满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 Today is the last Saturday before C...


Today is the last Saturday before Christmas. Everyone in the USA is ________  for gifts. ________ is falling. People are walking fast. They are trying to keep   ________  when they move from shop to shop. In the shops children are   ________ at the toys. They are talking to a man named Father Christmas. He asks, “What do you want for Christmas?”

In the USA it is warm and beautiful in summer. The trees and fields are green then. But now it is winter, it is quite snowy and ________ is white.

At ________  , there are different colours everywhere. Lights make the buildings and the trees look________  . Christmas is a beautiful   ________ of a year.

Christmas Day always begins   ________ breakfast. Children wake up very early. They open the________ from their parents. Then they wake up their parents, saying “Merry Christmas.”

1.A. running  B. making  C. shopping  D. singing

2.A. Snow  B. Rain  C. Leaf   D. Kite

3.A. happy  B. nice  C. smooth  D. warm

4.A. working  B. knocking  C. looking  D. speaking

5.A. everythingB. nothing  C. anything  D. something

6.A. evening  B. night   C. morning  D. afternoon

7.A. bad  B. nice  C. old  D. new

8.A. food  B. place  C. party D. time

9.A. at  B. for   C. after D. before

10.A. doors  B. presents  C. windows  D. TV


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要是讲了美国的圣诞节前夕及圣诞节的人们的活动情况。 1.C考查动词与语境理解。A. running 跑;B. Making制作;C. Shopping购物;D. Singing唱歌。句意:美国的每个人都忙着购物买礼物。根据上下文及语境是圣诞节前人们忙着购物,故选C。 2.A考查动名词与语境理解。A. Snow雪;B. Rain 雨;C. Leaf树叶;D. Kite风筝。句意:雪正在飘着。根据语境美国圣诞节是在冬天,所以是雪在飘落,故选A。 3.D考查动形容词与语境理解。A. Happy高兴;B. nice 好;C. smooth 润滑;D. Warm暖和。句意:他们从一家店走向另一家是都试图保暖。根据语境是他们都想保持暖和,故选C。 4.C考查动词与语境理解。A. Working工作;B. Knocking敲门;C. Looking看;D. Speaking说话。句意:在商店里孩子们都在看玩具。根据语境是他们在看玩具,故选C。 5.A考查代词与语境理解。A.everything 每件事情;B. Nothing没有事情;C. anything 任何事情;D. something 一些事情。句意:并且所有一切都是白的。根据语境美国冬天是多雪的季节,所以一切都是白的,故选A。 6.B考查名词与语境理解。A. Evening傍晚;B. night 夜晚;C. Morning早上;D. Afternoon下午。句意:在晚上到处是不同的颜色。根据语境此处指整个晚上,所以选B。 7.B考查形容词与语境理解。A. bad 坏的;B. nice 好的;C. Old旧的;D. New新的。句意:灯光使建筑和树木看起来很好看。根据句意及语境此题应选B。 8.D考查名词与语境理解。A. Food食物;B. Place地点;C. Party聚会;D. Time时间。句意:圣诞节是一年中一个美丽的时间。根据语境圣诞节是一个时间,故选D。 9.D考查介词与语境理解。A. At在;B. For为了;C. After在……之后;D. Before在……之前。句意:圣诞节总是在早饭前开始。根据句意及语境圣诞节是在早饭前开始,故选D。 10. 考点:日常生活类短文

Would you mind staying here for     minutes? Mr. Song is still in the meeting room.

A. another five B. more five

C. five others  D. other five



—What would you like to order, sir?

—Er, let me have a look at the     , please.

A. book B. dish  C. menu  D. Plate



—Zhang Hua, where is Liu Meimei now?

—She with her twin sister     the fashion show tomorrow.

A. are getting ready to have

B. is getting ready for

C. will get ready for

D. gets ready to have



    girl is the exchange student from the UK?

—Look, the tall girl under the tree over there is!

A. Who  B. Whose  C. Where D. Which



What’s the sound of the letter “o” in the word “phone”?

A. / ʊə /  B. / əʊ /   C. / aʊ /  D. / eə /



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