满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—How do you think about his mistakes in ...

—How do you think about his mistakes in the letter?

     . After all, he is only a beginner.

A. Not much                 B. I disagree with you

C. I wouldn’t mind that    D. Sounds boring


C 【解析】句意:--在这封信里你觉得他的错误怎么样?--我不会介意那个的。毕竟,他仅仅是一个初学者。Not much不是很多;B. I disagree with you 我不同意你;C. I wouldn’t mind that我不会介意那个的;D. Sounds boring听起来无聊。故选C。  

The shop assistant asked the woman ________.

A. which one did she like best

B. which one she liked best

C. which one she likes best

D. which one does she like best



I like the musicians      write their own lyrics.

A. whom   B. who   C. which   D. Whose



— How about the movie you saw yesterday?

Wonderful! We are all _____ in that _____ movie.

A. interesting; interesting

B. interested; interested

C. interesting; interested

D. interested; interesting



— Is the tall man over there our English teacher?

No, it     be him. He has gone to Shanghai to attend a meeting.

A. can’t  B. must   C. mustn’t D. Could



I don’t like my school rules. They are too strict. I think they _____.

A. are changing     B. should be changed

C. should change     D. changed



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