满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— You can’t imagine ______ little ants c...

You can’t imagine ______ little ants can carry ______ heavy a thing.

That’s what we should learn from ants.

A. such; so   B. so; such

C. such; such   D. so; so


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—你无法想象这样的小蚂蚁可以搬动这么沉重的一个东西。—这就是我们应该向蚂蚁学习的。such+(a/an)+形容词+名词;so+形容词/副词。所以选A。 考点:考查副词。  

Which colour do you prefer?

______ blue ______ white is OK. They are both my favourites.

A. Both; and    B. Neither; nor

C. Not; but     D. Either; or



Sandy, I’m going to have ballet lessons. What do you think of it?

You? It’s no use trying to learn ballet ______ you have a gift for music.

A. until     B. unless    C. before    D. since



How was everything going when you studied abroad?

It was a difficult time at first, but things ______ fine finally.

A. worked out   B. broke out

C. turned out   D. tried out



I hope not to forget my promise to come to your party next Friday.

Don’t worry. You will ______ the time one day earlier.

A. remind      B. be reminded

C. remind of    D. be reminded of



Have you heard of the new robot that can help us do the housework?

Yes. That’s really great, but some people worry that it may ______ laziness.

A. encourage   B. connect   C. lead    D. represent



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