满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据要求完成小作文,词数40词。 谈谈自己的某一项爱好




Everyone has our own hobbies,it may give us a lot of happiness.For example,build model ships,play basketball,raise pets and so on.Then what’s my hobby?My hobby is listening to music. When I was a child I enjoy listening to music, especially the cartoon music. Though I’m not good at it,I often lose myself in it.When I am in trouble,music can make me calm down.When I am very tired,it can make me comfortable. When I am angry with something,it also can make me happy again. Listening to music keeps me in a good mood and it’s good for my health. Do you like listening to music?If not,I hope you can have a try,you’ll find it so good. 【解析】 试题分析:本文切合实际,写学生自己的情况。文章不难,学生有东西可写。可以从自己平时的日常安排中,来描写自己最喜欢做的事情。在这做这种最喜欢的事情的时候,自己的切身感受以及这样做对自己未来发展的重要影响。在写的过程中,注意审清楚题目,注意卷面的整洁。 写作亮点:这篇短文能够清楚地表述自己的观点和想法,文章脉络清晰,自然流畅。同时还使用了排比句,如:When I am in trouble,music can make me calm down.When I am very tired,it can make me comfortable. When I am angry with something,it also can make me happy again.这为文章增色不少。 考点:话题作文。  


Which college would you like to go to in the future? It’s not too early to think about it right now. Students at Hilltop School had a College Week at the end of last month. 1.________ For instance, they designed a flag for a virtual(虚拟的)“College of Hilltop”.

2.________ He said he started the program to help students form their aims(目标). “College may not be for everyone, but we want the program to help students form their aims.” he said.

3.________ Eric, a student in Grade 8, said, “College Week made me realize that college is only four years away. I should do some research about where I want to go.” Paul, another student in Grade 8, said he realized that there so many colleges for him to choose. 4.________

The school also invited people to give career(职业)talks. The first talk was given by Captain Brown, a policeman. He talked about how to choose a career way. 5.________ “The program opened up the students’ eyes,” said Mr. Miller.

A. According to the students, the program worked well.

B. He also talked about the importance of math, reading, and writing in his career as a  policeman.

C. During the week, they took part in all kinds of activities.

D. Mr. Miller is the teacher who started the program.

E. After some research, he said he wanted to choose the University of California



Have you ever studied abroad? Maybe it is an amazing experience, especially when you come to Australia as an foreign high school student. You can have a lot of fun there, especially on holidays.

There are many festivals in Australia. The most important one is Christmas. Each year, the summer holidays at every high school last about two months from the beginning of December to February, which covers the Christmas time. Since it is a long holiday, most foreign students in Australia love to fly back to their home countries to spend the time with their families and friends, but a few students still stay in Australia during the holiday to get part-time jobs. It is quite easy to find a part-time job at Christmas.

Students often take part in another major social activity. They go to the beach to have fun in the sunshine. The summer in Australia is from December to February, so going to the beach in December is very popular among Australians.

Easter in March is another important holiday in the year. It actually combines "Good Friday" and "Easter Monday". Almost every shop closes on Good Friday. And people usually go to see Easter Show.

The Chinese new year is not a public holiday in Australia, so every Chinese student still has to go to school to study and do his or her normal duties.

Information about Australia

Summer holidays

From1._____ to February

The most popular activity in December

Going to the 2.____

Two important holidays

Christmas and 3._____

The thing people usually do on Good Friday

Going to see Easter 4._____

What to do for a few foreign students in summer

Get a part-time 5.____



Passage 1阅读短文,回答问题。

Children know that summer is probably the most fun of all seasons. However, experts say it is also the most dangerous, especially, for children aged 14 and under. In its first study of children’s safety in the US, the National Safe Kids Campaign(NSKC) founds that nearly half of the injury-related(与受伤相关的) deaths among children happened in summer.

Experts are not surprised by the study’s results. They always know summer is a dangerous season for children. During the summer, children are out of the school and spend more time outdoors. They are more likely to get into an accident or be injured. “While we encourage children to be active and spend more time outdoors, they need to understand the importance of safety,” said Everett Koop, an expert of the NSKC.

To help children say safe, the NSKC started a “Make it a Safe Kids Summer” campaign during National Safe Kids Week, from May 5 through May 12. Here are some important summer safety tips from the NSKC:

●Always wear your seat belt.

●Make sure there is an adult around when you decide to go swimming.

●Wear a life jacket when on a boat or doing water sports.

●Obey all traffic rules.

1.Why is summer the most dangerous season of the year in the US?

2.How long did the “Make it a Safe Kids Summer” Campaign last?

3.How many summer safety tips does the NSKC provide?

4.Must the children understand the importance of safety?

5.What’s the purpose in writing this passage




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The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modem traffic and modem communication (通讯设备).Life today is much1.___ than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems.One of the biggest problems is 2.____.To pollute means to make things dirty.Pollution comes in many ways.We see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.

Man has polluted the earth.The more people, the 3.___ pollution.Air pollution is still the most 4.____.It’s bad for all 5.____ things in the world, but it is not the only kind of pollution.Water pollution 6.___ fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us angry more easily.

Many countries are 7.___ rules to fight pollution.They stop people from8.___ coal in houses and factories and from putting dirty smoke into the air.Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution.It is caused by heavy traffic.We are sure that if there are fewer people driving, there will be9.___ air pollution.The earth is our home.We must take care of it.That means 10.___ the water, land and air clean




This song is from US musician Sara Bareilles(莎拉 巴莱勒思) .1.The-33-year-old singer is also a songwriter and pianist. Her songs are pure and heartfelt. 2.And she has sold over 1 million records in the US alone. Bareilles wrote the song and released it on April 23 this year. It was inspired(启发) by her friend who had some problems. 3.She hoped her friend could be brave and say what he wanted. Are you sometimes too shy to speak out? Listen to the song and you may get great courage from it. Don’t run, stop holding your tongue. Maybe there is a way.



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