满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The boy always makes _______ cry. A. she...

The boy always makes _______ cry.

A. she                   B. her      C. hers


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这个男孩总是使她哭。根据句意及题干分析此空是作make的宾语,所以要用宾格形式,故选B。 考点:考查代词的用法  

Tea was invented by _______ accident.

A. an                   B. the  C.



The right pronunciation of the word “discover” is              .

A. [dis'gʌə(r)]   B. [dis'kʌə(r)]     C. [dis'kauvə(r)]





Dear Peter,

I’m glad to know you’re coming to China next week.___________________________




Welcome to China!





A: Why were you late for class today?

B: 1.____________________! I kept sleeping, and2._________________________


A: Oh, no!.

B: 3.So______________________________________________________.

A: You didn’t eat breakfast?

B: No, I didn’t even brush my teeth or wash my face! But before I got to the bus stop,


A: Then how did you get here?

B: Luckily, Carl’s dad saw me on the street and 5._______________________.

A: well, at least by the time you got to school, you were only five minutes late for class.



词语运用。 用所给词的适当形式完成文章。

dog        I        examine      for         bear

own      die       love         short       whether


I am a vet. Once I was called to examine a ten-year-old dog named Belker. The dog’s  ___1.  , Ron, along with his wife Lisa and his son Tom all loved Belker. They were very sad. I   2.   Belker and found he would die of cancer. I told the family that we couldn’t do anything for Belker.

Then, Ron and Lisa asked their six-year-old son Tom to see the whole thing. They felt this was a good chance   3.   the little boy to learn something from this experience. To    4.  surprise, Tom seemed calm. He touched the lovely dog for the last time. I didn’t know   5.  he could understand what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker died peacefully.

After Belker’s 6.    , we talked about the fact that animal lives are 7.__ than human lives. Tom, who was listening quietly, suddenly said, I know why.” Then, I heard the best reason I had ever heard. He said, People are   8. to learn how to live a good life. They learn to    9.  everybody and be nice all the time. The six-year-old boy continued, Well,  10. already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay so long.”



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