满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

People in different places eat different...

People in different places eat different things.

In South China people like to eat rice. Sometimes they eat it twice or three times a day. They usually eat it with fish, meat and vegetables. It tastes very delicious.

Japanese like to eat rice, too. They also eat a lot of fish. Sometimes they eat raw (生的) fish.It sounds strange but smells very fresh.

In western countries like Britain, Australia and the USA, the most important food is bread or potatoes. People usually make their bread at home. And they cook potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people eat this food at home, in their workplace, in the park or even on the street. People call it ”take­away” food.

In China today,there are also much”take­away”food,and most children like to eat them.

1.People in South China usually have ______ for dinner.

A.bread          B.potatoes

C.rice            D. chips

2.Bread is the most important food in ______.

A.Britain         B.Australia and America

C.A and B        D. China

3.People may feel ______ to hear that Japanese eat raw fish.

A.lovely         B.surprised        C.quiet         D. nice

4.The passage mainly talks about ______.

A.food           B.animals

C.vegetables      D. fruit

5.Which sentence is RIGHT?

A.People in China and America eat the same food.

B.Australians never make bread at their home.

C.Fish is very popular in Japan and England.

D. People in different places eat same things


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者讲述了世界各地的人吃不同的东西。在华南,人们喜欢吃米饭,有时一天吃两三次。日本人也喜欢吃米饭,西方国家的人喜欢吃面包和薯片。在今日的中国,大多数孩子喜欢外卖。 1. South China people like to eat rice. Sometimes they eat it twice or three times a day.在华南人们晚饭吃米饭。故选C。 2. western countries like Britain,Australia and the USA,the most important food is bread or potatoes.面包是英国、澳大利亚和美国的最重要的食物,故选C 。 3. sounds strange but smells very fresh.可以推断出人们对于吃生鱼片感到吃惊,故选B。 4. in different places eat different things.可以推断出本文主要介绍关于食物的。所以选A。 5.C推理判断题。根据文中Japanese like to eat rice, too. They also eat a lot of fish.和In England the most popular food is fish and chips.鱼在日本和英国是很受欢迎的,故选C。


Once in the countryside, there was a farmer who had a lot of workers on his farm. One morning, the farmer said to John, one of the workers, “Today my friends are having a party in the city, and I want to     them. Will you water the young trees when I’m away?”

“Oh, yes!” said John. “We shall be     to do that.”

“Do not      to water the trees when the sun goes down. Make sure they have plenty of water,     .not too much” said the farmer. Then he went away.

When the sun went down, the workers     to water the trees. “Make sure that each tree

has     water,” said John.      can we know if each tree has enough?” another worker asked. John had no good     , so he said, “Pull up (拔起) each tree and look at the length of…的长度 its roots (根). Give more water to the trees with long roots, but only a little to those with short roots.”

Then those workers pulled up all the young trees to     their roots. When the farmer

the next day, the poor trees were all dead.

1.A. hurt            B. kill         C. join         D. leave

2.A. afraid          B. glad         C. sad          D. angry

3.A. forget        B. remember     C. look         D. listen

4.A. and             B. or           C. so           D. but

5.A. began           B. became      C. asked        D. hoped

6.A. little          B. few          C. enough       D. more

7.A. What           B. When        C. How          D. Where

8.A. time            B. pleasure     C. money        D. idea

9.A. hear            B. see          C. do           D. write

10. A. took off      B. went away    C. came back    D. got up



______ way to go from here to Beijing is by train.

A. Cheaper        B. The cheaper

C. The cheapest   D. Cheapest



When Robert was a small boy, he ______ playing the piano.

A. was interested in  B. was good for

C. was good with      D. was strict in



______ see the sunrise, today all the children got up very early.

A. In order that    B. So that       C. Because       D. In order to



Tom’s mother told him ______ eating too much meat.

A. stopping       B. to stop

C. stops          D. stopped



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