满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Anna comes1.         Russia. She is 17 years old. She is going 2._________   (stay) with the Black family for a year. Anna comes to England 3.___________she wants to study English. She helps Mrs. Black 4._________housework and goes to English 5._____ (class) every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.

Anna is now in London. Everything is new to her. She finds life is different from that in Moscow. Some things are nice in London, 6.         many things are not so nice. The shops are 7._________ (big) in London than those in Moscow. So it's very expensive to enjoy 8. ________ (live) in London. It is expensive to have a meal at a restaurant or go to the cinema.

Now Anna gets used to (习惯于) many 9._________ (thing), but she can't get used to the breakfast in England. "You English eat so much10.____ the morning," she often says, "Fruits, porridge, eggs, tea and bread. How can you face (面对) all that food so early in the day?"


1.from 2.to stay 3.because 4.with/do 5.classes 6.but 7. bigger 8.living 9.things 10.in 【解析】 试题分析:安娜是来自俄罗斯的一位17岁女孩,她想学习英语,独自一人来到英国,住在布莱克夫妇家里。她发现这儿的生活与莫斯科的生活大不一样。尤其让她不习惯的是英国人的早餐。 1.句意:安娜来自于俄罗斯。come from来自于。依据句意,故答案为from。 2.句意:她打算与布莱克一家住上一年。be going to do sth.计划、打算干某事。故答案为to stay。 3.句意:安娜来英国是因为她想学习英语。依据句意可知,安娜来英国的目的是学习英语。表原因。故答案为because。 4.句意:她帮助布莱克夫人做家务活。help sb. do (to do) with sth.帮助某人做某事。故答案为do/ to do/with。 5.句意:每周三、周五下午上英语课。go to English classes,去上英语课。注意此处应该用复数形式。 6.句意:在伦敦一些东西很好,但是也有许多东西就不那么好了。依据依据可知,此处是表示转折关系。故答案为but。 7.句意:伦敦的商店比莫斯科的商店大的多。此处是一个比较级的句子,商店比较大小。故答案为bigger。 8.句意:因此享受住在伦敦的生活是非常昂贵的。Enjoy doing sth.喜欢享受做某事,故答案为living。 9.句意:现在,安娜很多事情都已习惯。many后跟复数名词。故答案为things。 10.句意:你们英国人在早晨吃的太多。in the morning在早晨用介词in。故答案为in。 考点:考查动词语法填空。


Betty is a middle school student. She often gets up early every day. She makes the bed and washes her face1.________(快速地). She often has milk and bread for breakfast. She says they’re good 2.______(对) her health. She 3.__________(通常) goes to school by bike. But yesterday she 4.______(乘)the bus there, because her bike was broken. She is 5.______(从不)late for school. She studies really hard. She wants to be an 6.________(工程师) when she grows up. So she spends most of her time7.________(学习) science and math. And she also has a big 8.________(梦想). What’s it? Oh, she would like to have a robot at home and would be 9.____(能够) to make it move and think like people in the 10._________(将来). She hopes it will come true one day.




send       cheap    two     do     reason


1.Can you tell me the __________ why you were late for school?

2.My pen pal _________ me a postcard from New York next week.

3.You can buy the jacket ____________ because they’re on sale.

4.Scientists are trying to make the robot ___________ the same things as we do.

5.Do you take exercise __________ a week?



Do you know how to study better? Let me give you some advice about studying. First, don’t put off (延误) studying. Many students do that. Then they have to cram (死记硬背) the night before the exam. In fact you need good study habits and study a little every day. This way, you will prepare (准备) better for the exams. Second, plan rewards into your study time. For example, if you read 20 pages of the book, you can play one computer game. But only one. Third, stay in a quiet place and turn off your mobile phone. Then you can put your heart into your study. Last, believe it or not, sleeping is part of studying. It can help you learn better. Try to sleep more than eight hours a night. Take the advice, and you will study better.

1.What is a good study habit?

A. Not putting off studying.

B. Cramming the night before the exam.

C. Studying hard in your free time.

D. Not preparing for the exams.

2.What does “rewards” mean in the passage?

A. Exercise after studying.

B. Do something you like.

C. Cram the night before exam.

D. Turn off your phone.

3.What can help you study better?

A. Only studying before the exam.

B. Studying and watching TV at the same time.

C. Studying in a quiet place.

D. Talking with friends on the phone.

4. How many hours should you sleep a night for the better study?

A. 5 hours.     B. 6 hours.      C. 7 hours.    D. 9 hours.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Cramming is more important than studying well.

B. Studying a little every day is good for your study.

C. Staying in a large place can help you study better.

D. Sleep less, and you’ll have more time to study.



It is a hot summer day. A group of animals are waiting in line(排队) for the bus under the hot sun. They are all swearing(流汗).

Then Elephant comes and stands in front of all the other animals.

“Elephant please wait in line!” the animals tell him.

Elephant still stands there and he doesn’t say anything. The other animals are very angry, but they can do nothing to Elephant.

“He is too big and we are too small,” says Ant.

“We have to give way to him,” says Rabbit.

“Hey, do you feel cool now?” asks Monkey.

“Yes. We are standing Elephant’s shadow(阴影),” Panda says happily.

Suddenly, they all feel some wind. Oh, how cool! Elephant is fanning(为……扇风) the animals with his ears.

At last, the bus comes. All the other animals get on, but Elephant still stands there. He doesn’t want to get on the bus.

“Elephant, the bus is here. Why don’t you get on? asks Monkey.

“Oh, I’m just passing by(经过) and want to give you some shade(阴凉),” says Elephant.

Now, all the other animals know how friendly Elephant is.

1. At first, the animals feel _______when Elephant comes.

A. unhappy         B. excited       C. afraid          D. lucky

2.The underlined phrases “give way” means _______ in Chinese.

A. 鞠躬           B. 让路         C. 道歉          D. 躲避

3.Where may we see the passage?

A. In a history book.

B. In a Chinese exercise book.

C. In a storybook for children.

D. In a newspaper about science

4. What’s the best title of this passage?

A. A hot day            B. A selfish(自私) elephant

C. A friendly elephant  D. A cooler day



A man lives in a very tall building. He has a lot of money and he has a parrot at home. It’s a clever bird. Every morning, after the man gets up, the bird says “Hello”. When the man comes back from his work, the bird says “Is that you? Come here, I can see you.” One evening, when the man was asleep, a thief came into his home by climbing up the building. When he found some money and began to leave the house by climbing down through the windows again, he heard a voice in the dark.

“Hello! Is that you? Come here. I can see you.” The thief was so frightened(害怕的) that he fell down from the windows.

1.A parrot is a kind of ________ .

A. thing         B. bird         C. man        D. machine

2.When did the thief come?

A. In the afternoon

B. In the morning

C. When the man wasn’t at home

D. When the man was asleep

3.What do you think of the thief at last?

A. He talked with the parrot.

B. He stayed in the man’s house

C. He climbed down the building

D. He died.



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