满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Because of (lo...


1.Because of           (lose) their living areas, bears have nowhere to live .

2.--Who jumps _____________ (far), Tom or Jim?     --Tom does.

3.This car is one of the          (visit). He is looking for it everywhere.

4.My sister agreed __________ (see)the film with  me  next Sunday .

5.The loud music makes me very ____________(comfortable). Would you please turn it down?

6.When a baby panda        (be)born, it looks like a white mouse.

7.We should spend as much as we can         (learn) English well.

8.Can you tell me these          (fisherman) names ?

9.A great number of        (tour) go to study birds in Zhalong every year.

10.We should prevent the flood         (wash) away our houses .


1.losing 2.farther /further 3.visitors’ 4.to see 5.uncomfortable 6.is 7.learning 8.fishermen’s 9.tourists 10.washing 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍了鸟类怎样保护自己,以及所面临的生态危机,现在人们为了保护鸟类所采取的措施。 1.losing句意:因为失去的生活领域,熊无处可住。 Because of 介词,意思是因为;由于,后跟动名词,名词或代词;故填losing。 2.farther /further句意:汤姆和吉姆,谁跳的远?----汤姆跳得远。根据句意用比较级,far的比较级是farther /further。 3.visitors’ 句意:这辆车是一个游客的。他正到处在找它。One of:……之一,后跟名词或代词的复数。根据语境填名词所有格,Visit的名词游客visitor,复数的名词所有格是visitors’。 4.to see 我的姐姐同意下一个星期天和我一起看电影。Agree to do sth.:同意做某事。结合句意可知填to see。 5.uncomfortable句意:大声的音乐让我很不舒服。把声音关小一点好吗?make sb./sth. adj.:使……怎么样;turn down:调低;根据下文Would you please turn it down?可知填不舒服uncomfortable。 6.is 句意:当小熊猫出生时,它看起来像一只小白鼠。主语是一般现在时,从句也用一般现在时;故填is。 7.learning句意:我们应该花费尽可能多的时间学好英语。As…as 主语+can/could:尽可能……;spend st./sm. (in) doing sth./spend st./sm. On sth.:花费时间或金钱做某事。故填learning。 8.fishermen’s句意:你能告诉我这些渔夫的名字吗?names是名词,these这些,可知用fisherman的复数名词所有格fishermen’s。 9.tourists 句意:每年有大量的游客去扎龙研究鸟。A great number of:许多,大量的,后跟名词的复数,作主语时,谓语用复数;故填tour的名词复数tourists。 10.……做某事;故填washing。 考点:考查单词的适当形式填空。

Life is full of surprises and you never know how things will turn out .Sir John Gurdon is a good example of this. As a boy, he was told he was hopeless at science and finished bottom of his class. Now, aged 79, the very same Gurdon shared the 2012 Nobe Prize in Medicine with Japanese stem cell(干细胞) researcher Shinya Yamanaka.

Like so many scientists, Gurdon shows us where the power of curiosity and perseverance (坚持不懈)can lead.

At the age of 15 in 1948, Gurdon ranked last out of the 250 boys at his high school in biology and every other science subject. Gurdon’s high school science teacher even said that his dream of becoming a scientist was“quite ridiculous”.

In spite of his teacher s criticisms,Gurdon followed his curiosity and kept working hard. He went to the lab early and left later than anyone else. He experienced thousands of failures.

“My own belief is that we will, in the end, understand everything about how cells actually work,” Gurdon said.

In 1962, Gurdon took a cell from an adult frog and moved its genetic(基因的)information into an egg cell. The egg cell then grew into a clone(克隆) of the adult frog. This technique later helped to create Dolly the sheep in 1996, the first cloned mammal(哺乳动物)in the world.

In 2006,Gurdon’s work was developed by Yamanaka to show that a sample(样本)of a person’s skin can be used to create stem cells. Using this technique, doctors can repair a patient’s heart after a heart attack.

Luck favors the prepared mind Gurdon told the Nobel Prize Organization. “Ninety percent of the time things don’t work,but when they do,you have to seize(抓住)the chance.”

1. Who won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine?

A. Sir John Gurdon

B. Shiny a Yamanaka.

C. Sir John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka

D. Gurdon’s science teacher.

2. In what order are the followings mentioned in the passage?

a. create the sheep Dolly

b. take a cell from an adult frog

c. use a person’s skin to create stem cells

d. move a frog’s genetic information into an egg cell

e. grow into a clone of a frog

A. b—a—c—d—e      B. b—d—e—a—c

C. b—d—a—p—e      D. b—c—d—a—c

3. What does the underlined word “ridiculous” mean?

A.无知的   B.无畏的  C.荒废的  D.荒谬的

4.According to the passage, which statement is true?

A. As a boy, he was told he was hopeful.

B. He ranked first at his high school in biology.

C. It’s impossible for the doctors to repair a patient’s heart after a heart attack.

D. In spite of-his teacher's criticisms, he kept working hard.

5. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Ninety percent of the time things don’t work.

B. Luck favors the prepared mind

C. Life is full of surprises.

D. How to know cells actually work.



Bears are found in Asia, Africa and America. They are very strong, with short tails and thick legs. Bears eat almost everything. They seem to enjoy meat, vegetables, fruit, milk and rice.

