满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I don’t know what to buy for my grandmot...

I don’t know what to buy for my grandmother. Do you have any ______?

A. secrets              B. suggestions

C. manners              D. customs


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我不知道为我的奶奶买什么,你有一些建议吗?A. Secrets秘密;B. Suggestions意见;C. manners 礼貌 ;D. Customs风俗。根据题意故选B。 考点:考查名词的辨析。  

Julie won the first prize in the speech contest _____ much effort. It surprised every one of us.

A. except                B. at               C. without                D. from



Thomas Edison is known _____inventions______ a great inventor.

A. to, as         B. for , as

C. as, to           D. to, for



After John graduated ,he went on to study in ______ university instead of going to work.

A. a             B. an           C. the             D. /




假设TV Guide外文版将刊登文章介绍湖南电视台热播的电视节目“爸爸去哪儿”(Dad, Where Are We Going?),上周五你看过一期。请据此写一篇90词左右的英文观后感。内容提示如下:

1. 节目由5个明星爸爸和他们的孩子主演,深受各年龄段的人喜爱;每周五晚上人们迫不及待的观看这个节目。

2. 节目中爸爸们以前都忙于工作没有时间陪孩子,现在已学会如何悉心照顾孩子;

3. 目的是鼓励亲子双方注意互相交流,这个节目对人们有良好的影响;很多爸爸妈妈们开始思考自己以前是否花足够的时间跟孩子交流。

4. 观后感想。


1. 观后感须包括所给内容要点,要点语句通顺、意思连贯;

2. 第4要点的内容须用2-3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;

3. 观后感的开头已在答题卡上给出,不计入总词数。

The program Dad, Where Are We Going? is one of this year’s hottest TV programs. I saw it last Friday.









A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。每空一词B.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。每空一词。


1.We can eat some         (传统的)Chinese food in this restaurant.

2.He is a hard-working boy. His teacher often        (表扬)him.

3.I like        (喜剧)because they make me laugh.

4.The car accident was        (录制)by the camera nearby.

5.The erhu is a kind of Chinese musical        (乐器)

6.Do you know what the        names are?(murder)

7.Your advice is        to all of us (value)

8.Many children prefer showing their feelings to        (control) them within themselves

9.Our homework is never        (do). We are busy all day.

10.The man hopes to provide a more comfortable and        (wealth) life for his children.



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