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任务型阅读 (左拦是五个人的体育爱好,右拦是七则体育俱乐部招揽会员的广告,请为每...



1.Han Mei likes volleyball very much. She wants to play it with other girls and form a strong team.

2.Han Han is good at tennis. He loves it very much. He wants to do more practice.

3.Tom’s Chinese friends are good at playing ping-pong. He wants to learn to play it, too.

4.Basketball is Joe’s favorite sport. He is good at it.

5.Lily loves playing chess, she hope she can play it with different people and improve herself.

A. We have a skating centre in this winter  holiday. Welcome to join us!

B. Come and join the Chess Club. Every one can learn from each other.

C. Ping-pong Club welcomes you! Do you  want to be Deng Yaping or Wang Nan?

D. Cool Tennis Club invites you to join us            on weekends! You will have lots of fun here.

E. Do you like to play soccer? You are good  luck now! Our Soccer Team is opening for you.

F. You must be like Yao Ming. Are you a  basketball fan? Come and join our Sunny Basketball Club. You will never forget the time with us.

G. Are you a young girl? Do you want to be strong? Then welcome to join our Volleyball Team.


1.G 2.D 3.C 4.F 5.B 【解析】 1.G中提到“Volleyball Team.”可知这是排球队的招募广告。而韩梅非常喜欢打排球,她应加入排球队。故选G。 2.寒寒擅长网球,D中写到“Cool Tennis Club”。故选D。 3.汤姆的中国朋友擅长打乒乓球。汤姆也想学习打乒乓球。C是“Ping-pong Club”。故选C。 4.乔喜欢打篮球。F中提到“Basketball Club”。故选F。 5.李莉喜欢下国际象棋,她希望跟不同的人练习来提升自己。B中提到“the Chess Club”。故选B。

If you go to England, you may want to visit Big Ben. Big Ben is not the name of a man but a name of the clock in London. It has a long history of about 150 years. It is at the north end of the Palace of Westminster. The big clock has four faces (面). So you can read the face of the clock everywhere. The hands of it are about four meters (米) long each. When the new year comes, it chimes (报时) to welcome the start of the new year. There are also many fireworks (焰火) over the clock tower.

The big clock makes a very loud sound “Ding dong. Ding dong”--the clock gives the sound every 15 minutes of an hour.

1.What is Big Ben?

A. A man.

B. A house.

C. A clock.

D. A river.

2. How long is a hand of Big Ben?

A. 2 meters.   B. 4 meters.

C. 15 meters.   D. 16 meters.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about Big Ben?

A. It’s in the UK.

C. It gives the sound every 30 minutes.

B. It has three faces.

D. It is about 200 years old.

4.When the new year comes, what can you see over the clock tower?

A. Many birds. B. Many clock hands.

C. Many clocks.  D. Many fireworks.

5.What’s the best title (标题) of the passage?

A. The clock tower            C. Clock hands

B. The Palace of Westminster  D. Big Ben



Hi, Peter. Thank you for your telephone call. I’m happy to tell you that we have a double room for you now. It’s on the fifth floor. It faces the West Lake, so you can see it well. The price for each room is $150 per night. Every morning from 7:00 to 9:30, there is a free breakfast, but you have to pay if you have lunch and supper in the hotel. Remember to bring your ID card with you. If you have any more questions, please let us know and we will be pleased to help you. We expect you to come to the hotel on August 16. We hope you will enjoy your stay with us. Thanks again for choosing our hotel.

1.What room does Peter want?

A. A single room.

B. A double room.

C. A clean room.

D. A tidy room.

2.Where is the room?

A. on the fifth floor

B. on the first floor

C. on the fifveth floor

D. on the five floor.

3. Peter wants to stay for 2 nights. How much does peter have to pay?

A . $ 150    B. $200   C. $300    D. $250

4.What is the meaning of the underlined(划线的) word?

A. 愿意    B. 期盼   C. 等待    D. 预测

5.Which meal is free according to the passage?

A. The breakfast.  B. The lunch.

C. The dinner.     D. The supper.



John is a very strong man. He gets a job cutting trees. His boss gives him an axe. The first day, John cuts down eighteen trees. “Good!” the boss says. Happily, John tries harder the next day, but he only cuts down fifteen trees. The third day he even tried harder, but can only cut down ten trees. Day after day, he cuts down fewer trees.

I must be losing my strength ( 力气 ),” John thinks. He goes to the boss to say sorry and says that he does not know what is going on.” “When is the last time you sharpen ( 使锋利 ) your axe?” the boss asks. “I’m busy cutting trees, so I have no time to do it.

When John is working hard, he doesn’t work “smart”. He doesn’t think about the best way to do this job.

1.How many trees does John cut down on the second day?

A. 18.    B. 15.   C. 14.   D. 10.

2.What does the writer think of John on the first day?

A. He thinks John works hard.

B. He thinks John works in a wrong way.

C. He thinks John is very smart.

D. He thinks John cuts down too many trees

3.Why does John cut down fewer and fewer trees day after day?

A. Because he is losing his strength.

B. Because he is busy doing something.

C. Because he doesn’t sharpen his axe.

D. Because his boss lets him do so.

4. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “it”?

A. The work to sharpen the axe.

B. The job to cut down trees.

C. The way to do the job.

D. The time to have a rest.

5. What does the story tell us?

A. It’s really good to work hard.

B. It’s very bad to cut down trees.

C. It’s better to think of the best way

D. It’s so hard to sharpen the axe.




请根据以下三个方面的提示,以“Let's do something to protect our environment.”为题写一篇80--100字的短文。1 重要性:只有一个地球。  2 主要问题: 各种污染。    3  措施:做些什么减少污染,保护大自然。




A Hi, Frank! I have a question to ask you .1.____________________________?

B My hobby is playing football.

A It’s good for you. 2._____________________________________?

B Four times a month. I play football with my classmates on weekends.

What about you?

A I like reading. I’m very happy every time I sit down to read books.

B By the way, 3.________________________________?

A I prefer books that are humorous(诙谐的,幽默的) and exciting. I’m reading a book called The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer(汤姆·索亚历险记). It’s written by Mark Twain. 4.________________________________?

B No, I haven’t. Can I borrow it from you?

A:5._________________.  After I finish reading it , I’ll lend it to you.

B Thank you.



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