满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达根据提示和要求,写一篇短文。将短文写在答题卡书面表达空白处。 为了进一步...



How to keep safe?

1.网上慎重交友。2. 遇险报警。3. 安全饮食,不吃变质的食物。4. 夏季到来时不要去河里游泳。




参考词汇:make friends , be careful , online, in danger, call…for help,  go bad(变质)

How to keep safe?

As teenagers, we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of my suggestions. First,


How to keep safe? As teenagers, we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of my suggestions. First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe. Also we should eat healthily and safely. Eating food that go bad will do harm to our health. Last but not least, summer is coming, and we must remember it is dangerous to swim in the river. In short, safety must come first! 【解析】 试题分析:考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。要求介绍。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。温馨提醒:考生必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。 写作亮点:这篇文章语言规范,叙事清楚,词汇及时态运用正确,能够把提示的内容叙述清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯是一篇不错的文章。 考点:提纲作文  


Reporter:  Hello! I’m a reporter. May I ask you some questions?

You: Sure, please.

Reporter:         1.            ?

You: Yes, I like exercise.

Reporter:        2.           ?

You: My favorite exercise is running.

Reporter:  How often do you exercise?

You:          3.

Reporter:  Why do you exercise?

You: Because I want to keep healthy.

Reporter:  Do you usually exercise in a park?

You:        4.

Reporter:        5.

You: I usually exercise in the morning.

Reporter:  Good! My questions are over. Thank you!

You: You’re welcome.




An American named Crum invented potato chips in 1853, although that was not his intention(意图). He was a chef(厨师) at a beautiful restaurant in Saratoga Springs, New York. A regular(常规的) dish on the menu was fried potatoes, which was an idea that had started in France. At that time, French fried potatoes were cut into thick slices.

One day, a dinner guest at the restaurant sent back his fried potatoes to the chef because he did not like them so thick. So Mr. Crum cut the potatoes a little thinner and fired them. The guest did not like those either. That made Mr. Crum angry, so he thought he would just show the man. He sliced the potatoes paper-thin and fried them, thinking that the man would say nothing about it. However, to his surprise, the man loved the thin potatoes very much. Other guests tried them and liked them. So, Mr. Crum’s potato chips were added to the menu. They were called Saratoga chips .

1.What did Crum do when he invented potato chips?


2.Why did the dinner guest sent back his fried potatoes to Crum?


3.How did Mr. Crum feel when he found the man loved the thin potatoes?


4.What was the name of the potato chips in the menu?


5.What does the passage talk about?





Trees are greatly useful to man in three very important ways.

The first important way is that they provide man with food, wood and other products. Trees provide not only man with food, but also many animals with food. Without trees many animals could not live on the earth. It's not easy for man to live on the earth, either.

The second important way is that trees give us shade(阴凉处).On a hot summer day, people are looking forward to having a rest under the shade of a tree after they have walked a long way. You can imagine how important the shade of a tree is to man and to animals.

The third important way is that trees help to prevent drought(旱灾) and floods(水灾).However, in many parts of the world, man has not realized the third important way. They cut trees down in large numbers. There will be fewer trees in the future.

People should protect trees, or they will find that they have lost the best friends they had in the end.

Trees are useful to man in   1.important ways.

Trees provide man with    2.  , wood and other products.

Trees give man shade on a    3.  summer day.

Trees help to   4.   drought and floods.

If people don’t protect trees, they will find they have lost   5.   they had.



Have you ever asked your relatives or friends if there is Wi-Fi in their houses? Have you ever searched for Wi-Fi when you are at restaurants or hotels. The answer will probably be “Yes”. Most of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we couldn’t live without it. But we can only use free Wi-Fi in some public places. We still have to spend some money accessing(连接) the Internet at most time. Here comes a piece of good news.

A rich, powerful organization in the USA called MDIF has decided to change the age of online computing(计算) completely by giving free Wi-Fi to every person on the earth. They will send up hundreds of satellites(卫星) into low Earth orbit(轨道) next year.

This is because they have made a survey and found that only 60% of the world’s population have been able to get information on the Internet. And this is also because many countries can’t offer people the necessary infrastructure(基础设施) to access the web.

We can expect to use free Wi-Fi everywhere in the near future.

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1.Do we have to spend some money accessing(连接) the Internet at most time?

A. Yes.        B. No        C. We don’t know.

2.What is MDIF?

A. A sport meeting

B. A rich, powerful organization in the USA

C. A organization for helping homeless people

3.How many people have been able to get information on the Internet?

A. 10%        B. 80%       C.60%

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. MDIF will send up hundreds of satellites into low Earth orbit next year.

B. Many countries can offer people the necessary infrastructure to access the web.

C.We can’t expect to use free Wi-Fi everywhere in the near future.

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A. The Internet

B. The great invention

C. Free Wi-Fi everywhere in the future



Thanksgiving Day was near. The first grade teacher gave her class some fun homework-- to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful.

Most of the class drew a turkey or other traditional things. But Douglas drew a different kind of picture. He drew a hand. Just an empty hand.

Douglas was a different boy. He was poor and unhappy. As other children played, Douglas was likely to stand close by the teacher’s side.

His classmates were surprised at his picture. One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers raise turkeys. Others guessed it was the hand of God, for God feeds us.

The teacher asked him whose hand it was. The little boy said in a low voice, “It’s yours.”

She remembered the times she had taken his hand and walked with him here and there. She often said, “Take my hand, Douglas, we’ll go outside.” Or, “Let me show you how to hold your pencil.” Or, “Let’s do this together.” Douglas was most thankful for his teacher’s hand.

Tears came into the teacher’s eyes.

1.The underlined word “raise” , means”______”

A. 种         B. 饲养         C. 做饭

2.Douglas drew a hand of _______.

A. a farmer     B. god          C. the teacher

3.When other children played, Douglas _______

A. played with other children

B. sat in the classroom quietly

C. stood quietly by the teacher’s side.

4.When the teacher knew the truth, she felt ____

A. sad         B. worried       C. moved

5. Douglas drew the picture of a hand because _______

A. Douglas only liked drawing the hand.

B. the teacher asked the students to draw a hand.

C. Douglas was most thankful for his teacher’s hand.



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