满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Li Yue used to be a happy girl. She used...

Li Yue used to be a happy girl. She used to   ________  every day and wanted to be a dancer. But everything    ________  in 2008.

The year of 2008 was a(n)   ________ year for Li Yue. She was trapped (使困住) under some stones during the Wenchuan earthquake (地震). After some time, Li Yue was saved. However, she lost one of her ________ .

Can a girl dance with one leg? Yes, but it is really difficult. Li Yue is so ________ that she has never stopped dancing. During the opening ceremony (仪式) of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games (残奥会), she ________ a ballet (芭蕾舞) performance to people all over the world.

Now Li Yue is a student in a school in Beijing and she is very happy. Her ________ even have a special volunteer team “Li Yue Assistance Team” to help her move ________ . The boys and girls in her class take turns to   ________ her wheelchair and that makes Li Yue more cheerful.

“Now the most important thing for me is to study hard. But I will continue to dance.   ________ can stop me!” said Li Yue. She is braver than everyone ever expected.

1.A. sing               B. dance              C. run

2.A. happened          B. dropped             C. changed

3.A. unlucky            B. successful          C. unimportant

4.A. arms               B. legs                C. ears

5.A. tired             B. scared            C. brave

6.A. gave               B. watched             C. liked

7.A. teachers          B. classmates        C. parents

8.A. completely         B. differently         C. easily

9.A. find               B. push                C. use

10.A. Something        B. Everything         C. Nothing


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了一个在地震中失去了一条腿的女孩,李月的故事。李月很喜欢跳舞,失去一条腿后仍然不放弃她的爱好。在2008年北京残奥会上,她给世界展示了一场芭蕾舞表演,她现在在北京上学,她的同学都很乐心的帮助她,她现在很开心。 1.B考查动词的辨析及语境的理解。句意:她曾经每天跳舞,想成为一名舞者。A. sing 歌唱; B. dance 跳舞;C. run 跑,奔跑。因为后半句中说她想成为一名舞者,所以前面应该说她每天都跳舞,故选B。 2.C考查动词的辨析及语境的理解。句意:但是,在2008年所有的事情都改变了。A.happened 发生了;B. dropped 下降,减少,掉下,滴下。C. changed 改变 。由下文可知2008年李月因为地震失去了一条腿,所以从此以后她的跳舞生涯就要结束了,一切都改变了。故选C。 3.A考查形容词的辨析及语境的理解。句意:对李月来说,2008年是不幸的一年。由下文可知李月在2008年这一年因为地震失去了一条腿,所以这一年对她来说是不幸的一年。A. unlucky 不幸的,倒霉的,不吉利的; B. successful 成功的,一帆风顺的; C. unimportant 不重要的,琐碎的。故选A。 4.B考查名词的辨析及语境的理解。句意:李月被救了,然而,她失去了一条腿。A. arms 胳膊;B. legs 腿;C. ears 耳朵。因为下一段的第一句话就是“一个女孩能用一条腿跳舞吗?”所以可知,李华在地震中失去的是一条腿。one of 后面的名词用复数。故选B 。 5.C考查形容词的辨析及语境的理解。句意:李月是那样勇敢,她从来没有停止跳舞。A. tired 疲倦的,厌倦的,厌烦的;B. scared 害怕的;C. brave 勇敢的。so…that…是固定句型,“如此……以至于……”后面说李月从来没有停止过跳舞,所以她是勇敢的。故选C。 6.A考查动词的辨析及语境的理解。句意:在2008年北京残奥会上,她向全世界展示了一场芭蕾舞表演。A. gave 给予; B. watched 观察,注视,看守,观看;C. liked 喜欢。give a performance to固定用法, 进行一次演出。故选A。 7.B考查名词的辨析及语境的理解。句意:现在李月是北京一所学校的学生,她很开心。她的同学甚至有一个专门的志愿团队“李月援助小组” A. teachers 教师;B. classmates 同班同学;C. parents 父母。由语境可知,能成立援助小组在生活中帮助李月的只能是她的同班同学。由下文也可知是她同学帮助她。故选B。 8.C考查副词的辨析及语境的理解。句意:她的同班同学甚至有一个专门的志愿团队“李月援助小组”来帮助她容易地行动。A. completely 完全地; B. differently 不同地;C. easily 容易地。由语境可知,同学们帮助李月推轮椅让她行动更方便。故选C。 9.B考查动词的辨析及语境的理解。句意:她班的男生女生们轮流地推轮椅,这使李月更加愉快。A. find 发现,获得,认识;B. push 推动,增加;C. use 利用,使用,耗费。由上下文可知,李月的同学帮她推轮椅,让她的行动更方便。故选B。 10.C考查代词的辨析及语境的理解。句意:现在对于我来说最重要的是努力学习,但是我会继续跳舞,任何事情都不能阻止我。A. Something 某事,某物;B. Everything 每件事物,一切事物;C. Nothing没有事情,没有事物。由句意可知这里想要表达的是否定的意思。故选C。 考点:故事阅读类


I sat down to read under an old tree in the park. A young boy ran up to me. He stood right before me with his head down and said ________, “Look what I found!” In his hand was a flower, but the flower was dry and ________ . I gave him a small smile and then turned my eyes away so that he could take his dry flower and go off to play.

________ , he sat next to me and placed the flower to his nose and said in surprise, “It smells sweet and it’s beautiful, too. That’s ________  I picked it. Here, it’s for you.” The flower before me was dead. But I knew I must ________ it, or he might never leave. So I accepted the flower. Just then, for the first time I noticed that the boy was blind!

1.A. sadly      B. angrily     C. excitedly

2.A. dead        B. fresh      C. soft

3.A. Though      B. Probably    C. However

4.A. how        B. why        C. where

5.A. train      B. touch      C. accept



—We’re going to have a party to celebrate Halloween.

—_______. I want to join you.

A. No way      B. I don’t agree   C. Sounds like fun



_______ sweet music! Do you like it?

-Mm, it ______beautiful!

A. How, listens

B. How a, sounds

C. What, sounds



Mike ______ more than 800 people in the last two years.

A. is interviewing

B. has interviewed

C. interviews



Paper is made ______ wood; in other words, wood is made ______ paper.

A. from; into   B. into; from    C. in; by



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