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书面表达 请根据下表提示用英语介绍Tom过去和现在的情况,并就此事谈谈你的看法及...





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Tom has changed a lot in the last few years.








Tom has changed a lot in the last few years. He used to like reading books and do well in his lessons .He also spent much time studing and doing exercises at school. But now he is so crazy about computer games and watching TV that he has no interest in his schoolwork and doesn't listen to teachers as carefully as before in class. Also, he can't hand in your homework on time and he often sleeps in class. Perhaps playing computer games can make him feel relaxed, but if he spends too much time on it,he will have less time to study. And it may be bad for his health. For example, it can hurt his eyes and hands. I hope he should concentrate more on his schoolwork. Why not take part in some after-school activities when he feels bored? Why not spend more free time chatting with his friends? 【解析】给出的材料比较全面,我们所要做的首先是应用正确的英语句子把这些内容表达出来,在此基础上亦可适当发挥,注意不要遗漏材料中给出的要点。写作前先结合要表达的事情确定句子的人称时态,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。 写作亮点:这是一篇比较不错的作文。作者把列举的要点都写了进去。这些内容也比较贴合文章的需要,意思也很连贯。文章中还用了一些比较好的句型,如But now he is so crazy about computer games and watching TV that he has no interest in his schoolwork and doesn't listen to teachers as carefully as before in class.  


    According to a new survey, student safety has become a big problem.  Now in many big cities of China, many schools start a new lesson  self-protection.  Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes.  And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.

    Lin Li, a teacher from Yang ma, gives young students advice on how to deal with danger.

    If you are in a traffic accident

    If a car hurts you, you should. remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don't know how seriously you are hurt.

    If it is raining hard and there is lightning

    Don't stay in high places and stay away from trees.

    When there is a fire

    Get away as fast as you can.  Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit.  Do not take the lift.

    If someone is drowning

    If you can't swim, don't get into the water. Cry out for help.

    Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!

    If you are robbed (抢劫)

Keep calm.  If you cannot cry for help or run away, give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later.


Best title1.


What to do



If hit by a car, you’re supposed to


If hit by a bike, call your parents.

Raining with lightning

Stay at low places and keep away from trees.


Don’t take the lift and find an 4.        as fast as you can.


If you can’t swim, just shout “Help!”


◆Keep clam.

◆Remember the robbers 5.and tell the police later.





they, time, problem, way, have, health, many, breakfast, smoke, parent

How often do you have dinner with your family?

Studies show that family dinner hour is an important part of 1. living. When family members eat together, they are more likely (可能的) to eat 2. fruit and vegetables and less junk food. When younger kids often eat dinner with 3.family, they are less likely to be overweight (超重的).

In the US, about one in five children aged 6—19 are overweight. That puts them at higher risk of many health 4.later in life.

“One of the simplest ways for parents to understand their teenagers better is by 5. family dinners often,” said Joseph Califano Jr., an expert from Columbia University.

Joseph did a national phone survey (调查) of 1,000 teenagers and 829 6.of teenagers. The survey results show that eating dinner as a family helped kids in many 7.. It helped them get better grades, and kept them away from bad habits like 8., drinking and taking drugs.

In fact, it’s not the family dinner that’s important it’s the 9. together. It doesn’t have to be dinner. It could be lunch or 10.. The point (重点) is not being in the same space at the same time while eating. The point is sharing and communication.



It was a Sunday morning.Peter,a seven-year-old boy,watched TV in the room while his brother Bill did his homework.Their father watered the flowers in the garden and their mother went out to do some shopping.At ten the woman came back with a heavy basket.Peter ran up to her.He wanted to know what his mother bought.He found a bag of oranges in it.He liked them very much and wanted to eat.His mother stopped him.She gave five to each son and went to the kitchen(厨房).Peter ate his oranges soon but his brother was busy(忙) finishing his homework and didn't touch his.Suddenly(突然)the telephone rang and Bill ran to answer it.Bill's friend asked him to play football with them.And when Bill talked with his friend,Peter took two of his oranges away and ate them.Bill found it and called him out and beat(打)him behind the house.He didn't tell his parents about it.

   The next morning Miss Ball taught her class subtraction(减法).Peter didn't hear what she said and couldn't understand it.So he couldn't answer her questions.She began to give him an example,“If your brother has five nuts and you take two from him,what will the result(结果)be?”

