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综合填空:选择方框里的单词,用其适当形式填空 happy, friendship...


happy, friendship, kind, best, problem


Everyone needs friends. A good friend should be   1.  . For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend will listen to you and do his or her   2. to help. To make friends, you must be helpful and try to bring them   3.    .When they have   4. , you should have a talk with them. Remember that 5. is one of the most important things in your life.


1.kind 2.best 3.happiness 4.problems 5.friendship 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲的是友谊的重要性及什么是真正的朋友。 1.句意:一个好朋友应该是善良的。根据句意及所给词汇此题应用kind。 2.句意:一个好朋友会听你说并尽最大努力来帮助你。根据句意及所给词汇此题应用best。 3.句意:你必须有所帮助并尽力带给他们快乐。根据句意及所给词汇此题应用happy的名词happiness。 4.句意:当他们有问题时你应该和他们交谈。根据句意及所给词汇此题应用名词复数problems。 5. 考点:综合填空


1.collecting ,model, fun

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2.be interested in

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3. popular,young people

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4. China , be famous for

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5.Tom ,  at this time yesterday

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1.She looks       (丑陋的), but all of us like her.

2.There is a big      (微笑) on his face.

3.Don’t       (做鬼脸)in class , please .

4.I      (醒来) at 6:00 every morning.

5.March 12th is the festival for      (种植) trees.




1.He enjoyed      (read/reading) sports news on the Internet.

2.The girl worked the math problems out       (with/without) any help.

3.He says piano music can make him      (happy/happily).

4.The girl was dead      (on/in) the morning of the new year.

5.Many famous singers are going to      (give/make ) a concert on Christmas Day.




American people are busy with their work and most of them feel stressed out (有压力的),so they try to find ways to relax. They like spending their time on different sports. They also spend their time watching different kinds of television programs or reading books. Sometimes they invite(邀请)their friends over for dinner . Some even spend their free time making their homes and gardens more beautiful.

They also love going on holidays. They have a two-or-three-week holiday every year. Every summer , Americans travel to different places of interest. They enjoy their lives in different ways. Now taking trips in their cars is becoming more and more popular among Americans.


How Do Americans Relax Themselves ?

Spend their time doing different ____1.___.

_2.____TV or read books.

Invite their friends over for __3.____sometimes.

Try to make their homes and gardens more beautiful in their ___4._time.

Take trips to different places of interest on ____5._____



There are all kinds of music in the world.   1.________. Good music brings people comfort and peace of mind. Everyone loves music but different people have different tastes.

2.________. When he was eight, his father asked a music teacher to teach him to play the piano. It is great fun for him.. Li Xiang likes listening to jazz. He thinks the American jazz music sounds wonderful. But Tom hates jazz.   3.________.Violin music is his favorite. He says classical music played on the violin makes him happy. Wang Junfeng plays the drums very well.   4.________ . Wang Junfeng says that every culture has its own special kind of drumming. He likes to listen to South American drumming best.

5.________. Different kinds of music make them happy.


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