满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There is a new sport in America. It’s a ...

There is a new sport in America. It’s a game called “Earthball”. “Earthball” is like a huge beach ball. While you are playing the game, you should try to keep the ball in the air if possible. As the ball is so big, lots of people have to play together. A man called Stuart Frand invented the game. There are no winners or losers in the game. The idea is just to enjoy yourself as much as you can.

“Earthball” is just one of the games in a “New Game Festival”. The festival was first held in the countryside near San Francisco, in the USA; Perhaps other countries can follow the example of the men from California and have festivals to try out new games-it sounds like a good idea.

1.While playing “Earthball”, people should try to _______.

A. throw the ball into a basketball.

B. make the ball fall to the other side.

C. let the ball stay in the air.

2.To play “Earthball”, _______ people are needed.

A. three       B. a lot of    C. few

3.In the game of “Earthball”, _______.

A. Both sides will win

B. all the players can enjoy it

C. the side with more people will win

4.The underline world “huge” may mean _______ in Chinese.

A. 巨大的        B. 圆的      C. 重的

5.Where was the “New Game Festival” first held?

A. In England.

B. In Japan.

C. In California.


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文介绍了美国的一种新兴运动,叫“Earthball”。 1.】C细节理解题。根据“you should try to keep the ball in the air if possible”可知,玩“Earthball”的规则是尽可能地把球保持在空中。故选C。 2.】B细节理解题。从文中“lots of people have to play together”信息可知,玩“Earthball”需要很多人。故选B。 3.】B细节理解题。跟据“ There are no winners or losers in the game. The idea is just to enjoy yourself as much as you can.”可知,这项新的运动没有输赢,唯一的就是你尽可能多的享受过程。故选B。 4.】A词义猜测题。根据“As the ball is so big”可知,这个球很大,所以“huge”的意思是“巨大的”。故选A。 5.】C细节理解题。根据“The festival was first held in the countryside near San Francisco, in the USA.”可知,这种“新球节”一开始是在靠近美国加利福尼亚的一个村庄里举行的。故选C。

Do you want to be in good health? Try to do the following things! You can become stronger.

Drink eight cups of water every day. Water helps your body in many ways.

Don’t forget to eat your breakfast. Breakfast gives you energy your body needs for the morning.

Go for a walk every day after meals. Walking is a good exercise, and people need exercise for good health.

Stretch for five minutes after sitting for one or two hours.Stretching your arms and legs is good for your body.

Have a rest about twenty minutes when you are tired. You may do something different to take a rest. For example, get up and walk, sit down to listen to music and so on.


1.Drink eight cups of water every day is good for us.

2.Go for a walk every day before meals.

3.Stretch for five minutes after sitting five hours.

4.Have a rest when you are tired.

5.You can listen to music to have a rest.




Mrs. Brown was a very busy woman. She had an important job and three children. She had so much to do and ________  had free time. She didn’t even eat breakfast. She said that it took too long and she wasn’t really ________   when she got up.

Mrs. Brown thought it was not necessary to eat breakfast .  ________ spending time eating, she could read the newspaper and take a shower.

And then one day, something terrible   ________ . Mrs Brown was at work. She was trying to write a passage but couldn’t find her ________  . Miss White came to help her, but she told Miss White to go away and said, I don’t need your help!” That made Miss White very   ________  .

Mrs. Brown felt bad. She didn’t know what ________ her say that. She didn’t want to make Miss White unhappy and ________  to say sorry to her. But she felt dizzy (晕眩的) and couldn’t stand.

Later, a doctor told her to have a rich  ________ every day. Mrs. Brown ________ the doctor’s advice and felt better soon.

1.A. often        B. never       C. always

2.A. well         B. busy        C. hungry

3.A. Instead of   B. Giving up   C. Standing for

4.A. went          B. left        C. happened

5.A. clothes      B. shoes       C. pen

6.A. angry        B. excited     C. happy

7.A. asked        B. forced      C. made

8.A. decided      B. agreed      C. told

9.A. breakfast     B. meal        C. lunch

10.A. took          B. heard       C. stopped




Ann’s mother: Hello !

Kangkang : Hello ! May I speak to Ann ?

Ann’s mother: ___________1._________

(Ann answers the telephone)

Ann : Hello ! Kangkang!

Kangkang : Hello ! Ann, this is Kangkang. Are you free tomorrow?

Ann :  _2.__________. What's up?

Kangkang: We are going fishing tomorrow. ____3._____?

Ann: Yes, I'd love to. Where shall we meet?

Kangkang: Let's meet outside Zhongshan Park

Ann:___________ 4._________?

Kangkang: At 6:30 tomorrow morning

Ann: OK. See you then.

Kangkang:_______ 5.________


A. Yes, I am free.

B. Would you like to go with us?

C. See you.

D. Hold the line,please.

E. When shall we meet?




                A                                           B

1.What are you going to be when you grow up?    A. Sure, go ahead.

2.How long have you been like this?            B. I have a toothache.

3.What’s wrong with you?                        C. Animals.

4.Which do you like better,plants or animals?    D. Two days.

5.May I ask you some questions?                  E. A doctor.



I  _____ go swimming, but now I like playing soccer better.

A. used to

B. get used to

C. was used for



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