angry and told his son to live upstairs. Robert had to go up and down quietly. Of course it troubled him. He thought and thought but didn’t find a way.

Last evening, Robert listened carefully. And he was sure his parents went to sleep, then he went out to play cards with his friends. He won some money and was happy. And he got back, he took off his shoes and was going upstairs. Suddenly he heard a noise in his parents’ bedroom. He stood behind the door and saw a man come out. He understood that the man was a thief (小偷 ). He stopped him at once. The man was very afraid and brought out all the things he stole in the room.

“Tell me how you didn’t wake my parents up,” said Robert. “Or I’ll take you to the police station!”

1.Robert’s father wants Robert ________.

A. to study in a university

B. to be a good helper when he finishes middle school

C. to catch up with his classmates

D. to work in his shop

2.Why does Robert have to go out at night?

A. Because his friends have no time in the daytime.

B. Because he can play cards when his parents fall asleep.

C. Because he can’t win any money in the daytime.

D. Because his parents let him do so after they go to sleep.

3.Why do Robert’s parents ask him to live upstairs?

A. Because they are old.

B. Because Robert doesn’t like any noise.

C. Because they can hear if Robert goes out at night.

D. Because the room upstairs is better than the one downstairs.

4. Robert listened carefully because he wanted to know _______ .

A. if he woke his parents up

B. if someone came in

C. if it was raining hard outside

D. if his parents went to sleep

5.Robert wanted _____.

A. to learn how he couldn’t wake his parents up

B. to know how to make more money

C. to stop playing cards

D. the thief to teach him how to steal




A rich father wanted to show his son how poor people can be. One day, he took his young son   ________ a trip to the country. They ________  a day and night on the farm of a very ________  family. When they got back from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the   ________? “Very good, Dad!” “Did you see how poor people can be?” the father asked. “Oh, yes!” “And what did you   ________?”

The son answered, “I saw that we have a dog at home, but they have four. We have a swimming pool in the garden while they have a river that has no ________ . We have expensive lamps in our living room, but they have ________above their heads at night. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We …”

When the little boy was finishing, his father was ________  .

His son added, “Thanks, dad, for letting me see ________  poor we are!”

Isn’t it true that it all depends on(取决于) the way you look at things? If you have love, friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude(积极的态度) toward life, you have got ________  !

1.A. on         B. in         C. at         D. to

2.A. took      B. paid       C. spent      D. cost

3.A. rich      B. poor       C. good       D. happy

4.A. trip       B. idea       C. way        D. life

5.A. say        B. learn      C. remember   D. write

6.A. top       B. bottom     C. end        D. cover

7.A. suns      B. stars     C. tents     D. cages

8.A. wordless  B. happy      C. excited   D. pleased

9.A. what       B. how        C. why        D. when

10.A. nothing   B. something C. anything  D. everything



—What do you think of Mr. Li’s teaching?

—No one is _________. He’s my favourite teacher.

A. good          B. better         C. worse         D. Best



—I’m going to have my final exams at the beginning of January.


A. Congratulations!      B. That’s a good idea!

C. Good luck!            D. I’d love to.



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