Bears are not quite dangerous as people imagine them to be. Like most animals, they will try to stay away from human beings. However, bears are not weak animals. Sometimes they kill hunters, for they can be very dangerous.

Bears have a good sense of smell but they have poor eyesight. They are also hard of hearing but they are very clever. They feed mainly on roots, frogs, fish and also small insects. They will sometimes kill deer and other large animals, but they seem to like small animals better.

In the cold area, bears hibernate, or go to sleep from October to April. Before they start to hibernate, they eat a lot and store fat. The mother bear has its babies, usually two, towards the end of hibernation. A large bear is much cleverer than a cat and most other animals. You may notice at the zoo how cleverly they ask for food. They sit up and hold out their paws. You would have to teach a dog such a trick but the bears learn this by themselves.

1. Like most animals, bears try to_______.

A. kill hunters

B. store fat after hibernation

C. stay away from people

D. be friendly with people

2. People imagine bears to be_______.

A. quite harmless  B. very dangerous

C. very safe      D. very clever

3. A mother bear usually gives birth to_______.

A. many babies     B. only one

C. some of babies   D. two babies

4. Which of the following not true?

A. Bears never kill large animals.

B. Bears are found in many places.

C. Bears have to hibernate in the winter.

D. Bears didn't need to be taught to ask for food

5. "They are also hard of hearing." means they__________.

A. have big ears      B. cannot see

C. cannot hear well     D. can hear even weak noise



Let’s Explore (探索)The Nature!

Are you interested in animals and nature? Want to enjoy your summer holiday and learn something interesting and useful?

Here comes your chance! Youth Explore has prepared you with a THREE-DAY SUMMER PROGRAM! You can take part in many activities and meet with live animals, such as giraffes, pandas, tigers, and so on! More information about the program is as follows:

Age: Students aged 8~16

Groups: There are 2 programs for you to choose from. Each program needs at most 15 students.

Program A

Dates: 14 ~ 16 July, 2014

Days: Monday to Wednesday

Time: 10:00 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m.

Program B

Dates: 5 ~ 7 August, 2014

Days: Tuesday to Thursday

Time: 10:00 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m.

Program cost: $230 for members; $250 for non-members

How to do: Simply come to our centre to get an application form. Send your completed form on or before 11th July, 2014 (Friday).


1. No free lunches are provided because of personal food differences. You may either bring a lunch-box or pay for lunch at our restaurants.

2. Both programs will start 1 day later if there is a warning of rainstorms.


1. ________can join the three-day summer program.

A. A kid of 7            B. A boy of 14

C. A girl of 17           D. A man of 26

2. If there is a rainstorm on 14th July, program A will start on _________.

A. Sunday      B. Monday      C. Tuesday      D. Wednesday

3. Two members and one non-member should pay ______ for the program.

A. $690         B. $710      C. $730       D. $750

4. Free lunches aren’t provided because ______.

A. the lunches cost too much

B. people have different tastes

C. there are many restaurants

D. they may bring lunch-boxes

5. What can we know from the passage?

A. Youth Explore is the name of the program.

B. More than 15 students are in each program.

C. We can see three kinds of animals in the program.

D. You need to hand in an application form for the program.




Jessie was driving home happily when a truck went past her car. The driver was moving much too fast. When Jessie neared her exit(出口), she ______ something and stopped her car to the______of the highway(高速公路). An accident had happened on the left side. The truck had ______ a car, but the driver was gone. Jessie thought that the people inside must be badly ______ and she should help them as much as she could.

Not thinking of the _____, Jessie hurried to the other side of the road, though______people dared(敢)cross such a busy road.      the car, she saw five people —two women and three children. Jessie was ______ to see all of them moving.

Jessie pulled one of the car doors. It wouldn’t______. She went to the next door. ______, she couldn’t move it. She almost thought that all was lost before she got one of the doors to open a little. “Please get the children out,” one of the women called. Jessie _______ a little boy from the car and moved him to a ______ place. Then she went to bring the other children to safety.

After the last child was out of the car, Jessie thought of the box in _________ car. She had something in it that could help get that door open. So she went back to get the box quickly. As Jessie was ______ on the door, the driver said, “Not many people would do what you’re doing.” “Your just take it easy, and I’ll have you _______ soon,” said Jessie. She was as good as her word. As soon as she helped the women out of the car, it caught fire.

1.A. did           B. saw            C. made            D. forgot

2.A. right         B. left           C. front           D. back

3.A. hit          B. met            C. passed          D. followed

4.A. wanted        B. treated       C. needed          D. hurt

5.A. matter        B. trouble       C. danger          D. dangerous

6.A. a few         B. a little      C. few           D. little

7.A. Looking after B. Looking into  C. Looking out of  D. Looking down

8.A. afraid        B. happy           C. nervous       D. worried

9.A. close        B. walk            C. open           D. drive

10.A. Again       B. Clearly         C. Perhaps        D. Suddenly

11.A. picked      B. dropped         C. collected      D. pulled

12.A. quiet       B. cool            C. safe          D. clean

13.A. their      B. her            C. his            D. its

14.A. working      B. turning         C. knocking       D. setting

15.A. back         B. past            C. over           D. out



The ___ old man lives in a _____ house ______.

A. lonely, lonely, alone    B. lonely, alone, alone

C. alone, lonely, lonely    D. alone, lonely, alone



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