满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 What must you ________ when you rec...


What must you ________ when you receive a present for your birthday? You have to sit down and write a thank-you letter. The words “Thank you” are very important. We have to use them often. We________ when someone gives us a drink, helps us to pick up things, hands us a letter, lends us a book, gives us a book or a present.

________  important word is “please”. Many people forget  ________ it. It is not polite to ask someone to do something  ________ saying “please”. We have to use it when we ________ something, too. It may be a book or a pencil, more rice or more tea. It may be used in the classroom, at home, at the bus stop or in a shop. We have to use “please” to make each  other________.

We have to ________ to say “sorry” too. When we have hurt someone, we go up and say we are________ . When we have told lie (说谎 ) and feel sorry, we use ________ word. When we have forgotten something or broken something, we use the word “sorry”, too. “Sorry” is a word that can make people forget wrongs.

1.A. do            B. say          C. speak     D. tell

2.A. talk          B. read them    C. say them  D. tell them

3.A. The other      B. Another      C. The others  D. Other

4.A. to take        B. to use     C. to spell    D. to write

5.A. and             B. or           C. with        D. without

6.A. ask for       B. give back   C. wait for   D. thank for

7.A. kind           B. happy        C. beautiful D. healthy

8.A. forget         B. learn        C. study       D. know

9.A. hungry          B. sorry        C. angry       D. busy

10.A. the different  B. the right  C. the same  D. the good


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:试题分析:本文叙述了生活中很重要的三个词:谢谢,请和对不起。当你收到礼物时,你必须坐下来写一封感谢信。当有人帮助了我们,我们应该说声谢谢。不说声“请”就要求别人去做一些事,是粗鲁的。当我们伤害了某人,我们将必须走过去说声“对不起”。 1.A考查动词及语境理解。句意:当你收到生日礼物时, 你必须做什么? do做; say说;speak 说;tell告诉。根据句意结合语境可知该选A。 2.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:当有人给我们饮料、帮助我们拾东西、递给我们信、借给我们一本书、给我们一本书或一份礼物时,我们说这些话。 talk 不及物动词,说; read them读他们;say them 说它们;tell them告诉它们。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。 3.B考查形容词短语及语境理解。句意:另一个重要的词汇是“请”。 The other其他的一个,表示把事物分成两部分,剩余的一个;Another另一、又一,表泛指;The others其他所有的;Other其他的,表泛指。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。 4.D考查非谓语动词及语境理解。句意:很多人忘记写它。 to take拿;to use使用;to spell拼写;to write写。根据句意结合语境可知该选D。 5.D考查介词及语境理解。句意:不说“请”让别人做事是不礼貌的。and连词; or连词,或者;with介词,和……一起;without介词,没有。根据句意结合语境可知该选D。 6.A考查动词短语及语境理解。句意:当我们请求某事时也必须用它。 ask for要求、请求;give back送还;wait for等待;thank for谢谢。根据句意结合语境可知该选A。 7.B考查形容词及语境理解。句意:我们必须使用“请”让彼此快乐。 kind 和蔼的; happy高兴的;beautiful美丽的;healthy健康的。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。 8.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:我们也必须学会说“对不起”。forget 忘记;learn学,学习知识技能;study 学习,侧重研究;know知道。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。 9.B考查形容词及语境理解。句意:我们走上去并且说“对不起”。 hungry 饥饿的; sorry对不起;angry生气的;busy忙碌的。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。 10.,感到抱歉, 我们使用相同的词。 the different 不同的;the right 对的;the same相同的;the good好的。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。 考点:日常生活类阅读。



______   _____bananas do we need?


My father is  ______   ______ this afternoon.


They asked me to          it  to           .


I _______ go home______   the concert was over yesterday.


Movie World has the                     seats.




look forward to  hear from   hang out  have to  grow up

1.Peter wants to be a teacher when he              .

2.I’m very happy to              my pen pal in Australia.

3.Mingming is               visiting his grandparents this winter holiday.

4.Anna likes to               with her friends when she is free.

5.The rain is very heavy so we               stay at home.



Will you please     to my e-mail by Saturday?

A. answer    B. reply     C. delete      D. print



---Do you know when he will come back tomorrow?

---Sorry, I don’t know. When he      back, I’ll tell you.

A. comes    B. will come    C. come     D. may come



If he       you       the meeting this weekend, what will you do?

A.adviseswill have    B.advisesto have

C.will adviseto have  D.will advisehave



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