   “He'll beat me,madam,”answered the boy.

   All his classmates began to laugh.

1.How many people are there in Peter's family?

A.Two          B.Three

C.Four         D.Five

2.How many oranges did Peter eat?

A.Five            B.Six

C.Seven           D.Ten

3.Miss Ball was Peter's ______________teacher.

A.Chinese                  B.Maths

C.English                   D.Physics

4.Why didn't Peter tell his parents that his brother beat him?

A.Because he knew he was wrong.

B.Because he was afraid of his brother.

C.Because his father didn't like him.

D.Because his mother let Bill to do so.

5.Peter couldn't answer the teacher's question because__________.

A.he was stupid(蠢笨)

B.he didn't listen to the teacher carefully

C.he was weak(差)in maths

D.he pretended(假装)to be a fool(傻瓜)



An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money. Only a very expensive operation could save him now and there was no one to lend them the money.

When she heard her daddy say to her tearful mother, “Only a miracle (奇迹) can save him now.” The little girl went to her bedroom and pulled her money from its hiding place and counted it carefully.

She hurried to a drugstore (药店) with the money in her hand.

“And what do you want?” asked the salesman. “It’s for my little brother.” the girl answered.

“He’s really, really sick and wants to buy a miracle.” “Pardon?” said the salesman.

“My brother Andrew has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?” “We don’t sell a miracle here, child. I’m sorry,” the salesman said with a smile.

“Listen, if it isn’t enough, I can try and get some more. Just tell me how much it costs.”

A well-dressed man heard it and asked, “What kind of miracle does your brother need?” I don’t know,” she answered with her eyes full of tears. He’s really sick and Mum says he needs an operation. But my daddy can’t pay for it, so I have brought all my money.”

“How much do you have?” asked the man. “$1.11, but I can try and get some more,” she answered.

“Well, what a luck,” smiled the man, “$1.11, the price of a miracle for little brother.”

He took up the girl’s hand and said, “Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let’s see if I have the kind of miracle you need.”

That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a famous doctor. The operation was successful and it wasn’t long before Andrew was home again.

How much did the miracle cost?

1.What was the trouble in the little girl’s family?

A. Her brother was seriously ill.

B. They had no money.

C. Both A and B.

2.In the eye of the little girl, a miracle might be           .

A. something interesting

B. something cheap

C. some wonderful medicine

3.The little girl said again and again “I can try and get some more money.” That shows          .

A. she had still kept some money

B. she hoped not to be refused

C. there was no need to worry about money

4.What made the miracle happen?

A. The girl’s love for the brother.

B. Nobody can tell.

C. The medicine from the drugstore.

5.From the passage we can infer(推断)that           .

A. the doctor didn’t ask for any pay

B. the doctor must be one of the girl’s family’s closest friends

C. the little girl is lovely but not so clever



One day, there was a blind man called John sitting on the bench with a hat by his feet and a sign that read, "I am blind. Please help me. "

A creative publicist (广告员) named Tom was walking by the blind man and stopped to see that the man only had a few coins in his hat. He put a few of his own coins in the hat. Without asking for permission, took the sign,  turned it around and wrote a new message. Then he put the sign by the feet of the blind man, and left.

Later that afternoon the publicist returned to the blind man and noticed that his hat was almost full of bills and coins. The blind man recognized his footsteps and asked if it was he who had changed his sign. He also wanted to know what the man wrote on it.

The publicist said, "I just wrote the message a little differently. "He smiled and went on his way.

The new sign read, "Spring has come, but I can't see anything. "

1.What's the blind man's name?

A. Tom.         B. John.

C. Tony.         D. Sorry, I don't know.

2.Who wrote a new message?

A. The blind man.

B. The teacher.

C. The publicist.

D. The farmer.

3.How did the blind man recognize the publicist?

A. By his sign.       B. By his footsteps.

C. By his voice.      D. By his coins.

4.When did the story happen?

A. In spring.      B. In summer.

C. In autumn.      D. In winter.

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Publicists are always friendly and helpful.

B. We can get more money by changing a sign.

C. The blind man is very stupid so he has little money.

D. The power of language is great.



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