满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

情景交际。从下面方框中选择适当的选项补全对话. A:Hello, Lucy! I...


A:Hello, Lucy! I saw you running with a girl this morning.   1.

B:Oh, she is one of my classmates, Jenney. We often exercise together.

A: 2.

B:Almost every morning. I like doing sports. What about you?

A:I like collecting stamps in my free time.

B:Why do you like it?

A:  3.  And I can learn a lot from it.

B:  4. But now I prefer watching movies.

A:Good.   5.

B:I have two tickets(票) to the new movie. Shall we watch it together?

A:Good idea!

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1.B 2.D 3.A 4.E 5.C 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据下文答语Oh, she is one of my classmates, Jenney. 可知上文是问那个人是谁,故选B。 2.根据下文答语Almost every morning.可知上文是问频率,故选D。 3.根据上文问句Why do you like it?可知下文应该回答原因,故选A。 4.根据下文But now I prefer watching movies.可知此空是说过去怎么样,故选E。 5.But now I prefer watching movies.可知这句是对看电影的看法,故选C。 考点:情景交际


The first stamp was born in England in 1840.

Today almost_____country has its own stamps. We can_______that most stamps are very beautiful . There are all kinds of wonderful_______on them. It may be a great leader(领袖) or a famous man. It may____be a nice bird ,a fish or an  interesting place. Each picture on a stamp has_______meaning .It sometimes_____us a story . Stamps collecting may be the best  way to learn ______a country.

Today more and more people are _____of collecting stamps .They think of it as a____. In some countries ,because many children like collecting stamps ,there are even______on stamp collecting at school.

1. A. any      B.  each     C.every

2.A.hear        B. find       C. hope

3.A.people      B. animals     C.pictures

4.A. too        B.also         C.either

5.A.its        B.his         C.their

6.A. talks      B. tells       C.speaks

7.A.in          B.for         C.about

8.A.fond        B.ready        C.afraid

9.A.job         B.game        C.hobby

10.A.ideas      B.courses      C.students



     beautiful the flowers are!

A.How    B.What    C.What a



—What happened to him just now?.

—He was      excited_____ say a word .

A.so, that    B.very, to     C.too,to



—May I      your violin?

—Sorry, I      it to Tom yesterday.

A.borrow, lend

B.borrow, lent

C.lend, borrowed



Micheal, do you know your father wants to buy a piano ?

Oh, I don’t know     or not he’ll buy one. He didn’t tell me .

A.what    B.why     C.whether



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