满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— How about the movie you saw yesterday?...

— How about the movie you saw yesterday?

Wonderful! We are all _____ in that _____ movie.

A. interesting; interesting

B. interested; interested

C. interesting; interested

D. interested; interesting


D 【解析】句意:--昨天你看的那部电影怎样?--好极了,我们对那部有趣的电影感兴趣。短语be intrested in表示对……感兴趣;interesting表示有趣的,修饰物,或物作主语。故选D。  

— Is the tall man over there our English teacher?

No, it     be him. He has gone to Shanghai to attend a meeting.

A. can’t  B. must   C. mustn’t D. Could



I don’t like my school rules. They are too strict. I think they _____.

A. are changing     B. should be changed

C. should change     D. changed



An earth quake hit Kangding     the afternoon of November 22nd, 2014.

A. on    B. in    C. of   D. At



—Tom, do you know if Sam _____ to my party next week?

I think she will come if she _____ free.

A. come; will be    B. will come; is

C. comes; is        D. will come; will be



—Lily, how do you practice your listening skills?

—In many ways. Usually I practice them by _____ tapes.

A. listen to     B. listening

C. listening to  D. Listen



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