满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 Amy was a little girl. She lived ne...


Amy was a little girl. She lived near a fruit shop in the village. The shop was ________ by Mr. Smith.

One day Mr. Smith said to Amy, “Would you like to earn (赚) some money?

“Oh, yes,” replied she, “for I want some new shoes, and dad has no ________  to buy them with.”

“Well, Amy,” said Mr. Smith, “there are some fine ________  in Mr. Green’s garden, and he said that anybody was welcome to them. I will ________you thirteen cents (美分) a kilogram for all you will pick for me.”

Amy was so________  that she decided to go to pick the grapes as soon as possible. She ran home to get a   ________  at once.

Then she thought she would like to know how much money she would get ________she picked five kilograms. ________ the help of her pencil, she found out that she would get sixty-five cents.

“But supposing I should pick twelve kilograms,” thought she, ________should I earn then?” “Dear me,” she said, after figuring (计算) a while, “I should earn one dollar and ________  cents.”

Amy then found out what Mr. Smith would pay her for fifty, a hundred, and two hundred kilograms. It took ________  some time to do this, and then it was so near lunch time that she had to ________ at home until afternoon.

As soon as lunch was ________ , she took her basket and ________  to the garden. Some boys had been there before lunch, and all the fine grapes were picked.

As she went home, she ________ what her teacher had often told her—“Do your task at once; then think about it,” for “one doer is worth a hundred dreamers.”

1.A. kept         B. found     C. made        D. sold

2.A. idea         B. use      C. money      D. place

3.A. apples      B. bananas   C. grapes    D. pears

4.A. cost         B. pay       C. spend      D. take

5.A. sad        B. worried   C. interesting D. happy

6.A. box        B. basket  C. bag         D. bottle

7.A. until       B. although   C. if         D. whether

8.A. With         B. Under    C. In          D. On

9.A. how long     B. how often C. how many    D. how much

10.A. fifty-six   B. sixty-five C. thirteen    D. thirty

11.A. him         B. her        C. me         D. us

12.A. pick        B. cry       C. make       D. stay

13.A. over         B. away    C. up          D. off

14.A. returned     B. hurried   C. sent      D. belonged

15.A. talked about B. talked with C. thought of  D. thought over


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:水果店老板史密斯先生雇佣艾米帮他摘葡萄。艾米非常开心。于是一直计算能够得到的报酬,而不马上行动。当她吃完午饭后去摘葡萄时,园子里已经有很多人在摘葡萄了。 1.A 考查动词及语境理解。句意:这个商店被史密斯先生经营着。A. kept 受人资助控制的,是形容词;B. found发现,是动词;C. made使、制造,是动词;D. sold卖,是动词。根据文意,史密斯是水果店的经营者。故选A。 2.C考查名词及语境理解。句意:我想要新鞋,而爸爸没有钱买。A. idea想法;B. use使用;C. money钱;D. place地方。前文写到,小女孩想要赚钱,由此可知她的爸爸没有钱给她买新鞋。故选C。 3.C考查名词及语境理解。句意:格林先生的园子里有一些上等的葡萄。A. apples苹果;B. bananas香蕉;C. grapes葡萄;D. pears梨。根据后文“Amy was so that she decided to go to pick the grapes as soon as possible. She ran home to get a at once.”可知,史密斯先生让艾米去摘葡萄。故选C。 4.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:你给我摘的每千克葡萄我会付给你13美分。A. cost花费;B. pay支付;C. spend花费;D. take花费。根据文意可知,史密斯先生雇佣艾米摘葡萄,他应支付费用。故选B。 5.D 考查形容词及语境理解。句意:艾米非常开心,她决定尽快去摘草莓。A. sad悲伤的;B. worried令人担忧的;C. interesting有趣的;D. happy开心的。根据前文可知,艾米得到一个赚钱的机会,她应该是开心的。故选D。 6.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:她立刻跑回家拿了一个篮子。A. box盒子;B. basket 篮子;C. bag包;D. bottle瓶子。前文写到,艾米迫不及待的想去摘葡萄,由此可知,她回家拿篮子来装葡萄。故选B。 7.C考查连词及语境理解。句意:然后,她想知道如果摘5千克得到多少钱。A. until直到……才;B. although尽管;C. if 如果;D. whether是否。根据句意可知,艾米在想象摘葡萄的报酬是多少,所以应用if引导的条件状语从句。故选C。 8.A考查介词及语境理解。句意:在她的铅笔的帮助下。A. With随着;B. Under下面;C. In在……中;D. On在……上。with the help of…是介词短语,表示“在……的帮助下”。故选A。 9.D考查特殊疑问词。句意:那么我能赚多少钱?A. how long多长时间,对从某个时刻到另一时刻(各时态皆可)间的时间长短提问; B. how often多少次,对某个时段内谓语动词发生的频率提问;C. how many用来修饰可数名词的复数,表示数量;D. how much用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可单独使用。根据前后文可知,艾米计算摘12千克葡萄应获得的报酬。how much表示“多少钱”。故选D。 10.A考查数词及语境理解。句意:我应该能赚1美元56美分。A. fifty-six 56;B. sixty-five 65;C. thirteen13;D. thirty 30。根据前文可知,艾米假设摘了12千克葡萄,而每千克能得13美分,那么一共能得到156美分,及1美元56美分。故选A。 11.B考查代词及语境理解。句意:做这个花费了她一些时间。A. him 他;B. her她;C. me我;D. us我们。根据前文可知,艾米一直在想象她能够赚得的钱数,这花费了她一些时间。her指代艾米。故选B。 12.D考查动词及语境理解。句意:她不得不待在家里直到下午。A. pick采摘;B. cry哭;C. make制造;D. stay停留。Stay at home表示“待在家里”。根据“it was so near lunch time” 和“As soon as lunch was , she took her basket and to the garden.”这两句话可知,到了午饭的时间了,艾米必须吃完饭才能去摘葡萄。故选D。 13.A考查形容词及语境理解。句意:午饭一结束,艾米就匆忙地拿着篮子去了园子。A. over结束;B. away离开;C. up向上;D. off远离的。根据前文可知,午饭结束后艾米才能去摘葡萄。故选A。 14.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:午饭一结束,艾米就匆忙地拿着篮子去了园子。A. returned返回;B. hurried匆忙;C. sent发送;D. belonged属于。根据前后文可知,艾米耽搁了一些摘葡萄的时间,所以午饭后,她很匆忙地去园子里摘葡萄。故选B。 15.C考查动词短语及语境理解。句意:当她回到家,她想起了老师经常教导她。A. talked about谈论;B. talked with交谈;C. thought of想起; D. thought over仔细考虑。根据“ what her teacher had often told her”可知,老师曾经教导过她,现在她回想起老师说的话。故选C。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

I hope that I will have millions of dollars and I can buy my private (私人的) plane.


A. You are welcome        B. That’s very kind of you

C. In your dreams        D. Thank you all the same



—Why do you call him Mr. Knowledgeable?

—Because he knows almost everything         we want to know.

A. which   B. what       C. that     D. who



It         that she was the real princess. I thought she was a farmer.

A. turned out  B. turned down

C. turned up     D. turned on



—When did the old man die?  —He ________a rainy winter evening.

A. passed away in  B. past away in

C. passed away on    D. past away on



---Mum, could I play games now?    ---Unless all your homework ______________

A. was done.    B. did     C. done     D. is done



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