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阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。 Travelling i...

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。

Travelling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast, so travelling to different places has become much faster than before. Staying healthy while travelling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to be in good health during a trip? The following information may be useful to you.

Before leaving

  Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.

  Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.

  Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip.Prepare proper food. Before you prepare the food, the first thing you need to think about is how long you will travel with the food. If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. They don’t go bad quickly. The nearer people can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables.

While traveling

  Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.

  Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.

  Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.

  Keep food in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to keep it hot. For example, you can put it in heavy towels. If you need to keep cold food cold, you can put cold food in a box with ice. When you arrive, put cold food in the fridge. Remember: If you travel with food, keep hot food hot and cold food cold.

                               How to keep 1. during a trip

Before leaving

Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and 2..

3. some necessary medicine with you.

Exercise for weeks or months 4. you leave.

Prepare proper food. Take bread, biscuits and some fruit for a 5. trip or bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables for a  nearer one.

While 6.

7. eat dirty food or bad fruit.

Have enough 8. to take a rest during your trip.

Drink9. water and always clean the cover.

Keep food in good condition. 10. to keep hot food hot and cold food cold.


1.healthy/fit 2.sunglasses 3.Take 4.before 5.long 6.travelling 7.Don’t/never 8.time 9.bottled 10.Remember/try 【解析】 试题分析;本文告诉我们旅途中怎样才能保证安全:随身携带些必要的药品;长途旅行带面包、饼干和水果;喝瓶装水等内容。做到以上几点,你才会有一个健康舒适的旅行。 1. do you know how to be in good health during a trip? The following information may be useful to you.及本列描述,keep+形容词,故用healthy/fit. 2. comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses可知要穿着舒服的鞋、帽子,戴着太阳镜。故用sunglasses. 3. 根据Take some necessary medicine with you.可知随身带着一些药。故用Take. 4. 根据Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave可知在离开之前,要做几周或几个月的锻炼,故用before 5. 根据If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. 描述,可知填:long 6. 中需要注意的事情,故用ravelling 7. sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.可知不要吃脏的或坏的水果,这里是祈使句的否定形式。故用Don’t /never. 8. 根据Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.可知:在旅行期间有足够的时间来休息,故用time. 9. 根据so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.可知:喝一些瓶装的水,把瓶子的盖弄干净,故用bottled 10. 根据Remember: If you travel with food, keep hot food hot and cold food cold.描述,可知填:Remember/Try


One morning an old man left his house with six donkeys (驴). After a time, he got tired and got on one of them. He counted the donkeys and there were only five. So he got off and went to look for the sixth. He looked and looked, but he did not find it, so he went back to the donkeys and counted them again. To his surprise, this time there were six. So he went on one of them again and they started. After a few minutes, he counted the donkeys again, and again there were only five! He became confused (糊涂的). Just then a friend of his passed him. The old man said to him, “I left my house with six donkeys. Then I had five, then I had six again, and now I have

only five! Look! One, two, there, four, five.”        

“But,” said his friend, “you are sitting on a donkey, too. This is the sixth. And you are the seventh!”

1.When did the story happen?

A. In the morning.

B. In the afternoon.

C. In the evening.

D. At night.

2. In fact, how many donkeys were there?

A. Four.                     B. Five.

C. Six.                      D. Seven.

3. Why did the old man get on one of the donkeys?

A. Because he wanted to count them.

B. Because he got tired.

C. Because he wanted to look for the sixth.

D. Because he got lost.

4.Why couldn’t the old man get the right number?

A. Because he left one donkey at his house.

B. Because he gave one of the donkeys to his friend.

C. Because he didn’t see one of the donkeys

D. Because he forgot to count the one he got on.

【小题】What can we learn about from the passage?

A. The old man was silly.

B. The old man was funny.

C. One of the donkeys died.

D. The old man didn’t see any donkeys.




A taxi hit a truck. A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and to the truck driver. He also spoke to Tom. He was a witness(目击者). This is what they said.

