满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

选择框中动词词组的适当形式填空。 look forward to hear fr...


look forward to  hear from   hang out  have to  grow up

1.Peter wants to be a teacher when he              .

2.I’m very happy to              my pen pal in Australia.

3.Mingming is               visiting his grandparents this winter holiday.

4.Anna likes to               with her friends when she is free.

5.The rain is very heavy so we               stay at home.


1.grows up 2.hear from 3.looking forward to 4.hang out 5.have to 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据句意:Peter长大后想成为一名老师。when引导时间状语从句,时态是主将从现。结合所给词组,可知该填写groups up, 长大。 2.根据句意:我很高兴收到了美国笔友的信。结合所给词组,可知该填写hear from,收到...的信。 3.根据句意:明明期待着今年寒假看望他的奶奶。look forward to期待、盼望。结合所给词组,可知该填写现在进行时态的形式looking forward to。 4.根据句意:Anna在空闲时喜欢和朋友闲逛。结合所给短语,可知该填写hang out, 闲逛。 5. 考点:词语运用。

Will you please     to my e-mail by Saturday?

A. answer    B. reply     C. delete      D. print



---Do you know when he will come back tomorrow?

---Sorry, I don’t know. When he      back, I’ll tell you.

A. comes    B. will come    C. come     D. may come



If he       you       the meeting this weekend, what will you do?

A.adviseswill have    B.advisesto have

C.will adviseto have  D.will advisehave



---I wanted to help him do the work, but he       .

--- Don’t worry. He wanted to finish it by himself.

A. turned me on   B.turned me off

C.turned me up   D.turned me down



Last night his house      after a heavy rain.

A.falls dowm   B.fell down

C.felt dowm    D.feels down



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