满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

任务型阅读 根据短文内容,完成下列空格。 Can you help me, pl...



Can you help me, please? I can’t find my son. He is four years old. His name is Peter. He has a long face, big black eyes and a small nose. His hair is brown. He is in a blue hat and gray pants. Please help me find him. My telephone number is 6353—2278. My name is Steve. Thank you very much.

1.The boy’s name is             .

2.He is             years old.

3.He has             hair.

4.He is in a blue             .

5.Steve’s telephone number is             .


1. Peter 2.four/4 3.brown 4.hat 5.63532278 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:史提夫找不到她的儿子,于是写了这段求助的文章描述了她儿子的外貌特征并且给出了联系电话号码。 1.根据文中His name is Peter.他的名字是皮特。可知该填写Peter 。 2.根据文中He is four years old它四岁了。可知该填写four。 3.根据文中His hair is brown.他的头发是棕色的。可知该填写brown 。 4.根据文中He is in a blue hat and gray pants.他穿着蓝色的帽子和灰色的裤子。可知该填写hat。 5.根据文中My telephone number is 6353—2278. My name is Steve.可知该填写6353-2278。 考点:任务型阅读。



Welcome to    1.  (I) room. Look at the photo 2.  the wall. You can   3.  (see) my parents, my sister and me in the photo. Look! This is my jacket. It is 4.  . My hat is blue, too. They 5.   (be) on my bed. Oh, can you see the model plane?   6.  looks very nice . You can see my books    7.  pencils are on the desk.   8.  is my baseball? It’s 9.   on the desk. It’s under the chair. Do you want to make friends(交朋友) with me? You can call me 10.   689-5265.




Look! This is a __1.___ (照片) of my family. These are my grandparents John and Mary. They are my  2.    (母亲) parents. My parents are   3.  (老师). They    4.  (帮助) their students a lot. I have a brother and a sister. They are in the same  5.   (班级).

And that is my room. It isn’t  6.  (整洁). My books are    7.   (到处,各个地方). The    8.  (时钟) is on the bed and the keys are  9.  (在….下面) the chair. My parents  10.  (总是)ask me to keep it clean.




table    I   watch  you   they

1.My pen is red. What about      ?

2.Are these your       , Tom?

3.Lucy and Lily are sisters. Mrs. Brown is      mother.

4.Some books are on the      .

5.Can you e-mail      at 13568742159@qq.com ?



This is Cara and Ben. They are twins(双胞胎). They are twelve. This is their bedroom. It’s a nice room. There are two beds in the room. The yellow bed is Cara’s and that green one is Ben’s. The twins have one desk and two chairs. The chairs look the same(相同的). Cara’s jacket is on his bed. Ben’s coat is on his chair. Their clock, books and pencil-cases are on the desk. Their school bags are behind the chairs.

1.Cara and Ben are ________.

A. brother and sister   B. brothers

C. sisters              D. friends

2.Cara and Ben have ________.

A. two chairs and one desk

B. two desks and one chai

C. two chairs and two desks

D. one desk and one chair

3.Cara’s ________ is yellow and Ben’s ________ is green.

A. chair; bed   B. sweater; sweater

C. bed; chair   D. bed; bed

4.Which is right?

A. Their class is very nice.

B. Their two beds look the same.

C. Their school bags are under the chairs.

D. They live in the same room.



Miss Han: You bring(带来) many things to school, Kevin. Can you tell (告诉) me what are on your desk?

Kevin: Yes, I can. There is an eraser, a ruler, three pencils and a pencil box on my desk.

Miss Han: What is in your drawer(抽屉)?

Kevin: In my drawer, there are two books and a notebook.

Miss Han: What is that on the floor?

Kevin: It is my school bag.

Miss Han: Do you bring your lunch box (饭盒) to school?

Kevin: Yes, I do.

Miss Han: Where do you put it?

Kevin: I put it under my desk.

1. ______ is (are) NOT on Kevin’s desk.

A. An eraser      B. A ruler

C.  A picture     D. Three pencils

2.______ are in Kevin’s drawer.

A. Some notebooks

B. Three books

C. Two notebooks and a book

D. Two books and a notebook

3. ______ is on the floor.

A. A ruler     B. An eraser

C. A pen       D. A school bag

4.The underlined word (划线词) "put" means "______"in Chinese.

A.吃       B.用       C.放        D.买



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