TRUCK DRIVER: I was driving from the airport to Newton. A car crossed the road, so I slowed down. I did not stop. A taxi hit the back of my truck. Nobody was badly hurt but both cars were damaged.

TAXI DRIVER: I was driving behind a truck a few kilometers from Newton. The truck stopped suddenly. The driver did not give me a warning. I was driving very slowly. I could not pass the truck because there were two cars coming near from Newton. My taxi hit the truck, and some glass cut my left hand.

TOM: I was watching the traffic about a kilometer from the airport. A truck was going to Newton. It was not going very quickly. There was a taxi about two hundred meters behind the truck. It was going fast. When the truck slowed down, the taxi hit it. The taxi driver was not looking at the truck. He was looking out of the window at something. My friend saw the accident, too.

Tom's friend spoke to the policeman and agreed with Tom.

1.How many people are mentioned(提及) in the story?

A.Three.            B.Four.

C.Five.             D.Six.

2.The truck was going______.

A.to Newton

B.to the police station

C.to the airport


3.From the story, we know______didn’t tell the truth.

A.the truck driver        B.Tom

C.the taxi driver         D.Tom's friend

4.In fact, Tom's friend was also a ______ .

A.witness           B.driver

C.policeman         D.cleaner

5.What's the best title for this passage?

A.A Taxi Driver        B.A Traffic Accident

C.A Story of Tom       D.A Truck Driver



People in different places eat different things.

In South China people like to eat rice. Sometimes they eat it twice or three times a day. They usually eat it with fish, meat and vegetables. It tastes very delicious.

Japanese like to eat rice, too. They also eat a lot of fish. Sometimes they eat raw (生的) fish.It sounds strange but smells very fresh.

In western countries like Britain, Australia and the USA, the most important food is bread or potatoes. People usually make their bread at home. And they cook potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people eat this food at home, in their workplace, in the park or even on the street. People call it ”take­away” food.

In China today,there are also much”take­away”food,and most children like to eat them.

1.People in South China usually have ______ for dinner.

A.bread          B.potatoes

C.rice            D. chips

2.Bread is the most important food in ______.

A.Britain         B.Australia and America

C.A and B        D. China

3.People may feel ______ to hear that Japanese eat raw fish.

A.lovely         B.surprised        C.quiet         D. nice

4.The passage mainly talks about ______.

A.food           B.animals

C.vegetables      D. fruit

5.Which sentence is RIGHT?

A.People in China and America eat the same food.

B.Australians never make bread at their home.

C.Fish is very popular in Japan and England.

D. People in different places eat same things




Once in the countryside, there was a farmer who had a lot of workers on his farm. One morning, the farmer said to John, one of the workers, “Today my friends are having a party in the city, and I want to     them. Will you water the young trees when I’m away?”

“Oh, yes!” said John. “We shall be     to do that.”

“Do not      to water the trees when the sun goes down. Make sure they have plenty of water,     .not too much” said the farmer. Then he went away.

When the sun went down, the workers     to water the trees. “Make sure that each tree

has     water,” said John.      can we know if each tree has enough?” another worker asked. John had no good     , so he said, “Pull up (拔起) each tree and look at the length of…的长度 its roots (根). Give more water to the trees with long roots, but only a little to those with short roots.”

Then those workers pulled up all the young trees to     their roots. When the farmer

the next day, the poor trees were all dead.

1.A. hurt            B. kill         C. join         D. leave

2.A. afraid          B. glad         C. sad          D. angry

3.A. forget        B. remember     C. look         D. listen

4.A. and             B. or           C. so           D. but

5.A. began           B. became      C. asked        D. hoped

6.A. little          B. few          C. enough       D. more

7.A. What           B. When        C. How          D. Where

8.A. time            B. pleasure     C. money        D. idea

9.A. hear            B. see          C. do           D. write

10. A. took off      B. went away    C. came back    D. got up



______ way to go from here to Beijing is by train.

A. Cheaper        B. The cheaper

C. The cheapest   D. Cheapest



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