满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 假如你叫Ben,应母校的邀请给学生们作演讲。你的主题是“忆过去,谈现在...




















   My name is Ben. I’m so glad to give a speech here. Ten years ago, I studied here as a student. ________________________________________________________________________







My name is Ben, I am so glad to give a speech here. Ten years ago, I studied here as a student. Now I am a reporter of CCTV. In the past, I ate junk food twice a week. I loved playing basketball. But now I drink coffee every day. I like watching TV, but I can’t stand soap operas. In the past, the air was much fresher than it is now. There are more cars but fewer trees now. 【解析】考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。本文要求写一份演讲稿。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。时态的选择上应该是一般现在时与一般过去时两种时态。本文能够按照表格中所提供的信息,从不同方面对母校的过去与现在进行比较,时态把握非常准确。要点比较齐全,其中有合理的适当发挥。文章条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,层次分明。最后一段In the past, the air was much fresher than it is now. There are more cars but fewer trees now.比较级的使用是本文的亮点。  



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1.It’s a program from Korea. Five star-daddies will take care of their kids without their mothers. They will go to lots of different places without moms. How do the daddies solve all the problems?

2.It’s a musical program from Holland. Famous singers, such as Jay Chou and Na Ying are the stars’ tutors(导师). The Host of it is famous as “the best tongue” for his fast speaking speed in China.

3.It is a program for sharing talents, coming from one of Britain’s most popular talent show competitions. Anyone at any age with any kinds of high talent can be on TV for “The winner of the Talent”.

4.It is a movie channel of CCTV. You can enjoy all kinds of great movies around the world on this channel.

5.Different kinds of English programs are on this channel of CCTV all day. Do you want to improve your English? Watch the program on this channel.




Tina and Vera are sisters. They live in a big city. Tina is not as old1.Vera. She is older than her. She thinks living in the city is much2.(interesting)than in the countryside. She likes the lights in her city. She thinks the lights in her city are the 3.(beautiful) in the world. She enjoys4.(read) and she reads5.(many)books than Vera.6., Vera dislikes living in the city. She thinks living in the countryside7.(be) much better. She often8.(visit) her grandparents in the countryside and takes vacations there. She often takes walks9. supper. It makes her10.(feel) very relaxed.




My friend is Lily, she is really1.(有才能的)in music. I love music, too. We both like many kinds of2.(杂志) and we often study3.(一起).Last year, her mother4.(去世).She was very sad. I often saw her sit5.(静) in the classroom . She was 6.(瘦)than before, and She was not in good7.(健康). I tried to help her get8.(穿过)the sad days.9.(虽然) she still misses her mother, she becomes more outgoing now . I think she is confident(自信的)10.(足够)to face the difficulties.




dish,    quick,    tell,    two,     comfortable

1. Smith usually visits his parents _________ a month.

2.I think Moon Theater has the most __________ seats.

3.Thanks for ________ me funny stories.

4.The menu had only 10________ and the service was the worst.

5.You can buy tickets the most __________ in Town Cinema.



Everyone has a dream. Some are good dreams. Some are bad dreams. Here are some kids talking about their dreams they had last night.

   Lucy: In my dream, I saw my favorite band EXO singing a wonderful song. One of the main singer Lu Han wore special clothes and sang songs only for me. The songs were so beautiful that it touched my heart. I hope I didn’t wake up this morning.

    Kelly: Last night I dreamed I was an astronaut. I flew a rocket around the earth. The sky was so blue and the white clouds were here and there. I felt I was like a bird. I even sang a song because I was so happy.

    John: I had a really bad dream last night. I invited lots of friends to my home to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. All the preparations were ready. Turkey was in the oven. Other food was on the table. Guests were happy and ready to enjoy the meal. However, someone shouted “Oh, my God!” All the guests disappeared(消失) . I didn’t know what happened. I was scared so much.

   Emma: I dreamed I became a pediatrician.. I could be a doctor for all small kids. It was really wonderful. I tried my best and saved many kids. Parents came to thank me. How happy I was!

1. In _______ dream, Lu Han sang a song.

A. Lucy’s           B. Kelly’s

C. John’s          D. Jack’s

2. The word “Pediatrician” might mean__________.

A. 精神病医生      B. 外科医生

C.牙科医生         D. 儿科医生

3.Who dreamed something about singing?

A. Emma and John   B. Kelly and John

C. Emma           D. Lucy and Kelly

4.From the passage, we know that_____

A. People only have good dreams.

B. John had a good dream.

C. Emma saved many parents in her dream.

D. Kelly dreamed she was an astronaut.



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