满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

情景作文 根据表格内容,以“How I’ve changed”为题,谈谈你的成长...


根据表格内容,以“How I’ve changed”为题,谈谈你的成长变化。

My changes


In the past



short, heavy, long hair

tall, strong, short hair, wear glasses


shy and quiet

active and outgoing


watch TV, surf the Internet

play sports, communicate with parents



How I’ve changed

Time goes by, I grow up every day. Of course I have changed a lot in the last few years. Now let me show you my changes.


Time goes by, I grow up every day. Of course I have changed a lot in the last few years. Now let me show you my changes.I used to be short,heavy and have long hair. But now I am tall,strong and have short hair.Ialso wear glasses now. In the past, I was shy and quiet and often kept silently. now , I become active andoutgoing,and I have made many friends. I used to watch TV and surf the Internet , but now I often play sports and communicate with my parents. 【解析】 试题分析:本题是写一篇以我的改变为话题的书面表达,把自己的过去和现在作比较,在个人的外貌,性格特征和爱好等反面加以比较。介绍过去的个人情况用一般过去时,可用used to+动词原形这个句型,介绍变化后现在的情况用一般现在时,写作时应注重语言结构的通顺和流畅,避免使用错误的单词,句子和时态。 写作亮点:本文注重不同时态的使用,灵活的运用一般过去时和一般现在时,尤其注意used to+动词原形这个句型的正确使用,同时在写作时把握了语言的连贯性和对比性,正确的使用不同的句型结构. 考点:提纲类作文  



Lucy: Hello, Mary! You look so upset. 1.              ?

Mary: I’m afraid of the coming English test.

Lucy: What is your difficulty?

Mary: I don’t know how to get the pronunciation right.

Lucy: Have you studied with a group?

Mary: 2.                          .But it is useless for me.

Lucy: What about listening to tapes? You’d better follow the tape and do lots of listening practice.

Mary: 3.          . I’ll try that. But4.                    ?

Lucy: You can improve your writing skills by keeping an English diary everyday.

Mary: I’ll do as you tell me. Thank you so much.

Lucy: 5.                        .





We live in a small town and almost everyone knows each other. 1.这里过去很安静。However, these days, 2.something unusual is happening in our town. Victor, a teacher at my school, is really nervous. 3.When he was interviewed by the town newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange noises outside our window. 4.My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friend and I think it must be teenagers having fun. 5.我的父母给警察打了电话,but they found nothing strange. They think it might be the wind. I don’t think so!”




Nowadays, computers and Internet are playing an important part in our life. We usually need to set passwords(密码) when we use computers and Internet. In order to keep our accounts (账户)and personal information safe, we must learn how to set safe passwords.

Experts have some useful advice for you. You’d better remember them. First, make your password out of capital(大写的)letters. It only takes a hacker(黑客)10 minutes to work out a 6-letter password made of small letters. But the same password in capital letters takes 10 hours to work out. Second, add numbers or symbols to your password. It may be much safer. Third, never use personal information for passwords and use different passwords for different accounts. At last, a user should change his or her passwords every 90 days. In this way, hackers won’t guess your passwords.

1.What do we usually need to do when we use computers and Internet?

2.Why must we learn how to set safe passwords?

3.How many pieces of advice are given to us by the experts?

4.Is it safe to use personal information for passwords?

5.How often should a user change his or her passwords?




Teenagers and adults can learn a lot from volunteering. Here are some great places for them to volunteer.


Teens working in hospitals can get job experience in the medical field. They also have the chance to work with people and learn some social skills. Adults, especially retired adults, volunteering in hospitals can get the chance to stay healthy and spend their free time.

Nursing homes

For teens, volunteering in a nursing home can help them realize how they should respect the old. For working adults, it’s a chance to share work skills in a special way. There they can help teach computer classes, art or dance to keep the old happy and satisfied.


Museums are always looking for volunteers. They need office workers to serve the visitors or help clean the rooms. And they prefer museum docents (讲解员) who know a lot about how the museums work.

Remember wherever you volunteer, be willing to do anything without being asked. Then you can get the most out of volunteering.

Some great places to volunteer




Teens: get job experience; work with people and learn some 1.

Retired adults: to 2.       and spend their free time.

Nursing homes

Teens: learn how to3. ________________ the old

Adults: share work skills and keep the old 4.


Teens and adults: volunteer to be office workers and museum docents.




Dear Josic

Im very sorry that you have a bad cold. Dont worry about things at school. I will give the students lessons instead of you. Our headmaster said that you school stay home and rest until you feel better.

Take care of yourself!


1.What do you know from the letter?

A. Glen worries about his lessons.

B. Josie is not feeling well today.

C. Josie is ill at hospital.

2.Which statement is true?

A. Josie and Glen are students.

B. Josie is a student and Glen is her teacher.

C. Josie and Glen are both teachers.



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