满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

______ our teacher is ill, _______ he st...

______ our teacher is ill, _______ he still come to our class to teach us.

A. Though; but       B. Though; /

C. Although; but       D. Although; and


B 【解析】句意:虽然我们的老师生病了,但是他依然来到班级为我们上课。连词though或although, but的用法,两者不能同时出现,故A,C不对,但是在译成中文的时候,两者同时出现;因此D不合题意。通过语境可知用连词although,引导让步状语从句。故选B。  

She plays a role in a film_____________ a true story.

A. is based on         B. base upon

C. was based upon     D. based upon



She was so angry at _____ he was doing _____she walked out without a word.

A. what, that      B. that, what

C. that, that      D. what, what



---Could you tell me _______yesterday?

--- Because my bike was broken on my way here.

A. why you came late

B. why do you come late

C. why you come late

D. why did you come late



__regular exercise is very important, it’s not a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.

A. If             B. As          C. Although          D. Unless



It was a very lo满分5 manfen5.comng day for Jack. He didn’t get home from school ______ six o’clock.

A. since          B. to         C. by         D. until



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