满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

选择方框中所给的词填空,注意要用其适当形式。 big, I, like, hav...


big, I, like, have, hear, love, eat, in, buy, good

John 1. chocolates very much,but his mother doesn’t give him any. She thinks they’re 2. for his teeth. But John 3. a very nice grandfather. The old man 4. his grandson very much, and he 5.   John chocolates. Then his mother lets John 6.  them.

It is John’s birthday today, he says loudly(大声的)7.  the room, “Please, God,(上帝) give me a 8. box of chocolates for 9. birthday.”His mother says, “God can’t 10.   you.”

“I know , but my grandfather can hear me.”


1.likes 2.bad 3.has 4.loves 5.buys 6.eat 7.in 8.big 9.my 10.hear 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了约翰喜欢吃巧克力,但是他妈妈认为巧克力对牙齿不好,不给他吃。约翰的祖父喜欢他,给他买巧克力,这样他妈妈就让他吃。在约翰生日这一天,他们大声说‘“请上帝给我一大盒巧克力吧”。他是想让他的祖父听见他的话,然后给他买一大盒巧克力。 1.主语John是第三人称单数,故此处谓语用第三人称单数形式likes。句意:约翰非常喜欢巧克力,但是他妈妈一个也不给他。 2.be bad for“对......不好”,故此处为bad。句意:她认为他们对他的牙齿不好。 3.主语John是第三人称单数,故此处谓语用第三人称单数形式has。句意:但是约翰有一个非常好的祖父。 4.根据and he John chocolates.可知他给约翰买巧克力,因为他很喜欢约翰,故此处为loves。句意:那位老人非常喜欢他的孙子。 5.主语he是第三人称单数,故此处谓语用第三人称单数形式buys。句意:他给约翰买巧克力。 6.根据短语let sb do sth“让某人做某事”,故此处用动词原形eat。句意:然后他妈妈让约翰吃那些巧克力。 7.in the room“在房间里”,故此处用介词in。句意:今天是约翰的生日,他在房间里大声的说,“请上帝给我一大盒巧克力” 8.修饰名词box,故用形容词big。句意:请上帝给我一大盒巧克力。 9.根据give me a 53 box of chocolates可知应是我的生日,给我一大盒巧克力,修饰名词birthday,故用形容词性物主代词my。句意:请上帝为我的生日给我一大盒巧克力。 10. 考点:选词填空。


The police can do many things for people. They help to keep our things and us safe(安全的). They help cars and buses move safely.      1.    The police go around our cities to see that everything is all right.   2.   and they can help them find their parents. If you don’t know the way to a place, you can ask the police.     3.

Some police stand at crossings(十字路口).     4.     They don’t let the cars go too fast. They help children and old people cross the street.

The police help us in many ways.    5.   We need them. We should thank them for a job well done.

A. Sometimes they find lost children

B. They do a good job.

C. They tell the cars when to go and when to stop.

D. They know all the streets and roads well.

E. They take people to a hospital when they are hurt (受伤) .



Sunny School

We are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 5-15. We want a cook(厨师), a library assistant(管理员), a sports coach(教练)and a language teacher.





Other term




Cooking both Chinese food and western food


Library assistant




Having the knowledge(知识)of different kinds of books


Sports Coach


Chinese English

Majoring in (主修)physical education







Majoring in English


1.________ can’t go to Sunny School.

A. A four-year-old(四岁的)child

B. A ten-year-old child

C. An eleven-year-old child

D. A fifteen-year-old child

2.They don’t need (需要)________ in Sunny School.

A. a cook               B. a headmaster (校长)

C. a library assistant   D. a sports coach

3._________ may not be able to speak English.

A. The language teacher

B. The library assistant

C. The cook

D. The sports coach

4.The coach(教练)must major in _________.

A. Chinese     B. English

C. language   D. physical education

5.Which is right according to the passage?

A teacher must be strong.

B . The teacher can only teach Chinese.

C. The library assistant must be careful.

D. A twenty-five-year old cook can’t work in the school.



This is Scott. He has an interesting job. He works at a radio station. His radio show is from twelve o’clock at night to six o’clock in the morning. He sings well. He usually gets up at eight at night. He brushes his teeth and takes a shower at ten past eight. Then he eats breakfast at nine. That’s a funny time for breakfast! After that , he usually exercise at about ten twenty. He goes to work by car at eleven o’clock. It takes ten minutes to get the radio station. So he is never late for work.

1.Scott often _____________ to the radio station.

A. takes the subway      B. by bus       C. takes the car

2.His radio show is _______________.

A.from8:00 to 12:00 in the morning.

B.From 12:00 at night to 6:00 in the morning.

C.From 13:15 to 18:25 in the afternoon

3.It takes Scott __________ minutes to get to the radio station.

A.50       B.10          C.15

4.His house is___________ from the radio station.

A. ten minutes’ drive

B. ten-minute drive

C. ten –minute-drive

5.He takes a shower at______________.

A. half past nine

B. a quarter past eight.

C. eight ten



Mr. White is an American. He is 38. He teaches science in a school now. He is always busy. Every day he gets up early and gets home late. He is strict in his work. His favorite sport is soccer. He often plays soccer with his students on Fridays. He wants to be a newspaper reporter because he likes writing stories. He hopes he can come to China next year.


1.Where is Mr. White from?

A. Australia         B. the United Kingdom

C. America          D. Canada

2.What does he do now?

A. A teacher    B. A reporter

C. A worker    D.A doctor

3.What is his favorite sport?

A. Ping-Pong ball   B. Football

C. volleyball       D. Running

4.Does Mr. White have a daughter?

A. Yes, he does.      B. No, he doesn`t.

C. Yes, he is.        D. I don`t know.

5.What does he like doing?

A. Writing stories       B. Reading English

C. Playing basketball    D. Playing chess




In China , there’re many ________ kinds of food. Some of them are very ________ .The real Chinese food is dumplings(饺子). Now let’s talk about them.

Everyone in China likes dumplings very much, and there’re many kinds of dumplings. Some have meat and vegetables in them, ________have sugar, eggs and so on. Many ________  like dumplings very much.

Usually people ________  dumplings at home. If you have no time to make them, you can ________  them from the market. Then you can take them home and eat them with vinegar.( 醋)

The Spring Festival is very important in China. When it ________, we make dumplings. Usually we put a coin(硬币) in a dumpling. If one eats the dumplings __________ the coin in it, he will be ________ in the new year.

Do you like dumplings? ________ to China, we’ll invite you to eat the real Chinese food---dumplings.

1.A.same        B. different     C. difference    D. difficult

2.A.important    B. easy         C.fun            D.popular

3.A. they        B. we             C. others      D. you

4.A.Chineses   B. Chinese      C. China       D. Chinas

5.A. say       B. do           C. work          D. make

6.A. sell        B. buy          C. want         D. like

7.A. gets        B. goes        C.comes         D.likes

8.A.on          B. for          C. with          D. of

9.A. good      B. well          C. fine         D. Lucky

10.A. Fast       B. Welcome       C.Quick        D.Quickly



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