满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Mom, when shall we go to Meilanfang Par...

—Mom, when shall we go to Meilanfang Park this weekend?

—I’m free this weekend. ____ Saturday ____Sunday is OK.

A. Neither, nor     B. Both, and

C. Either, or       D. Not only, but also


C 【解析】句意:---妈妈,这个周末我们什么时候去梅兰芳公园?---这个周末我有时间。周六,周日分都可以。此题考查连词,A两者都不;B两者都;C或者,或者;D 不但,而且。根据句意,应选C。  

During his stay in the USA, Yao Ming returned to China______he was needed.

A. whatever       B. whereever     C. whoever       D. whenever



When will you go shopping with me?     .

A. Not until my housework is finished

B. Until my housework is finished

C. After my housework will be finished

D. As soon as my housework will be finished



______it is to jump into the river to swim in summer!

A. What a fun    B. What fun

C. How fun        D. How a fun



When I have some worries, my close friends always advise me _______ too much.

A. don’t worry    B. not to worry    C. worry      D. worrying



The old man    cancer. His         made us very sad.

A. died from; dead     B. died of; dying

C. died from; dying     D. died of; death



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