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书面表达 学校将在下周举行英文演讲比赛,Jack的话题是 “对我影响最深的人”,...


学校将在下周举行英文演讲比赛,Jack的话题是 “对我影响最深的人”,请根据以下材料,帮他组织一篇100字左右英文演讲稿,介绍一下三位对他影响最深的人,并说说你的感想.




My mother

a teacher

1. forties;

2. full of love(至少举一例说明);

3. decide to donate her body after her death

Tan Dun

a composer

1. born in Hunan, China;

2. help build a bridge between the East and the West;

3. bring Chinese and Western music together;

Jackie Chan

a film star

1. nearly 100 films, join humour and exciting action together

2. win many awards;

3. spend many years doing charity work;

The persons who have influenced me most

I am happy to give a speech here. There are three persons who have influenced me most. They are my mother, Tan Dun and Jackie Chan.





The persons who have influenced me most I am happy to give a speech here. There are three persons who have influenced me most. They are my mother, Tan Dun and Jackie Chan. My mother is a teacher. She is in her forties. She has a heart full of love and she has donated blood many times. To my surprise, she has decided to donate her body after her death. Tan Dun is a composer. He was born in Hunan, China. He has helped build a bridge between the East and the West. He has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together. Jackie Chan is a film star. He has acted in nearly 100 films. In the films, he joined humour and exciting action together perfectly. He has won many awards. He is also a humanitarian. He has spent many years doing charity work. He is thought highly of by many people. They are all my heroes. They are really worth learning from. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文要求我们根据所给信息,写一篇以“对我影响最深的人”为话题的演讲稿。题目给出了有关于演讲稿的具体信息,我们应用正确的英语将这些内容表达出来。这些信息影响Jack的人有他的妈妈、谭盾和成龙,还有理由。我们可以根据需要将这些信息进行重新整理和安排,使文章的意思衔接更自然。而且这些关于介绍人物时所使用的词汇和句型,是学生们比较熟悉的,所以将平时的积累发挥出来就可以。当然我们要尽量使用一些好的句型和连词,使文章上下文意思连贯,更出彩。 写作亮点:这是一篇非常优秀的作文,结构清晰,要点全面。而且作者在写作时,并不是完全按照题目中给出的顺序,逐句翻译的,而是将这些信息进行了整合,让意思关联紧密的放在一起表达,这一点很好。短文中的语言合乎英语的表达规范,而且作者还使用了一些较好的句式,增强了文章的连贯性。如动词不定式she has decided to donate her body after her death.、介词短语She is in her forties.、连词They are my mother, Tan Dun and Jackie Chan.、定语从句There are three persons who have influenced me most.等。 考点:提纲类作文。  


Six excellent students from the Liverpool City Academy celebrated their success after Prime Minister , Tony Blair , presented them with the t_1.____ award in the competition. Their idea of greeting cards impressed the judges(评委) and they w_2.___ a prize of £10,000 for their school and £500 for each member of the winning team. The judges p_3.____ the team members for “their excellent business plan, the quality of their greetings cards and their creative way of s4._____ ”.

The head of the City Academy was delighted by the team’s success. we are very p_5.______ of what the team has done. The students worked very hard, which l_6.____ to their success.”

One of the members told us ,” The best part about the business was working together a7.___ a team. That’s w_8.___ helped us to be successful. We all had different talents and strengths.” And the w_9.____ team agreed that running the business was a great way to learn and the e10.______ would help them when they were running their own businesses in the future.




A. 根据句意和汉语提示,用正确的单词填空。B. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。


1.The __________ (对话) in Stephen Chow’s movies often makes me laugh.

2.We are often _____________ (鼓励) to speak out in English classes.

3._______ (假设) you see somebody stealing things on a bus, what should you do?

4.It’s a pity that yesterday’s football match was _________(取消)because of the terrible weather.

5.Nothing is more important than         (安全) for pupils.

6.Lang Lang is famous as a young ___________ (music) all over the world.

7.The earth needs __     (last) peace. Wars bring too much sadness to people.

8.The robber who broke into the bank seemed to be in his___________ (twenty).

9.Hepburn acted so well that she was ____________(mistake) for a real princess.

10.There is no clear______________ (divide) line between the two villages.




Coffee has been a part of people’s lives for thousands of years, and today it is still a favourite drink of millions of people in the world. Coffee is so popular ,but do you know the story of coffee and how it was discovered?

There is an old story that says coffee was discovered in Africa long ,long time ago. One day, a farmer was watching his goats, and he saw them eat some small berries(干种子)from a plant. After they ate the berries, the goats became very active. The man often felt tired ,so he decided to try the berries too. Surprisingly, he did not feel tired any more. Coffee plants were thus discovered. Then coffee was taken from Africa to Arabia(阿拉伯半岛),and there it was first used as medicine. The Arabs kept coffee a secret for many years. Later ,coffee came to Turkey(土耳其),then Italy, then France. From Europe, the coffee plant was taken to America. People found that coffee plants grew well in many parts of South America, so large coffee farms were started, and many coffee plants were grown. On these farms, coffee beans were picked from the plants by hand. Then the beans were dried and prepared for market to sell. Different coffee beans were mixed together to produce different kinds of coffee. Coffee was sent to all over the world, and soon became very popular.

