满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据首字母提示, 填写所缺单词。 1.— How do you get to G...

根据首字母提示, 填写所缺单词。

1.— How do you get to Germany?

— I often get there by p_______.

2.— What are Peter’s h______?

— He likes drawing cartoons.

3.My father works on the plane and he is a p_______.

4. I am going to the s_____ to buy some food with my mother.

5. My uncle works at sea and he is a f______.

6. It’s cold outdoor, you should w______ warm clothes.

7.My aunt is a doctor, she works in a h______.

8.John’s mother buys him a new football. He is very h_____.

9. We must look right before c______ the road.

10.My family will get together and have a big dinner at Mid-Autumn F_______.


1.plane 2.hobbies 3.pilot 4.supermarket 5.fisherman 6.wear 7.hospital 8.happy 9.crossing 10.Festival 【解析】 1.句意:——你怎么到达德国?——我经常乘飞机去德国。By plane乘飞机,故空格处是plane。 2.句意:——皮特的爱好是什么?——他喜欢画卡通画。根据居中are 可知主语是复数,可知空格处是hobby 的复数形式hobbies。 3.句意:我父亲在飞机上工作。他是一个飞行员。根据语意空格处是飞行员pilot。 4.句意:我将和妈妈去超市买些食品。根据语意空格处是超市supermarket。 5.句意:我叔叔在海上工作,他是一个渔民。根据语意空格处是渔民fisherman。 6.句意:门外很冷,你应该穿暖和的衣服。根据语意空格处是穿wear。 7.句意:我姑姑是个医生,她在一家医院工作。根据语意空格处是医院hospital。 8.句意:约翰的妈妈给他买了个新足球,他很高兴。根据语意空格处是高兴的happy。 9.句意:我们在过马路前一定要向右看看。Before 后的动词用ing形式,故空格处是 crossing。 10.句意:中秋节我们全家人聚在一块吃一顿丰盛的大餐。根据语意空格处是节日Festival。


   My name 1._____(be) Lily. I 2.____ (be) twelve years old and 3.______ (study) in Yucai Middle School. Now let me 4.______ (tell) you something about my class. There 5._______ (be) 46 students in our class. Mrs. Wang is our English teacher. She 6.______(teach) us very well and she likes7.___ (play) games with us after class. So we all 8._____(love) her very much. Look! She 9._______ (make) a snowman with some students outside. How happy we 10._______ (be)!



Good morning, everyone. Welcome to St. John Sports Club! Let me tell you something about our club.

   Here you can enjoy a lot of different activities from 9:00am to 9:00pm. The tennis court and the badminton court are open all day. Most of our club members love the swimming pool because it is big and clean.  The time for swimming is from 9:00am to 11:00am and 2:00pm to 6:00pm.

   Look! Here is the gym. It’s new. You can not only play basketball all day, but also take some exercise classes from 5:00pm to 7:00pm in the gym.

   And now I’d like to walk with you around the club. If you have any questions, please ask me. By the way, with $80 you can be a member of our club and do sports in it for a month at any time.

1.How many hours is the sports club open a day?

A. 10    B. 12.   C. 14.

2.Why do most club members like the swimming pool?

A. Because it is big and clean.

B. Because it is new and special.

C. Because it is big and new.

3. The ______ is open all day in the club.

A. gym      B. tennis court     C. swimming pool

4. David wants to take an exercise class in the gym, and what time can he get there?

A. 9:00 am   B. 5:00pm     C. 9:00pm

5. Jimmy wants to do sports in his free time in the club, and how much does he need to give to the club a year?

A. $800    B. $1000    C. $960



Teachers’ Day is the best time for us to express(表达) our thanks. Chinese Teachers’ Day is on September 10th. On this day, students send cards with warm wishes and gifts to the teachers.

   Different countries have different Teachers’ Day. In the US, Teachers’ Day is the first week of May. American students give gifts with pictures of apples to the teachers, such as mugs(马克杯) and pencils, because an apple means health. In India, Teachers’ Day is on September 5th. Students and teachers change their roles(角色) for a day. The students will know how hard it is to be teacher.

   No matter(无论) which country you are in, one thing is always the same. Say thanks to your teacher

1.When is Teachers’ Day in the US?

A. On September 5th.

B. On September 10th.

C. In the first week of May.

2.In the US, teachers get gifts with pictures of apples because apples mean_______.

A. health    B. hard work    C. do nothing

3. Chinese students _____ to their teachers on Teachers’ Day.

A. give apples   B. send cards and gifts    C. do nothing

4. What can Indian students learn from their Teachers’ Day?

A. Being a teacher is not an easy job.

B. Studying hard must come first.

C. Giving teachers gifts is important.

5.What is the most important gift for the teachers on Teachers’ Day?

A. To show your thanks.

B. To give mugs and pencils.

C. To send cards with warm wishes.



Dear Jenny,

    I'm sorry you're sick and can't come to school this week. Let me tell you what you have on Monday next week.

    We have math at 8:00. How boring! Then we have English. That's interesting. I know you love English. Next is P.E.. The fourth lesson is art. That's my favorite subject! In the afternoon, we have history with Mr. Chen. He is fun but history isn't. Then at 2:00 we have science with Miss Jones. You know how strict she is. I don't like her. Our last class of the day is math.



1.Who is not at school this week?

A. Jenny           B. Ben

C. Mr. Chen        D. Miss Jones

2. What subject is their first lesson?

A. English            B. Math

C. Science               D. Art

3.What subject does Jenny like?

A. P.E.          B. Science.

C. Art.          D. English.

4.How many lessons do they have on Monday?

A. Four.          B. Five.

C. Six.           D. seven.

5. How is their science teacher?

A. Friendly.       B. Kind

C. Boring.         D. Strict.




Picnic Plan


This Sunday morning


Bread, chicken, rice


Yunluo Park(云落公园)


Orange juice, milk


Yukio, Helen, Steve, Jane


Kite, knife, glasses

1. What do they want to do this Sunday morning?

A. Have a picnic.             B. Watch monkey show.

C. Have lunch.                D. Visit a friend.

2.What food do they want to take?

A. Bread, chicken, rice.

B. Orange juice, milk.

C. Kite, knife, glasses.

D. Hamburgers and fish.

3. How many kids have a picnic in Yunluo Park?

A. One.     B. Two.     C. Three.    D. Four.

4. What drinks do they take?

A. Orange juice, milk.

B. Apple juice, milk.

C. Coke(可乐).

D. Nutri- Express(营养快线).

5. What can they do in Yunluo Park?

A. Fly a kite there.

B. Drink coke there.

C. Eat hamburgers there

D. Watch TV there.



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