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A Great Creator Steven Jobs, the designe...

A Great Creator

Steven Jobs, the designer of Apple Computer, was not clever when he was in school. At that time, he was not a good student and he always made troubles with his schoolmates. When he went into college, he didn’t change a lot. Then he dropped out. But he was full of new ideas.

After he left college, Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer. He worked there for only several months and then he went to India. He hoped that the trip would give him some new ideas and give him a change in life.

Steven Jobs lived on a farm in California for a year after he returned from India.

In 1975, he began to make a new type of computer. He designed the Apple Computer with his friend in his garage. He chose the name “Apple” just because it could help him to remember a happy summer he once spent an apple tree garden.

His Apple Computer was such a great success that Steven Jobs soon became famous all over the world.

1.Steven Jobs was not a good student in school because he      .

A.never did his lessons

B.was full of new ideas

C.always made troubles with his schoolmates

D.he was not clever

2.Then he dropped out.

A.drop in B.gave up college C.fall off D.left out

3.Steven Jobs called his new computer “Apple” because      .

A.he likes apples too much 

B.he wanted to remember the happy time in an apple tree garden

C.he always liked some new ideas 

D.he wanted to change in his life

4.Steven Jobs is famous for his      all over the world .

A.new ideas      B.apple

C.Apple Computer D.video games

5.From this passage we know      .

A.Steven Jobs didn’t finish his studies in the college because he hated his schoolmates.

B.Steven Jobs liked traveling in India and California.

C.Steven Jobs only designed video games.

D.Steven Jobs liked trying new things and making new ideas become true.  


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.D 【解析】 1.C细节理解题。由“At that time, he was not a good student and he always made troubles with his schoolmates. ”可知乔布斯老是和同学们闹矛盾,不是个好学生。故选C。 2.B词义猜测题。由上下文可知乔布斯上了大学并没有改变许多,因此他应该是退学了。 drop in 顺便走访; gave up college 退学;fall off跌落; left out 忽视。 故选B。 3.B细节理解题。由“He chose the name “Apple” just because it could help him to remember a happy summer he once spent an apple tree garden. ”可知他是为了纪念自己曾经的苹果园。 故选B。 4.C细节理解题。由“His Apple Computer was such a great success that Steven Jobs soon became famous all over the world.”可知苹果电脑的成功使他闻名世界。 故选C。 5.D推理判断题。乔布斯从学生时代就表现出一种与众不同的想法。他放弃了校园,但是用自己出众的独特设计征服了人们的心,他是创造力的代表。因此他喜欢尝试新鲜事物,并让它们成为现实。故选D。


Do you know Eskimos (爱斯基摩人)? Let me tell you something about their    .

The Eskimos live near the North Pole (北极). There are only two     there, winter and summer, There are no spring   autumn there. The winter nights are    .You can’t  the sun for more than two months, even at noon. The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never   .and there is no night.

The Eskimos have    clothes. They make their clothes from the skin of animals. From these skins they make coats, caps and    .

Near the North Pole trees can’t grow, for it is too    there. The Eskimos   make their houses from skins, snow or stones (石头). When they go   in storm and can’t   home, they make house of snow. They leave these snow houses when the storm is     .

Life is   for the Eskimos,     they still like to live there.

1.A. work     B. life    C. holiday D. families

2.A. weather B. months    C. seasons D. Years

3.A. not    B. or       C. and      D. As

4.A. short  B. long    C. warm     D. Cold

5.A. see    B. watch     C. look     D. look at

6.A. rises     B. goes up C. drops    D. goes down

7.A. beautiful B. metal    C. warm     D. Cool

8.A. goods     B. drinks   C. medicine D. shoes

9.A. cold    B. hot     C. dry     D. Wet

10.A. will    B. should   C. never   D. have to

11.A. on       B. over     C. out      D. off

12.A. get back B. got off C. get on   D. get in

13.A. coming  B. over     C. going    D. Beginning

14.A. hard     B. interesting C. easy D. Lucky

15.A. and      B. for     C. but     D. so



—How do you think about his mistakes in the letter?

     . After all, he is only a beginner.

A. Not much                 B. I disagree with you

C. I wouldn’t mind that    D. Sounds boring



The shop assistant asked the woman ________.

A. which one did she like best

B. which one she liked best

C. which one she likes best

D. which one does she like best



I like the musicians      write their own lyrics.

A. whom   B. who   C. which   D. Whose



— How about the movie you saw yesterday?

Wonderful! We are all _____ in that _____ movie.

A. interesting; interesting

B. interested; interested

C. interesting; interested

D. interested; interesting



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