Answer each of the following questions in No More Than 6 Words.

1.Where did coffee come from?


2.What was coffee first used as in Arabia?


3.Why were large coffee farms started in South America?


4.How did people get coffee beans from the plants?


5.Why did people mix different coffee beans together?




Celebrating New Year’s Day is one of the oldest and most exciting traditions around the world. Since this festival marks the beginning of the year, New Year’s Day is thought of as a perfect time for a “clean start”. People in the world decide to act better in the year just beginning than the year just ended.

No day has ever been celebrated in so many different ways. All over the world, countries have their own special beliefs about what the New Year means to them.

In Scotland, the New Year is called Hogmanay. In the villages of Scotland, barrels of tar (沥青) are set on fire. It represents that the old year is burned up and the new one is allowed to enter.

New Year’s Day is also the Festival of Saint Basil in Canada. Children leave their shoes by the fireside on New Year’s Day with the hope that Saint Basil, who is famous for his kindness, will come and fill their shoes with gifts.

The Jewish New Year is called Rosh Hashanah. It is an important time when Jews promise to do better in the future. Special services are held in the church, children are given new clothes and New Year bread is cooked to remind people of harvest time.

On New Year’s Day in Japan, everyone gets dressed in their new clothes and homes are decorated with bamboos—symbols of long life.

In European countries such as Germany, France and Belgium, families start the New Year by first attending church services. Afterwards, they visit friends and relatives. In France, boys and girls receive gifts of money on New Year’s Day.

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New Year Celebrations Around the 1.__________


Celebration activities

Special beliefs


People2.______ barrels of tar.

The old year is burned up and the new one is allowed to enter.


Children leave their3. _______by the fireside.

Their shoes will be filled with 4._____ by Saint Basil.


It is a time for people to5.____to do better in the future.

People6.______ New Year Bread to remind of harvest time.



People 7._____their new clothes.

Homes are decorated with bamboos.

Symbols of




People attend church services 10.__visiting friends and relatives.




Look carefully at the back of a California state quarter.A man with a walking stick is pictured there.A bird called a California condor(大秃鹫)is flying overhead. Who is this man,and why is he so important that he is featured(处于显著地位)on the back of a coin?

The man on this quarter is John Muir.Even as a child, Muir loved watching nature. As a young man,he spent much of his life exploring the beauty of the wilderness.He walked more than a thousand miles across the country,through fields and woods.John Muir liked writing about the places he visited,describing their beauty.

Muir also wrote about problems.In order to create more farmland for sheep and cattle, many trees were being cut down.This made Muir unhappy and worried,because he knew that trees were important to forests and to the animals that lived in them.Muir believed that nature should be conserved(保护)instead of being changed by human beings.He wrote articles in magazines and newspapers to spread the word about conserving forests.Soon,others began to listen.

Muir wrote letters to important people,such as President Theodore Roosevelt.The president admired Muir’s love for nature.When Roosevelt came to visit Muir in California. Muir convinced(说服)the president to go camping with him for three nights under the trees so they could talk about conservation.Later,President Roosevelt set aside 148 million acres of land for national forests and established(建立)five national parks.National parks are large areas of land that are protected from development. This means that people cannot build homes or businesses there. One of these parks is Yosemite National Park,the area that is featured on the back of the California quarter.

Though it has been almost one hundred years since John Muir died,people continue his work today.His work as a conservationist helped us to see the beauty of our natural world.John Muir made us understand the importance of protecting our earth and our resources---then,now,and for the future.

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1.What did John Muir spend much of his life doing when he was a young man?

A.Watching natural views.

B.Writing about the places he visited.

C.Exploring the beauty of the wilderness.

D.Creating farmland for sheep and cattle.

2.Why did President Theodore Roosevelt visit John Muir?

A.Because Roosevelt loved watching nature.

B.Because Roosevelt received letters from John Muir.

C.Because Roosevelt admired John Muir’s love for nature.

D.Because Roosevelt was sad about the problems with farmland.

3.What happened after President Roosevelt went camping with John Muir?

A.Many trees were cut down.

B.Five national parks were established.

C.More homes and businesses were built.

D.More farmland was used for sheep and cattle.

4.Why is John Muir featured on the back of a California state quarter?

A.Because he walked over a thousand miles across the country.

B.Because he helped people understand the importance of protecting the natural world.

C.Because he wrote articles to spread the word about conserving forests.

D.Because he once wrote several letters to President Theodore Roosevelt.

5.What is the writer’s purpose of writing this article?

A.To advise readers to become active conservationists.

B.To make us interested in the story about a great man.

C.To tell us something about an important person in history.

D.To give information about how to conserve the environment.



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