满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空: Last night Molly watched a basketb...


Last night Molly watched a basketball game. Her little brother, Sam, played in it. Sam did his best in the game, but his team       the game. Sam was very sad. Molly tried to make him    , but he was still unhappy with the result.

Molly thought for a long time and finally she came up with a good       . She decided to make his favorite cake for him though she was not good at it. She just wanted him to know that every loss has its own         and we can improve our performances next time. She thought it was enough if we had tried our best.

After Molly finished making the cake, she gave Sam a piece. When Sam tried it, he smiled, No matter what others         the cake, I like it very much.   Sam continued, Because I know you have made it with your      and you have tried your best.” Hearing this, Molly said, This is just       I want to say to you.       your team didn’t win the game , you had tried your best. You are the greatest in my heart all the time!”

From then on, every time Sam        to do something , he thinks of Molly’s words. He is no longer ___   failing. Instead he becomes stronger to face all his troubles in his life.

1.A.won  B. beat    C. lost  D. missed

2.A. play B. smile C. come D. cry

3.A. idea B. manner C. game D. ball

4.A. lesson B. school C. time D. term

5.A. point at B. think ofC. stick to D. take away

6.A. money B. love C. material D. time

7.A. why B. what C. who D. how

8.A. Since B. So C. Though D. Because

9.A. helps B. wants C. forgets D. fails

10.A. crazy abouB. good at C. afraid of D. interested in


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲的是Molly的弟弟Sam的球队在一次比赛中输了,Sam一直不高兴。Molly通过给他做了一个蛋糕来鼓励他要正确对待失败。 1.C考查动词与语境理解。A.won赢了;B. Beat打败;C. Lost失去,输掉;D. Missed丢失。句意:Sam在比赛中尽了最大努力但他的队输掉了比赛。根据下文Sam was very sad.(萨姆很悲伤)可知是他的队输掉了比赛,故选C。 2.B考查动词与语境理解。A. Play打,玩;B. Smile微笑;C. Come来;D. Cry哭。句意:Molly试图使他笑起来但他仍然对比赛结果不高兴。根据语境是Molly想让萨姆高兴起来,故选B。 3.A考查名词与语境理解。A. Idea主意;B. Manner问题;C. Game比赛;D. Ball球。句意:Molly想了很长时间最后想出了一个好主意。根据语境是想出一个主意,故选A。 4.A考查名词与语境理解。A. Lesson教训;B. School学校; C. Time时间;D. Term学期。句意:她只是想让他知道每次失去都有它自己的经验教训。根据句意及语境此处是指经验教训,故选A。 5.B考查动词词组与语境理解。A. point at指出;B. think of认为; C. stick to粘贴;D. take away带走。句意:无论别人怎么认为这个蛋糕。根据句意及语境是别人怎样认为这个蛋糕,故选B。 6.B考查名词与语境理解。A. Money钱;B. Love爱; C. Material材料;D. Time时间。句意:我知道你是用你的爱心做的并且你也尽了最大努力。根据语境是萨姆说Molly是用爱心做的蛋糕,故选B。 7.B考查疑问词与语境理解。A. Why为什么;B. What什么; C. Who谁;D. How怎样。句意:这就是我想要对你说的。根据句意及题干分析此空应用what做say的逻辑宾语,故选B。 8.C考查连词与语境理解。A. Since自从;B. So因此; C. Though虽然;D. Because因为。句意:虽然你的队没有赢比赛但是你尽力了。根据语境此空是表让步,故选C。 9.都是失败的。根据上下文是失败做某事,故选D。 10. crazy abou热衷于;B. good at擅长; C. afraid of害怕; D. interested in感兴趣。句意:他再也不害怕失败。根据语境是他再也不害怕失败了,故选C。 考点:日常生活类短文

Haze weather has become common in some major cities in China. We all wonder ________.

A. how is the air polluted

B. what can we do with the bad weather

C. why the air is polluted seriously

D. what are the real reasons



---Bob, when can we watch TV?

---Not until it _______ next week.

A. repairs         B. will be repaired

C. is repaired     D. will repair



Time is the thing _____ never comes back. We should make full use of it.

A. who B. that C. what D. when



_______role she played in the movie! That’s why she has a lot of fans.

A. How interesting  B. How an interesting

C. What interesting D. What an interesting



This work needs close teamwork.____will be achieved unless we work well together.

A.Nothing             B.Anything

C.Something           D.Everything



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