满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—What about playing football this aftern...

—What about playing football this afternoon, Sam?

—I would rather _____ at home than _____football, it’s too hot outside.

A . stay, playing    B. stay, play

C. to stay, to play    D. to stay, playing


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:Sam,今天下午踢足球怎么样?我宁愿呆在家里也不愿踢足球。外面太热了。would rather do…than do…,宁愿做……也不愿做……,是固定句式。据句意,故选B。 考点:考查固定句式would rather do…than do…。  

The old man _____live with his wife, but now he ______alone after she died.

A. used to, is used to live

B. used to, is used to living

C.was used to , used to live

D. did used to , is use to live



An accident______ on this road last week.

A. has been happened   B. was happened

C. is happened         D.happened



Japanese can hardly avoid_______ products _____in China.

A. to buy, made       B. buying, made

C. to buy, making    D. buying,   making



Only then______ have a chance _____ an astronaut.

A. I will, becoming   B. I will, to become

C. will I , becoming   D. will I, to become



Paula seldom comes late for school, _______ ?

A. isn’t she         B. is she

C. doesn’t she        D.does she



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